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Anyone else notice the links on melanie's merch site?

peach-t-shirt-3 is the Moon T-Shirt for example. Peach is the name all the tracks are registered under on AHA music right? I wonder if any of the merch coresponds directly to a song (like Moon Cycle) which is why that name was used, or if its just a dupe name for the project as a whole (like Soup & salad)

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'Peach' isn't anything significant — it was only the placeholder name they used while working on Portals stuff, to keep the actual title in secrecy before its announcement. Similar thing happened with Mad Hatter's music video ('Banana Well') and K-12 ('Soup + Salad')


Some of the photos, videos etc were tagged like that too

I do it just to amuse me 

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Actually… I’m fine with no more snippets, she has already spoiled a lot of the album and I’m another Spider Song away from losing all interest :bebe: god it was awful 


the rest, if not totally bad, are not to part with the leaks (Garden, TV, DB, BJ, N&T, Sirens) except for Void… if she has reworked every track we are in for some rough production… why does every snippet sound like something recorded in a garage with no budget? This bitch is signed to a mayor label :flop:


I think releasing a single is a much more intelligent marketing strategy… so I’m sure they aren’t doing any of that :awkney2:

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8 minutes ago, Pop The Balloons said:

So when do we think we're getting the next snippet? 


Also love how Atlantic was like "announcement tomorrow" then just went silent 🤨

They said surprise, and it was just them DMing more Melanie stans that they were sending them something. Check WarnerMusicU on Twitter. Then they retweeted all the Crybabies who were kissing their ass all day. 



It's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me.

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the way none of the leaks are gonna end up on here :oprah2:

she probably scrapped everything after the leaks then made these songs on garageband cause she's petty. like how do you pick spider song over sirens or needle & thread bffr

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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6 hours ago, Pop The Balloons said:

Melanie could literally shit her pants and the Twitter/insta fans would be like "omg yes that's facts mama, queen of shit don't let anyone tell you otherwise" or something like girl 😐 or she could copy another artists work like for line etc etc and they'd still eat it up and defend her 😭


what if the cockroaches have psychedelic pussy?

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3 hours ago, Anonymcomenter said:

Moon Cycle on the other hand… sorry but I don’t need a song about your period m, thanks :bebe:

“Omg queen of period blood, spitting facts queen 😍” 

what if the cockroaches have psychedelic pussy?

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what if she changed the direction of the album for a pop rock sound because the label asked for more potential tiktok hits? k-12 wasn't nearly as sucessful commercially as cry baby, so maybe they pushed her to do more trendy type of music and that is why it sounds so different from the leaks

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