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34 minutes ago, ButterflyBones said:

Apparently she unfollowed everyone on Twitter. Could be for several reasons, but I'm going to reach here and hope it has something to do with the start of the MM3 era. She has been trying to release a single for nearly 4 months now.. :oic3:

Trying? Or holding off? :illumarina: 

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On 6/10/2022 at 1:29 PM, ButterflyBones said:

At this point I'm pretty sure 90% of her online stans are 12 year olds. All they do is talk shit about everything she does, call her ugly, spread MM3 rumors, and complain about leaks. 


Just saw an entire thread of people trolling her and saying all kinds of crap over those candid pics and it was so fucking odd. I look exactly like her without makeup too, they got me feeling ugly as hell, lol. :rip: 


Anyway, this is why she doesn't interact. This fanbase is the worst to her.


I just don't understand, they're saying she looks like she's gotten addicted to drugs and her boyfriend is abusing her and sold her house like it's so outlandish, anyways don't beat yourself up... they're all childish and everyone is beautiful!

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43 minutes ago, grayson stark said:

I just don't understand, they're saying she looks like she's gotten addicted to drugs and her boyfriend is abusing her and sold her house like it's so outlandish, anyways don't beat yourself up... they're all childish and everyone is beautiful!

Unrelated, but I really thought your avatar was a penis 

I do it just to amuse me 

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16 hours ago, missanthrophocene said:

Hope she pulls an Sky Ferreira and drops something MM3 related in the last day of spring :eartha::eartha2:

This is almost too dangerous to say :sideeye:

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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17 minutes ago, missanthrophocene said:

I only listened to Sirens like 4 times and I'm dying so badlyy to listen to listen to it when it's released cuz i don't wanna get tired of it it's a torture I just want the tracklist melanie :wowcry:

ive listened to each version of the song about 100 times as a collective :wowcry:

Last.FM | Discogs | JOYRIDE




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On 6/12/2022 at 3:11 AM, grayson stark said:


I just don't understand, they're saying she looks like she's gotten addicted to drugs and her boyfriend is abusing her and sold her house like it's so outlandish, anyways don't beat yourself up... they're all childish and everyone is beautiful!

why's ur profile pic a chode my guy 

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So I’m in a tiny village, on a tiny island in the Mediterranean, in a little bar in a shack and the music just went from some nice ambient Turkish music to Show & Tell and back to Turkish music again:hellno:I was like wait what


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1 hour ago, OverYourHead said:

So I’m in a tiny village, on a tiny island in the Mediterranean, in a little bar in a shack and the music just went from some nice ambient Turkish music to Show & Tell and back to Turkish music again:hellno:I was like wait what

It's a long shot, but do they ever play this masterpiece?


Last.FM | Discogs | JOYRIDE




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2 hours ago, Gravitate said:

I wanted a spring or summer single so bad, but at this rate we're getting it in fall if we're lucky :trisha:

Fall of 2053 is more like it 

She's pulling a Fiona apple and making us wait almost 12 years for an album 

Jealousy's a disease bitch get well soon

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