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Lana Del Rey's Impact

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Our dear Lana has made a big impact in today's pop culture - musically, visually... :creep:

Let's discuss about it. Post songs/videos/artists/shoots (post-2012) that are clearly inspired by Lana's work.


Off to the top of my head:



She's taken a big role in the flower crowns trend, as stated by Vogue, Yahoo! and The Daily Beast.








The flower crowns though have impacted much more on young girls. My cousin is a photographer and he says flower crowns are girls' favorite accessory for Sweet 16 photoshoots, etc.






Vintage/retro/tumblr ~aesthetic~ has become the trend among young people on social media. It also influenced some singers' eras (Taylor Swift's 1989, Kesha's Warrior, to name a few) or entire public image.




Selena Gomez is currently the most followed celebrity on social media. Her Instagram is full of provocative selfies with a retro vibe accompanied with various filters.














She definitely paved the way for Internet artists. She's the first who was able to build her whole image through YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and her fanbase continued that idea on sites like Tumblr.


If it wasn't for her, people wouldn't pay much attention to other Internet-based artists like Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Marina and the Diamonds (her 2012 album Electra Heart was heavily influenced by the 20s, Americana etc), MØ, Charli XCX or even Lorde. They are all frequently compared to Lana Del Rey.


Also, Lana and Adele made popular music slower, more stripped-down, less dance-pop/euro and artists immediately wanted to be taken seriously. When 21 and Born to Die came out, the charts quickly changed.


Celebrities who cited Lana as an influence/favorite artist:

Thomas Bug
Christina Aguilera
Simon Curtis
Frak Ocean
Jonah Hill
Amy Lee
Kanye West
Florence + The Machine
Kate Moss

Charli XCX
Katy Perry (her image has been compared to Lana many times. However, Katy always had a colorful, retro vibe. See: One of the Boys)
Lily Allen
Kylie Minogue
John Mayer
Axl Rose
Cheryl Cole
David Lynch
Harry Styles
Lindsay Lohan
Marina and the Diamonds
Taylor Swift ( :creep: )
Snoop Dogg
Mando Diao
Chris Isaak
Lea Michele
Lorde (Born to Die influenced Pure Heroine)
Miley Cyrus (Dead Petz was frequently compared to Lana/Ultraviolence)
Debby Ryan
Chloe Moretz
Ashley Benson
Selena Gomez

Caitlyn Jenner
Camille from Fifth Harmony
Shania Twain
Carly Rae Jepsen
Beyoncé (self-titled album was compared to Lana)
Madonna (Rebel Heart's "Messiah" was inspired by Lana)
Major Lazer
John Newman

Azealia Banks




I know there's much more, so feel free to share. Also there are lots of music videos inspired by her but I'm not into MVs so I don't remember.

Reminder that this is just how I see her impact in today's popular culture.. I could be wrong :)

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Lana and Gaga are the two most important artists 2005-current, male or female following Britney Spears in the 90s and Madonna/Prince/Michael Jackson/Pet Shop boys in the 1980s, and Elton John in the 70s/80/90, David Bowie, Queen, Lou Reed and continuing, going back to Beatles and Roy Orbison, S&G,Dylan, Leonard Cohen in 60s, Elvis in the 50s,60s,70s, Sinatra in the 40s,50s,60s,Edith Piaf, Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington.


(note- not talking about commercial, but important)

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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This swedish female singer made a "Lana clone" song:



And this band from Israel obviously loves Lana too:





Interesting, I've never heard about that band before.

thanks for sharing, sirens sounds amazing.


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She's influenced Fergie video/fashion wise (50's/60's brightly colored vintage aesthetics) 



Especially this outfit she's wearing. Its definitely something Lana would've worn back in BTD era even the makeup is slightly reminiscent too.




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Caro Emerald ("A Night Like This") also stated multiple times that Lana is an influence

AKSJLKSJ I ALMOST said this 10mins ago but my post started with "no one knows her but" so I decided it wouldn't be worth it but I'm soooo happy someone else stans. I bought The Shocking Miss Emerald today, best purchase in forever. And yeah in my mind Caro and Lana are so similar, except Caro is much more vintage, I would really love to see them collaborate even if it's just in terms of songwriting.


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I always felt that Lana did an impact in our musical/pop/alternative scene, but I always feel it's because I'm biased fan (I'm blinded by her <3)

an impact thread is a nice addition to this forum but some fans take it way seriously to levels of "exposing" others of copying her

Most embarrassingly this


People need to understand that their "favs" didn't invent shit, so calling out someone for a small stylistic change or a tiny detail is ridiculous and because of the fan and artist relationship nowadays it hurts the Artist's reputation, a lot of fans give bad image to the artist because of their immature behavior.


I had to mention this cause a lot of fans don't know the line between copying/inspiration/coincidence, also it's more embarrassing when people callout the artist as a result

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I think that tweet was a joke.


And yeah, Lana didn't invent anything, I guess we all know that. The thing is that she really set a trend bringing retro stuff back. I was just thinking about her famous name-dropping... many artists "copied" it post-Born to Die. Ariana, Rihanna, Halsey just to name a few.

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I think that tweet was a joke.


And yeah, Lana didn't invent anything, I guess we all know that. The thing is that she really set a trend bringing retro stuff back. I was just thinking about her famous name-dropping... many artists "copied" it post-Born to Die. Ariana, Rihanna, Halsey just to name a few.

I've seen many examples of fans reaching but this cher tweet was the one that stuck up to me so I posted it

I know what you meant by this thread (about some artist that actually take big parts of what Lana did which defines her) and I like it (especially some people like Halsey) but It came to my mind how a lot of the fans act immaturely believing in that "an artist did this first"

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She might've been an inspiration to Zella

Day...everyone says her music is similar to lana's


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don't really see what you guys are. all Lana has really done is influence the aesthetic and 60's vibe, which is nothing new.


?????? Beyonce putting random clips together of things and herself has nothing to do with lana.

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?????? Beyonce putting random clips together of things and herself has nothing to do with lana.


You should watch the videos Lana Del Rey herself made for her album Lana Del Ray, they're really good


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