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Billie Eilish

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Ew what, Selena doesn’t have talent

She comes from a poor family so nepotism wasn't involved. If she wasn't talented and a hard worker she wouldn't have made it as far as she  did

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She comes from a poor family so nepotism wasn't involved. If she wasn't talented and a hard worker she wouldn't have made it as far as she  did


what part of main character in the most successful disney channel tv show did yall not get

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This isn’t meant to be mean because I do like a lot of her music, but I saw her at Lollapalooza in 2018 and it was quite possibly one of the worst live performances I’ve ever seen. She strikes me as more of a studio singer (nothing wrong with that).

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ngl, i am a fan but her voice is so one note allllllll the time - her voice needs so much more diversity, if she doesn't switch it up then all her music is going to sound exactly the same and she won't last long in the industry



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Billie whispers in the same little ugly girl with a frog in her throat voice that Selena does

Billie isn't perfect, the girls not even an adult yet. But I've seen some live performances from her where she definitely shows some good techniques and actually hits the right notes. Like in Bellyache when she switches between the low verses and the higher chorus, damn. No offense to Selena, she's probably a nice girl but she ain't a very good singer. 

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Billie’s prepubescent voice is better than Selena’s matured voice. Shut up Selena’s voice is trash, she’s famous because of Wizards, she has a singing career because Disney forced her to sing and now she just gets all her songs written for her and gets someone to auto tune them to fuck, or she just speaks over a sample track and calls it a song. Don’t compare Selena Gomez to Billie Eilish. Can’t stand idiocy.


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Billie’s prepubescent voice is better than Selena’s matured voice. Shut up Selena’s voice is trash, she’s famous because of Wizards, she has a singing career because Disney forced her to sing and now she just gets all her songs written for her and gets someone to auto tune them to fuck, or she just speaks over a sample track and calls it a song. Don’t compare Selena Gomez to Billie Eilish. Can’t stand idiocy.

lmao stay mad it’s not that deep or serious bdksjdks

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