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Create an Unreleased Lana Album/Playlist

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I think I'm satisfied with these track orders.


Anyway, I made B-sides albums bc it always felt sort of wrong putting the Paradise Rick Nowels leaks + AFFA in with all these 2010/11 songs. No particular love for these track orders but the options are obv limited so really just customize to your fancy here





^Pre-2009, essentially POTENTIAL AKA demos (based on No Kung Fu, studio session leaks)




^Not particularly hot on either of these covers tbh, they don't match my demos covers enough...Hopefully will remedy soon






^Idk whether or not I'll eventually make Big Eyes and I Can Fly Honeymoon b-sides...




And considering all the tracks I moved to b-side status and the fact that we'll probably never have another old leak that isn't a laptop demo, I came up with 4 concise 16-song albums plus 2009 Lizzy era, choosing to organize based more on cohesive sound than "mood" like my old volumes--so they read more as albums





^With the new Strange Love...this volume is my crown jewel tbqh. Inspiration for giving other albums more of an "album feel" w/ variety




^Sweet, nostaglic, lots of Lana "classics"




^Bad bitch




^Don't particularly care for an album called "Velvet Crowbar" but idk what else to do...considering retitling to "The Revenge of Lana Del Rey." Basically my emo "Black Leather Moonlight" album but with more of an edge




^Still the essential pure pop wtf-were-you-thinking-Lana album




^Minus AKA b-sides




^Same, and infinitely expanding



Thoughts? :ohno: @@PrettyBaby @@National Anthem @

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1. Burnt Norton

2. Once Upon A Dream

3. Young And Beautiful(DH Orchestral Version)

4. Life Is Beautiful

5. I Can Fly

6. Bel Air

7. Salvatore

8. Angels Forever, Forever Angels

9. Swan Song

10. Big Eyes

11. Honeymoon

12. Video Games

13. Old Money

14. Ride

15. Shades Of Cool

16. God Knows I Tried

17. Black Beauty

18. Riverside Ft. BJO'N

19. Is This Happiness

20. Terrence Loves You


"Bel Air Blues" is a Playlist created by me consisting of my most favourite tracks by Lana Del Rey arranged sonically in a way such that the transitions between each song are Smooth, Impactful and Magical.















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I KNEW THERE HAD TO BE A THREAD LIKE THIS ON HERE! Time to revive this gem, I guess:


So...I have finally gotten my hands on all her unreleased stuff (Thank you Jesus). i listened to it extensively over the past months and created these albums. <3 Let me know what you think. I tried to sort them by years and collaborators too.








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I KNEW THERE HAD TO BE A THREAD LIKE THIS ON HERE! Time to revive this gem, I guess:


So...I have finally gotten my hands on all her unreleased stuff (Thank you Jesus). i listened to it extensively over the past months and created these albums. <3 Let me know what you think. I tried to sort them by years and collaborators too.







i love these!  :oprah:  but what about the laptop demos (eg. Bentley)?


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I'm a big fan of live performances and have soooooo many downloaded it's insane. I finally made a playlist of my favourite live performance of each song stylized so the tracks would match the tracklist of the album they're from with additional songs or covers added to the end of each "era" I thought they belonged with. This was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be with some songs. I just have so many favourites!






• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

SF • ATL • ATL • IND • ATL • CHI • LDN • NYC • NYC • DC • ATL • NYC • PDX • SAN • KS • CHI • AL • MD • AL • AL


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I'll post just one for now:



1.Baby Blue Love

2. Hawaiian Tropic

3.Last Girl On Earth

4.Butterflies Pt.1

5. Maha Maha

6. I Don't Wanna Go

7. Lift Your Eyes

8. On Our Way

9.All You Need

10. Try Tonight

11. You, Mister

12. Hangin Around

13. Never Let Me Go

14. TV In Black & White

15. Daddy Issues

16. Television Heaven

17. Because Of You

18. Tired Of Singing The Blues

19. Pin Up Galore

20. Starry Eyed

21. JFK

22. Angel's Forever, Forever Angel's

23. Carmen (Acoustic)

24. Smile

25. Fake Diamond

26. All Smiles

27. 1949

29. Midnite Dancer Girlfriend

30. Happiest Girl In The Whole USA

31. This Is What Makes Us Girls

32. Bel Air


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does anyone have any good dark/eerie playlists? 


some songs i'm thinking of are pin-up galore, bentley, or trash magic-- not necessarily dark, but they give off a creepy/eerie vibe


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ok so i recently revamped my lana collection w new leaks and 320 versions and i did a complete overhaul of my albums. basically before i incorporated like every single unreleased song meaning some albums were like 23 tracks and basically a mess

so this time i basically just kind of did the songs i like and have a ~`-~chill ~~~vibe

also slay i guess @ trash for owning the covers






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@@Rebel did you ever add Honeymoon to your complete Lana playlist? i loved the original one


I did! Some songs were hard to add, but basically here's the new playlist (some tracks shuffled around as well):


  1. Blue Velvet
  2. Ultraviolence
  3. Born to Die
  4. Paradise Lost (Tropico)
  5. Gods & Monsters
  6. West Coast
  7. Ride (w/ Monologue and Outro)
  8. Guns and Roses
  9. Angels Forever
  10. Black Beauty (album version)
  11. Yayo
  12. Honeymoon
  13. Bel Air (w/ Tropico piano intro)
  14. Is This Happiness
  15. Video Games
  16. Old Money
  17. Hotel Sayre
  18. Young and Beautiful
  19. Once Upon A Dream
  20. Tropico (Score)
  21. Big Eyes
  22. Salvatore
  23. Blue Jeans
  24. Cola
  25. Fucked My Way Up To The Top
  26. The Blackest Day
  27. Body Electric
  28. Sad Girl
  29. Carmen
  30. Pretty When You Cry
  31. I Don't Wanna Go
  32. Burnt Norton
  33. Never Let Me Go
  34. Religion
  35. Kill Kill
  36. Million Dollar Man
  37. Wait For Life
  38. Terrence Loves You
  39. I Can Fly
  40. Shades of Cool
  41. 24
  42. Off to the Races
  43. The Other Woman
  44. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
  45. Gramma
  46. Music To Watch Boys To
  47. This Is What Makes Us Girls
  48. Lolita
  49. Summer Wine
  50. High By The Beach
  51. Florida Kilos
  52. West Coast (Radio Mix)
  53. Freak
  54. Art Deco
  55. Dark Paradise
  56. Serial Killer
  57. Summertime Sadness (Extended radio mix)
  58. Diet Mtn Dew
  59. Burning Desire
  60. Lucky Ones
  61. Starry Eyed
  62. Brooklyn Baby
  63. Flipside
  64. Chelsea Hotel No. 2
  65. Radio
  66. Hollywood
  67. National Anthem
  68. Money Power Glory
  69. American
  70. Without You
  71. God Knows I Tried
  72. Cruel World
  73. Swan Song

god why did i type all that out


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Catch and Release

1. Hawaiian Tropic
2. Catch and Release
3. Strangelove
4. Waimea
5. 1949
6. Live Forever
7. Bollywood Hawaii (Maha Maha)
8. Caught You Boy
9. Dance Man
10. Boarding School
11. Playing Dangerous
12. Playground
13. Roses
14. True Love on the Side
15. Disco (Kristijan Majic Remix)
16. My Best Days
17. Motel 6
18. Every Man Gets His Wish

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Hot Hot Hot: Vinyl 

ixvyir.jpg (using @@Skid Row Cherry Pie's beautiful edit) 


1. Us Against The World

2. Hot Hot Hot

3. Catch and Release (v2)

4. Children of the Bad Revolution

5. Every Man Gets His Wish

6. Come When You Call Me America (v1)

7. 1949 Studio

8. Stoplight Delite

9. My Best Days

10. Caught You Boy

11. Afraid

12. Last Girl On Earth


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Catch and Release


1. Hawaiian Tropic

2. Catch and Release

3. Strangelove

4. Waimea

5. 1949

6. Live Forever

7. Bollywood Hawaii (Maha Maha)

8. Caught You Boy

9. Dance Man

10. Boarding School

11. Playing Dangerous

12. Playground

13. Roses

14. True Love on the Side

15. Disco (Kristijan Majic Remix)

16. My Best Days

17. Motel 6

18. Every Man Gets His Wish


I just relistened to this and it's flawless

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You all been waiting with bated breath (meaning just @)


So here's where I'm @ with my Lana library right now.






^Still lowkey the best AKA follow-up never released.








^ I decided that the demos for Without You (first) and Yayo (second) are laptop-y enough to get moved to these last two volumes. More on that later.




All very cute. Should account for placement of Joshy and I, 1949, Roses, and Caught You Boy. They stayed conceptually the same but I tried to go even more "album-y" with all of them lol. For instance, I tried to pair songs from the same songwriting sessions within the same albums where possible (but Justin Parker contributes to too many disparate types of songs smh--tell me how I'm supposed to have an album with Dum Dum, Puppy Love, and Velvet Crowbar all in one). Tell me your recommendations and shit.


A handful of songs are missing bc of my other major revamp in the last round of leaks: I wanted to give the demos some more attention than just shoving them in an unorganized demo album. First, I came up with this three-discer that goes through chronologically, but in hopefully a compelling way:








Then, I tried to make greater use of my B-sides albums by adding certain demos and alternate versions of songs that fit into the album era in a variety of ways. The main goal is to distinguish between demos and "original versions" so that listenable songs don't get abandoned in the demo album--think National Anthem Nexus demo vs. National Anthem poop demo. For AKA, most of the B-sides are pre-Kahne acoustic/live instrument songs, so the rest of the No Kung Fu demos fit in well. Full-band Phenomena songs like PUG and Disco also called for the underrated "Rehab" to be added:




For Born to Die, I included some of the demos that seem to have been finished unreleased songs before getting reworked with an album in mind: Lolita, TIWMUG, DMD. Then I sacrilegiously changed the numbering of the other demos but idgaf. Also, I moved the Born to Die-esque "final versions" of DICWB, H&R, and LOD here while keeping their early versions in the unreleased volumes. YCBTB based on early performances, HDB based on early Born to Die tracklist. Only problem is that LOD doesn't have an alternate title, but it's 'version 2':




I just added Dayglo to Paradise, but it was kinda necessary once the BTD b-sides album took a turn for the hip-hop:




P normal:




Awaiting an ambient interlude version of Life is Beautiful by one of LB's talented producers so I don't have to keep listening to Blake Lively:






And yes, all my B-sides covers are incredibly off lol, but I don't have the ability to make new ones to my standard and no one just makes a simple companion cover these days.

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You all been waiting with bated breath (meaning just @)


So here's where I'm @ with my Lana library right now.






^Still lowkey the best AKA follow-up never released.








^ I decided that the demos for Without You (first) and Yayo (second) are laptop-y enough to get moved to these last two volumes. More on that later.




All very cute. Should account for placement of Joshy and I, 1949, Roses, and Caught You Boy. They stayed conceptually the same but I tried to go even more "album-y" with all of them lol. For instance, I tried to pair songs from the same songwriting sessions within the same albums where possible (but Justin Parker contributes to too many disparate types of songs smh--tell me how I'm supposed to have an album with Dum Dum, Puppy Love, and Velvet Crowbar all in one). Tell me your recommendations and shit.


A handful of songs are missing bc of my other major revamp in the last round of leaks: I wanted to give the demos some more attention than just shoving them in an unorganized demo album. First, I came up with this three-discer that goes through chronologically, but in hopefully a compelling way:








Then, I tried to make greater use of my B-sides albums by adding certain demos and alternate versions of songs that fit into the album era in a variety of ways. The main goal is to distinguish between demos and "original versions" so that listenable songs don't get abandoned in the demo album--think National Anthem Nexus demo vs. National Anthem poop demo. For AKA, most of the B-sides are pre-Kahne acoustic/live instrument songs, so the rest of the No Kung Fu demos fit in well. Full-band Phenomena songs like PUG and Disco also called for the underrated "Rehab" to be added:




For Born to Die, I included some of the demos that seem to have been finished unreleased songs before getting reworked with an album in mind: Lolita, TIWMUG, DMD. Then I sacrilegiously changed the numbering of the other demos but idgaf. Also, I moved the Born to Die-esque "final versions" of DICWB, H&R, and LOD here while keeping their early versions in the unreleased volumes. YCBTB based on early performances, HDB based on early Born to Die tracklist. Only problem is that LOD doesn't have an alternate title, but it's 'version 2':




I just added Dayglo to Paradise, but it was kinda necessary once the BTD b-sides album took a turn for the hip-hop:




P normal:




Awaiting an ambient interlude version of Life is Beautiful by one of LB's talented producers so I don't have to keep listening to Blake Lively:






And yes, all my B-sides covers are incredibly off lol, but I don't have the ability to make new ones to my standard and no one just makes a simple companion cover these days.



This was 100% worth the wait (except it wasn't cause you shoulda posted earlier so I could enjoy it more :slayty: )  thank you papi! :oprah:


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