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 There where like 15 people outside to “pay respect” to lana which it’s mad disrespectful and I don’t know how they found out… the girl in the pic put her twitter on private after this


she is not anymore 



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2 minutes ago, venicebitx said:

 There where like 15 people outside to “pay respect” to lana which it’s mad disrespectful and I don’t know how they found out… the girl in the pic put her twitter on private after this


these fans who think they are "paying respect" are straight-up delusional, this is so invasive & innapropriate, if i were lana i would be completely livid

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3 minutes ago, venicebitx said:

 There where like 15 people outside to “pay respect” to lana which it’s mad disrespectful and I don’t know how they found out… the girl in the pic put her twitter on private after this

Do they realize that crashing a private funeral is the opposite of paying respect? Regardless of whether someone is a celebrity or not, that's never okay to do. Someone's status shouldn't take away their right to mourn privately with their family. Although it's probably just trolling, I hope Lana's doing alright. 


(i know it was just someone's very weird way of joking, but this felt like a good opportunity to mention this because it's happened for real before to multiple celebrities)


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6 minutes ago, venicebitx said:

 There where like 15 people outside to “pay respect” to lana which it’s mad disrespectful and I don’t know how they found out… the girl in the pic put her twitter on private after this


she is not anymore 












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2 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:











Yes like idk if it’s a troll like all the other twits are giving major horse girl but no troll? Idk


also some lana fans are insane so i wouldn’t be surprised


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On 12/14/2021 at 2:55 AM, UhaulJ0e said:

Father John Misty posted a teaser that looks like Lana. On 9/17 Craig Stark also posted something that had #fatherjohnmisty and the location as "Lana Del Rey Land" :ohmy:


that was for lana’s birthday which craig and fjm attended, i don’t think it means much more beyond that :xcry:

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Trolling or not, it is extremely fucked up and weird. How immature do you have to be to disrespect a woman mourning a family member's death all for attention? I swear, these Twitter trolls really must have no friends or life in the real world (cause who would want to associate with a person like that) so they desperately seek attention online and put on some baddie-troll persona when in reality they're an anti-social, awkward gay boy and probably get dumped into trash cans at school 

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I genuinely cannot believe what I just read :oprah2: like I’m literally struggling to comprehend how anyone would’ve thought that was okay….even if they were asked to leave before they could see her, I’m sure she was aware. I’m currently dealing with grief myself and having some semblance of what Lana is experiencing I genuinely cannot imagine how upsetting this would be, at a time when you’re so drained and vulnerable and just trying to hold onto “normal” as best you can… I’m just speechless. How do you consider yourself a stan when you so blatantly disrespect her……? Maybe I’m projecting a lil and overreacting but gosh it makes me so mad that people would do this to her


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