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  On 3/3/2020 at 3:43 AM, RormanNockwell said:

Have you considered that maybe the atmosphere here has changed because she has changed? That it's because she's doing and saying a lot of problematic shit?

The thing is, I don't think she has changed that much. And that's the problem. Lana's political thinking has always been garbage. I think the fanbase is more critical now because for a brief spell she showed signs that maybe her politics had evolved and those of us critical of her politics got our hopes up a bit, but she's shown that her politics are still garbage.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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  On 3/3/2020 at 9:25 AM, Edelgard said:

Am I glad she cancelled a world tour to be able to watch the Bachelor


Hahaha she’s literally fresh out of fucks forever

Long hair, Lana that's my bitch

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  On 3/2/2020 at 5:52 AM, Foxglove said:

Allllllright now seems like a good time to remind the more ignorant stans here (Wilde Childe) that intention does not outweigh impact. Tf are good intentions worth?


Ugh. There is absolutly no impact here. 

It is intellectually untenable to prohibit poetry (and literature in general) from using certain words on the pretext that they designate, in their primary meaning, historical or current facts that would offend the persons concerned.
I know that I am supposed to provide arguments here to support my point of view, but it is really difficult because I find it so absurd that such things have to be demonstrated.
The most dramatic thing is that here the word that offends you is "colonization", a word that is part of the history of all human populations without exception (because all of them have colonized or have been colonized), but especially because this word has long been used in a figurative sense. Its use is in no way linked to any crime whatsoever, nor is it a word that it would be unfortunate to use in relation to people who would suffer today from the evils that accompany a process of colonization - whether you like it or not.
I would have understood the hesitation if she had made an express reference to crimes related to colonization, but here this is not the case at all. 
There is in your arguments an unfortunate mixture of illiteracy and confusion in your political commitments. You have never been colonized in the slightest, and if you were, you would have much more reason to be offended than bad poetry, which has nothing to do with it.

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  On 3/3/2020 at 12:00 PM, evilentity said:

The thing is, I don't think she has changed that much. And that's the problem. Lana's political thinking has always been garbage. I think the fanbase is more critical now because for a brief spell she showed signs that maybe her politics had evolved and those of us critical of her politics got our hopes up a bit, but she's shown that her politics are still garbage.


If by "garbage" you mean "average" I can agree with that. There seems to be an expectation that LDR take a more active/potent role addressing "the problem of evil" just by virtue of her profession and fame. She obviously defers to govts. and religions for that problem, and while it's fair to criticize her a bit for that, just how much for each incident is always subject for discussion (e.g., the "colonize" one is still iffy in my mind).

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i mean i never cared about that poetry book but for the sake of everyone's health this poetry book better be shelved and locked in the same vault as the dark paradise, pretty when you cry, cola and west coast (homemade) music videos.


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  On 3/3/2020 at 12:47 PM, Ivory Cricket said:

It has been absolutely hilarious to read this thread in the past 2 days. These people triggered over poetic word usage is the best.


The inability of people of your political "opinions" to recognise the difference between people being "triggered" and people just condemning something never fails to not amaze me, given that your type whine about free speech before shutting down anyone else that doesn't agree with you  :) I'd rather be on the side of those who are passionate than be someone whose politics centers entirely around hate and being too dense to understand and discuss the connotations of "poetic word usage", as you so ineloquently put it  :)



  On 3/3/2020 at 1:45 PM, broooklynbaby said:

Charlie. is. hot.


Agreed. Thank you Lana for putting him up.

locals only

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  On 3/3/2020 at 12:47 PM, Ivory Cricket said:

It has been absolutely hilarious to read this thread in the past 2 days. These people triggered over poetic word usage is the best.


 The best soap opera on TV, and I don´t even like to watch soap operas !

The stories and plots are very interesting. Drama and suspense in every episode.


by the way,

Happy Birthday to Lana´s brother.   :gclap:


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  On 3/3/2020 at 1:26 PM, Tristesse said:


Ugh. There is absolutly no impact here. 

It is intellectually untenable to prohibit poetry (and literature in general) from using certain words on the pretext that they designate, in their primary meaning, historical or current facts that would offend the persons concerned.
I know that I am supposed to provide arguments here to support my point of view, but it is really difficult because I find it so absurd that such things have to be demonstrated.
The most dramatic thing is that here the word that offends you is "colonization", a word that is part of the history of all human populations without exception (because all of them have colonized or have been colonized), but especially because this word has long been used in a figurative sense. Its use is in no way linked to any crime whatsoever, nor is it a word that it would be unfortunate to use in relation to people who would suffer today from the evils that accompany a process of colonization - whether you like it or not.
I would have understood the hesitation if she had made an express reference to crimes related to colonization, but here this is not the case at all. 
There is in your arguments an unfortunate mixture of illiteracy and confusion in your political commitments. You have never been colonized in the slightest, and if you were, you would have much more reason to be offended than bad poetry, which has nothing to do with it.


wow you have no idea what youre talking about lol.  i wrote about how it's ignorant for Lana to continually reference native american issues without actually addressing them directly, accurately, or adequately, particularly as a rich celebrity with a massive platform that has the potential to impact the larger culture.  that's far from being "offended" about it.  where did i say "she's not allowed to use these words bc they hurt my feelings!!!!"? lol.  we can all say and do whatever we want.  that's just reality.  so just as Lana can write shitty poetry with ill-conceived metaphors, i can call out why it's ignorant and share my bit about it.  or are you triggered by coming across my opinion and would rather shut me up?


you're wrong, btw, about all human populations being colonized, which you'd maybe have seen, if youd actually looked into what i said in my post instead of just acting like you know everything.  there are existing indigenous people who have never been colonized and are currently under attack.  that's the whole point of what i was saying ab indigeneous tribes in the amazon threatened by bolsonaro, the wet'suwet'en people resisting current domination by the canadian govt, etc.  even completely un-contacted tribes still exist.  Colonization is still happening, and indigenous people still exist.  Do you just not know what the word means, so it's easier for you to pretend you do than actually educate yourself?


your argument is especially stupid and cruel, even if you weren't completely wrong, bc you just consign yourself and the world to domination by imperialists.  "colonization has happened a bunch of places, so lets all just go along with it"... wtf.  people are still, currently, resisting these systems, fighting back, and fighting to decolonize where it's already taken over.  like actually educate yourself. dont take it from me - listen to indigenous people.  that is, if youre not so prejudiced that you dismiss out of hand any perspective that doesnt confirm and validate your shitty biases.  idk where youre from, but Lana and I live on Turtle Island, where the violent history of colonization still affects the culture and people today.  it's an important issue that deserves a full analysis.  i'd rather align myself with people currently fighting against neocolonialism, and fighting to decolonize, than the rich and ignorant who just want to control everything and subjugate everyone else.


which brings me to what we can agree on, which is actually that there probably isn't that much impact.  mostly because Lana is quickly making herself pretty fucking irrelevant to any larger cultural conversation.  and Lanaboards is like a fart in the abyss, so it's not like my words here will have any impact.  i just find it so disappointing that people like Lana, and apparently you, can come so close to actually grappling with the reality of this issue and end up still turning away from gathering any real knowledge about it.  Lana has the platform and potential to make an impact on our world, and she doesn't do shit.  that's her prerogative, but it's my right to say that fucking sucks.  stay prejudiced and ignorant, i guess

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  On 3/3/2020 at 4:09 PM, Foxglove said:

wow you have no idea what youre talking about lol.  i wrote about how it's ignorant for Lana to continually reference native american issues without actually addressing them directly, accurately, or adequately, particularly as a rich celebrity with a massive platform that has the potential to impact the larger culture.  that's far from being "offended" about it.  where did i say "she's not allowed to use these words bc they hurt my feelings!!!!"? lol.  we can all say and do whatever we want.  that's just reality.  so just as Lana can write shitty poetry with ill-conceived metaphors, i can call out why it's ignorant and share my bit about it.  or are you triggered by coming across my opinion and would rather shut me up?


you're wrong, btw, about all human populations being colonized, which you'd maybe have seen, if youd actually looked into what i said in my post instead of just acting like you know everything.  there are existing indigenous people who have never been colonized and are currently under attack.  that's the whole point of what i was saying ab indigeneous tribes in the amazon threatened by bolsonaro, the wet'suwet'en people resisting current domination by the canadian govt, etc.  even completely un-contacted tribes still exist.  Colonization is still happening, and indigenous people still exist.  Do you just not know what the word means, so it's easier for you to pretend you do than actually educate yourself?


your argument is especially stupid and cruel, even if you weren't completely wrong, bc you just consign yourself and the world to domination by imperialists.  "colonization has happened a bunch of places, so lets all just go along with it"... wtf.  people are still, currently, resisting these systems, fighting back, and fighting to decolonize where it's already taken over.  like actually educate yourself. dont take it from me - listen to indigenous people.  that is, if youre not so prejudiced that you dismiss out of hand any perspective that doesnt confirm and validate your shitty biases.  idk where youre from, but Lana and I live on Turtle Island, where the violent history of colonization still affects the culture and people today.  it's an important issue that deserves a full analysis.  i'd rather align myself with people currently fighting against neocolonialism, and fighting to decolonize, than the rich and ignorant who just want to control everything and subjugate everyone else.


which brings me to what we can agree on, which is actually that there probably isn't that much impact.  mostly because Lana is quickly making herself pretty fucking irrelevant to any larger cultural conversation.  and Lanaboards is like a fart in the abyss, so it's not like my words here will have any impact.  i just find it so disappointing that people like Lana, and apparently you, can come so close to actually grappling with the reality of this issue and end up still turning away from gathering any real knowledge about it.  Lana has the platform and potential to make an impact on our world, and she doesn't do shit.  that's her prerogative, but it's my right to say that fucking sucks.  stay prejudiced and ignorant, i guess


You did not understand my point at all, sadly. I may have not made it clear enough. 

My point was, and still is, that the use of the term "colonize" in a poem has absolutely nothing to do with any of these issues. Because a word has multiple significations. You are absolutely off-topic since the beginning and fighting an imaginary enemy.


It is NOT "referencing native american issues".



bc you just consign yourself and the world to domination by imperialists


You clearly do not know how to read and to interpret things. It is bad. English may not be your first english (it is not mine either), but there is no excuse for trying to making me look like I actually support colonization. You do not have to do this if you do not agree with my point which has absolutly nothing to do with supporting/condemning/ackowledging colonization.

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so i write poetry as well. i would like the freedom to use almost all words that i can. how do i know when something shouldn't be used or said? i write about things that i have never experienced, i've heard other people mention artists who do this and that they think it is wrong. what are the benefits of censoring myself and what are the repercussions of me censoring myself. i'd like to be able to use "colonize" if i want to. words have different meanings, sometimes very heavy, disgusting connotations. i want to express myself in any way i please. 


i'm asking for a respectful answer. my question may be ignorant and isn't written eloquently, but i am truly curious and conflicted and would like to hear what some people think


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  On 3/3/2020 at 4:37 PM, Tristesse said:

You did not understand my point at all, sadly. I may have not made it clear enough. 

My point was, and still is, that the use of the term "colonize" in a poem has absolutely nothing to do with any of these issues. Because a word has multiple significations. You are absolutely off-topic since the beginning and fighting an imaginary enemy.


It is NOT "referencing native american issues".



You clearly do not know how to read and to interpret things. It is bad. English may not be your first english (it is not mine either), but there is no excuse for trying to making me look like I actually support colonization. You do not have to do this if you do not agree with my point which has absolutly nothing to do with supporting/condemning/ackowledging colonization.

except Lana has recently explicitly said she's addressing native american issues in her poetry and made claims of donating money to native american groups as her own form of reparations?  so it actually is something that's explicitly in her mindscape.

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  On 3/3/2020 at 4:53 PM, daisy fresh witch said:

so i write poetry as well. i would like the freedom to use almost all words that i can. how do i know when something shouldn't be used or said? i write about things that i have never experienced, i've heard other people mention artists who do this and that they think it is wrong. what are the benefits of censoring myself and what are the repercussions of me censoring myself. i'd like to be able to use "colonize" if i want to. words have different meanings, sometimes very heavy, disgusting connotations. i want to express myself in any way i please. 


i'm asking for a respectful answer. my question may be ignorant and isn't written eloquently, but i am truly curious and conflicted and would like to hear what some people think

who is asking anyone to censor themselves except the people telling me to shut up with my analysis?  i never said anything about that, and it's a bad faith argument to pretend anyone here is saying "you are not allowed to express yourself!!!" ... anyone can do what they want, but you have to allow people to respond how they want.  you can talk about whatever you want, and people can respond however they want.  idk where this idea that people arent allowed to say some shit comes in.  if you talk about something in an ignorant way, like Lana does and has, someone may use their freedom to express themselves to express their issues with whatever.  it goes both ways.


as for what you want to make art about, i've heard a common phrase "write what you know"... you dont have to follow this, whatever.  but people say that because you are going to have the most meaningful perspective about something you know that affects you.  if youre writing about something youve never experienced, what are you bringing to the table regarding those experiences?  it comes with the potential of backlash from people who do have those experiences / think youve got it wrong / or whatever the case may be.  do what you will, but be aware that the rest of the world will do what they will as well.


i mean this in the most respectful and genuine way

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Lana’s antics crack me up, she clearly just doesn’t give a crap anymore! She projects an entirely different image these days and it’s weirdly fascinating to try and figure out how she operates.

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  On 3/3/2020 at 5:29 PM, Bridge Tiessa said:

Lana’s antics crack me up, she clearly just doesn’t give a crap anymore! She projects an entirely different image these days and it’s weirdly fascinating to try and figure out how she operates.


It's not so much Lanas anttics that crack me up. It's the fanbase. Especcially those who believe they understand the political opinions of others fans.

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