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 Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


And that was not something he should’ve done. But he deserved a fair trial for that and not an execution in the streets by several police officers who decided to take his life before a judge had a say.

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ALSO yes, SHE DOES NOT owe us anything AT ALL. HOWEVER, as a PRIVILEGED + RICH + WHITE person she HAS to ACKNOWLEDGE Black Lives Matter. she does not owe us anything, she owes it to the oppressed black community. [/size]

this is the simplest way to put it out, and if you still do not get it... well. fuck off.[/size]

What is this. And reality is. She really doesnt. The systems in place are faulty. There are different types of oppression and how they come about. And why would you figuratively sacrifice a person, send them somewhere as if it were ur decision to make? And it isn't. Does having that movement warrant that really? Sacrificing lives? Doesnt that just make us the same monsters opressing others?, For anyone. What's the point of power if its going to put someone thru that, and with such disdain. (if anyone's gonna say, well that's just figurative, well then does that mean that your intent's not whole? is she just a receptacle, lightning rod to your pain?).

Has anyone considered their personal approaches on the matter instead of backpedalling or sticking on "your side" of the spectrum? Pain's universal. I get the racism and how it's like to be treated less for how someone can be. It's that pain that WE all feel. It comes in different ways. Regardless if it's just an average person trying to live, or someone living it up. That's just careless to say.


We're supposed to be adjusting ourselves, and doing better for ourselves as people, together. Not mimicking their behaviors.


I've made posts trying to bring people together on the subject, from a bigger picture perspective, but it seems like everyone's just not wanting to be as openminded on talking things through together. 


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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


pls shut up lmao


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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.



"I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov", are you serious? People DIE. 

Shut up, thank you 

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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


I really dont think you're helping. This is a lot more complex than what you're writing. Please think harder..


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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


dont fucking come back 

seriously wtf is wrong with you


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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


your way of thinking is so incredibly flawed. Spend your energy on educating yourself instead of writing pointless, ignorant posts on a pop star's forum


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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


i hope you're just some ignorant little child because of adults with ur  racist mindst, poc get murdered all the time


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Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.








go fck u, racist! rough!

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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.



wtf? he didn't just die he was brutally MURDERED. and if a white man did the same thing he'd NEVER get the same treatment from police

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seriously wtf is wrong with you


São Paulo is one of the most racist cities on Brazil, and its where this person came from.

I'm not surprised that this piece of s**t came from the worst place of my country.

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Ô more, baixa a bola aí. Eu odeio o Bozo tanto quanto você, caso não saiba. Estão me acusando de ser racista só porque não tô contra a Lana? Pfvr né.

E o que eu disse sobre ele ter apontado a arma pra mulher, foi apenas o que eu li algumas páginas atrás. Me acusar de racismo é algo muito grave, visto que em nenhum momento ofendi alguém ou fiz comentários racistas!


Edit: I just said to him I really hate Bolsonaro, bc he's calling me unfairly a racist just bc i'm not against Lana.

I'm not a racist nor ever will be, I completely despise racists. I just don't get why you people are so mad at me just bc i'm worried about Lana's mental health and how people here are criticizing her. It's sad to see those kind of comments on a fan forum, but okay.


Now I'll remain silent about this subject, that's it. Period.


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Ô more, baixa a bola aí. Eu odeio o Bozo tanto quanto você, caso não saiba. Estão me acusando de ser racista só porque não tô contra a Lana? Pfvr né.

E o que eu disse sobre ele ter apontado a arma pra mulher, foi apenas o que eu li algumas páginas atrás. Me acusar de racismo é algo muito grave, visto que em nenhum momento ofendi alguém ou fiz comentários racistas!


You ridicule, look where you came from, look what you said, completely without empathy!
Piece of shit

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Start fuming bc Lana's mentally stable to come on social media to invalidate black womens struggles but too fragile to speak up when black people are literally dying instead

Where did I ever say she’s not? Everyone’s pushing a narrative here and you know what? Because you people make everything about YOU.

I don’t know if she’s fine, I don’t know if she’s not, it’s not my place and it’s not your place to say that. It’s not even the bloody point. The point is no one has a right to demand anything of her. End of story.

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Friendly reminder that posts in the threads should be in English. Maybe you guys can edit a translation before (if?) you get a warning point.

:creep: its okay now

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Well, i'm getting off of this. I hope things are more stable when I come back later.



Also, this George guy was a robber. Why should Lana say something about him? Just bc he died and was a poc? He pointed a gun to a woman!

Well, I just hope Lana's fine and that people here understand her pov. Period.


Man... You're definitely not helping.

I think you need to rethink your values.


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Such a BOP, i'm in love with this album. She really fed us (and at first listen I didn't liked it a lot, just as happened when UV came out hahahaha).

I read some people saying that she might take a break after the Chromatica era ends, and I believe she might do this. 


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