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people already commenting "block and blur the faces, you don't learn" like not taking into account all the ppl have Face Masks, and the LAPD does not have the time to go thru tiny photos of ppl they can barely make out - peacefully protesting - while they cannot even keep up with looting and other tasks... I just don't get ppl grasping at air. 



If people are violently protesting and looting - which I have no problem with at all(as long as they are targetting the right things). They should also be smart enough to cover their own faces and protect themselves as not only will people be taking pictures and videos of it but there will be security cameras everywhere and police will be kicking peoples doors in for it months down the line.

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"but asking someone to validate your pain shouldnt really be surrendered to another person. It'd just bring more pain and be less centering"  


this was exactly my point because I have spent my entire life trying to get everyone else to validate my pain (like in the book "Stop Walking on Eggshells" for people with BPD) and I had to learn through lots of therapy that actual healing starts and ends with me!!!  Which is why this madness is so triggering

Bc u personally decide what defeats you, yeah. Granted w social issues it's sooo much more complex than that, which I think why society acts more in groups, but definitely. How can u take care of others as effectively, if u can't take care of yourself first? So much more to think about.. I'm glad u got to working things out, don't let it shake you up too much if anything


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i really would apreciate if she went from trump neck like taylor did. she needs  to show her dissapointement with him in the moments like this.

she criticised Kanye a while back for supporting Trump and posting a picture wearing a MAGA cap and got heat for that too, people were calling her a racist because apparently you can't criticise poc anymore when you're white without being a racist. Even that hot mess Azelia went on a rant about it (was that how the girl fight started, or was it shortly after that?)


Social media is a disease and I think her main problem is, that she became "too mainstream". Her art, her music, taste and way of expression is just too unconventional/peculiar (I don't feel like this is the right adjective, sorry engl is not my first lang. but I hope you guys know what I mean) for the mainstream media consumers to understand.

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Some ppl were dragging her already in her comments


Yeah but it's gonna be like that for awhile regardless of what she posts, I think. 


I'm glad she turned her comments back on, though. Good move. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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people are really dragging her for posting pics of protestors "faces" when THEY'RE ALL WEARING MASKS. Whats not clicking. If cops wanted to find faces all they'd have to do is check twitter cus i've seen hundreds over the last couple of days. Literally search getty images and there's thousands of pics of protestors faces.....these people hating on Lana's post must have worms in their brains like honestly


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Really? Now the criticism is "open your purse"... Does she have to rub the receipts on their faces? :facepalm:

right?? and let’s say she did post about it - they wouldn’t be satisfied with that either

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Hey guys, this is my new single. All the sales of the song will go to *insert supporting foundation *


That’s what we need.


People: nOt tHe TiMe to ReLeaSe a sOnG KaRen. 

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People: nOt tHe TiMe to ReLeaSe a sOnG KaRen. 

"let black people have their moment " , "white people taking advantage of that" "white people wanting attention once again" 


but she could do that anyway after the storm , a murder isn't needed to express your support to POC 

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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Stop name drop woc!!

Lana: name drop FKA Twigs.


Stop showing protesters faces!!

Lana: show their faces.


 It's pretty clear that she's a good person with good intentions, but... 

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Thank you for reaching out! The insta account has answered me, they accept participation from anybody, and although I could donate 50€ by myself I don't really have them so I would really love if people could buy the font (which is why I'm doing it in the first place, I don't have money, not even enough to donate, which is why I'm selling the font) so that we could donate. Yes, she's more of a classmate than a friend, but I'm certainly not one to judge. I won't do this unless I have her acceptance though. At any rate I'll donate a portion of my profit from the sale of the font to links on blacklivesmatter.carrd.co

Welll in case anyone's interested, sorry again for being offtopic, we will not participate in the end. We don't want people to think that we're promoting our font for our own profit which is absolutely not the point. So we will still donate, but through our own means. And I still felt bad for taking the place of someone that actually derserves to be shown. I really want to donate for trans black women


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 Racism isn't just people going "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE", it's subtle. Racists always swear to god they're not racists. You need to be discerning and look at someones consistent behavior to be able to tell, and that entire instagram letter, not caring that she may have been insensitive and just got mad at the accusation of being racist, dating a cop and then saying he's one of the good ones, saying you're just "in the middle" politically, suddenly acting hood and saying "im gonna fuck you up" to a black woman for criticizing her activism, acting like the most noteworthy issue in all of this is the looting, and so much more, is just shit that racist people do.

tbh i'm not asking anything of her. she can post all she wants about BLM but it's not gonna change that she's consistently proved she has no grasp on race issues in america. when someones simply not-racist, you don't need to ask them to post things to prove how not-racist they are, it would just be obvious. 


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 Racism isn't just people going "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE", it's subtle. Racists always swear to god they're not racists. You need to be discerning and look at someones consistent behavior to be able to tell, and that entire instagram letter, not caring that she may have been insensitive and just got mad at the accusation of being racist, dating a cop and then saying he's one of the good ones, saying you're just "in the middle" politically, suddenly acting hood and saying "im gonna fuck you up" to a black woman for criticizing her activism, acting like the most noteworthy issue in all of this is the looting, and so much more, is just shit that racist people do.


tbh i'm not asking anything of her. she can post all she wants about BLM but it's not gonna change that she's consistently proved she has no grasp on race issues in america. when someones simply not-racist, you don't need to ask them to post things to prove how not-racist they are, it would just be obvious. 

aren't people allowed to change for the better tho? and forsure she doesn't really need the praise, that or have it be given, but can't we be happy n support her for moving towards that? I don't wanna go into some kind of diatribe, but the forum's been picking, and she thru whatever way managed to take the net's consideration. her intent was given and she improved. 


people's past shouldn't be the entire thing that others' present are judged on. mistakes shouldn't be the end. in fact that's how people grow. 


it can't just be "obvious" ignorance is a very real thing. sad but true. regarding her, I think she's moving towards the right direction if my opinion even matters towards her scaled by the reality of what's she's doing to help


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