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She’s really crashing and burning her entire career rn. Interscope needs to fire Ben and Ed. Idiots.

no she ain't, this shit is gonna last at most until monday and twitter will go find something else to scream about in their social media void. and i say that as someone who's leaning a little bit more towards the people upset by her words. what she needs to do is log off. go write poetry. don't get me wrong, i love the drama, but she's setting herself up for social media backlash; especially since she's now posting shit from her tropico era which already rubbed people the wrong way years back


leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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All I know is a few weeks back I was getting tired with her bullshit and close to burning my stan card but the Lord saw to it that I shall see the light again. Praise be sistern.


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Girl how...this is the most iconic and entertaining thing she’s done in years. Nobody likes Lana because she’s woke or PC, the contrary actually. It’s surprising how many wokescolding fans she has like she wasn’t the bitch who wore head dresses and larped as a latina and wrote songs glamorizing every toxic thing she could think off. Maybe this is the difference between old stans and new stans.

Maybe you’re talking to the wrong person bc i’m definitely not a new fan. It’s only the most entertaining thing she’s done. If you think the “culture” she’s seeking validation from and 1 million tweets dragging her is iconic then sure. I guess. She has been problematic in the past, never expected much from a upper class white girl like her but this is a trainwreck.


And if you think her intention was to glamorize her toxic relationships then you’re exactly the kind of people she was referring to in her post.

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It's in times like these I wish Lana had a PR person. I get what she's trying to say after she's been dodging people left and right today, but it's worded oh so poorly omg...

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People have criticised her for that. She's telling people with valid concerns to fuck off lol this isn't iconic, she's nearly 35, she should know better.

If you want that attitude from an artist go listening to boring bitches like mitski or whatever. And no one has valid concern that I’ve seen it’s all wokescolding and decorum policing. teens on twitter opinions are only valid to extremely online losers.

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Y'all are weak if you're considering not stanning her anymore because of this lmao let her be angry she's been putting up with shit for so long I'm actually surprised it took her all this time to finally snap. And I can assure you that the people "cancelling" her never supported her to begin with so what difference does it make? Lana has a cult following anyway so its not like she needs the support of the GP to survive so whatever just let her wreck havoc or sum



into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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look, at the end of the day


if Azealia Banks can act the way she does and still be relatively successful (or at least, still actively releasing music - thank god)


Lana will absolutely get away with this


and that does have to do with race lmao, but that's a different conversation

azealia is not successful AT ALL because she shot her own career in the foot.... in a similar manner to the way lana has been acting today (even tho Lana didn't mean to drag them)

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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Lmao u guys

First you say she should address the post, now you feel embarrassed...

Shut up, Karen.


And for the people who didn't like her #fuckoff post, it wasn't the only thing she posted, she addressed what was happening and after explaining her point, she said #fuckoff and I couldn't have said it better. Stay mad if u want to


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I kind of like this last little video she posted. But the subject matter and the whole day, out of the blue, our precious Lana may be more damaged than we thought. Not a put down but an observation. Some deep seeded stuff rising to the surface. My love and prayers Lana.

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