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  On 2/27/2019 at 3:14 PM, SlowGinFizzzz said:

Official screenshots:



Girl, it's on the Switch lol. The 3DS is pretty much dead.



ok so after 12 years of playing i have to stop.......... 

i mean i knew this moment was gonna come

anyway it's not like these games have an actual worth besides being pretty to look at 

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These games look amazing <3. The starters might grow on me, I mainly like the water type for a being a cute cameleon like pokemon.



  On 2/27/2019 at 4:39 PM, godsmonster said:

the new starters literally look like recycled Diamond and Pearl starters

Only thing they have in common is that they both have a monkey loooool

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  On 2/27/2019 at 4:42 PM, Topaz said:

These games look amazing <3. The starters might grow on me, I mainly like the water type for a being a cute cameleon like pokemon.



Only thing they have in common is that they both have a monkey loooool





the fire ones are literally in the same pose.

It looks uninspired to me



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I'm so excited for these games  :excited: 

I'm happy we're getting a region based on the UK it's going to look gorgeous. I'm sooo glad gyms are back, I didn't enjoy gen 7 they didn't feel like pokemon games to me (idc if the formula is old and boring, if it isn't broke don't fix it). And the starters are so cute!!! Not a fan of Scorbunny but Sobble and Grookey are adorable! For the first time since gen 4 I'm genuinely going to have a tough time deciding which starter I want

Still a lot to find out but from first impressions I'm liking this gen already

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Did anyone notice how Mr. Ishihara mentioned that there's "more in the works" for 2019, in addition to Pokémon Sword/Shield? I wonder what that could be, and when it'll be announced. There's definitely the Detective Pikachu movie that's coming out in May, but what else? Thinking about it, there's been a noticeable lack of spin-off games this past generation, the only ones being Detective Pikachu and an expanded port of Pokkén Tournament. In fact, generation 7 is the first generation since generation 3 that doesn't have a Mystery Dungeon release, so I could definitely see the unannounced title being a new PMD game. 


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I have a lot of thoughts so I’m just gonna splurge them out





At first the Dynamax thing had me like OMG WHATS HAPPENING, but after a while I decided it’s pretty much this regions “mega evolution” gimmick but without the cool designs


the champion is a low key hottie but I hate that cape


I’m definitely getting Sword, but also why is Zacian holding a sword and why isn’t it just his tail?





I need more Pokémon designs, gym leader designs and Galar/Armour poke forms

Cool thank u

tumblr_mmkkluK6l81sp6362o1_500.png" />

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Everything looks really cool, especially the open world aspect and the fact that Pokémon can be seen in the wild again, I'm really excited about that. I'm not a big fan of the Dynamax thing, though. They should've just sticked with Mega Evolution and regional forms and fleshed those out instead of introducing yet another new concept they'll abandon in two years. 


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  On 6/5/2019 at 2:00 PM, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

I don’t like the legendaries but everything else looks beautiful! :flutter:

Can’t stress enough how beautiful the region looks as a whole :suicide: this is everything Pokemon needed


Can’t wait to see what the third legendary will be!

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  On 6/5/2019 at 2:04 PM, yayoop said:

Can’t wait to see what the third legendary will be!

Speaking of which, I hope there won't be too many legendaries this time. The two cover legendaries, a third one for the postgame and perhaps a trio akin to the Legendary Birds and Legendary Beasts would be more than enough, plus there's no way there won't be at least two new Mythical Pokémon distributed at Nintendo events. I know this already started back in generation 4, but back then it wasn't that much of an issue because they all got their lore and it worked well alongside the focus that was put on mythology in the Sinnoh region. But then they did it again in generation 5 and generation 7 and it's just annoying at this point. It's just pointless to have like one third of the Pokémon newly introduced in a game to be legendaries. 


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I kind of have been out of the loop these last years but I took a peek at the new Pokémon they’ve announced and lord they are horrible

Alcremie is the carbon copy of Swirlix and Slurpuff

Eldegoss is the carbon copy of the evolutionary line of Hoppip

Duraludon is heavily inspired by Avalugg


The legendary are cute (especially the crow) but the two lions/dogs/whatevs are... identical? Like ok sis


  On 6/5/2019 at 2:37 PM, SlowGinFizzzz said:

Speaking of which, I hope there won't be too many legendaries this time. The two cover legendaries, a third one for the postgame and perhaps a trio akin to the Legendary Birds and Legendary Beasts would be more than enough, plus there's no way there won't be at least two new Mythical Pokémon distributed at Nintendo events. I know this already started back in generation 4, but back then it wasn't that much of an issue because they all got their lore and it worked well alongside the focus that was put on mythology in the Sinnoh region. But then they did it again in generation 5 and generation 7 and it's just annoying at this point. It's just pointless to have like one third of the Pokémon newly introduced in a game to be legendaries.


Speaking of which I am so disappointed at the lack of events? Like ever since XY they completely removed all in-game events and now to get a legendary you literally just need to go to the mailman?


What kind of bs is that? Like I remember being so pumped when I hacked into Diamond with the action replay to get the Azure Flute and the rest of the items to unlock in-game events


Also GF deadass forgot to release AZ’s Floette? Or maybe it was never intended to be but anyway you know homeboy powersaved it

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  On 8/1/2019 at 8:30 AM, GlobelampStan said:

I kind of have been out of the loop these last years but I took a peek at the new Pokémon they’ve announced and lord they are horrible

Alcremie is the carbon copy of Swirlix and Slurpuff

Eldegoss is the carbon copy of the evolutionary line of Hoppip

Duraludon is heavily inspired by Avalugg

The legendary are cute (especially the crow) but the two lions/dogs/whatevs are... identical? Like ok sis



Speaking of which I am so disappointed at the lack of events? Like ever since XY they completely removed all in-game events and now to get a legendary you literally just need to go to the mailman?

What kind of bs is that? Like I remember being so pumped when I hacked into Diamond with the action replay to get the Azure Flute and the rest of the items to unlock in-game events



Also GF deadass forgot to release AZ’s Floette? Or maybe it was never intended to be but anyway you know homeboy powersaved it

Agreed. Although I already felt this way about quite a few gen. 5 'mons, if you put them next to their gen. 1 counterparts. 




Yeah, this bothers me too! It already started way back in generation 4, though. The Azure Flute was meant to be distributed, but unlike the event items for Darkrai and Shaymin, this never happened and instead you got Arceus from the postman. :rip: And since then, all Mythical Pokémon (except for Victini in Black/White) have been handed to you the same way, taking away every aspect of challenge. :rip: :rip: :rip:

I'm LIVING for the fact that pretty much every kid ended up getting an Action Replay to unlock those in-game events, though! No wonder we all ended up on LanaBoards a few years later lol.



Apparently it was meant to play a very different role in the games, just like the story of X and Y was meant to be much more interesting, and extraterrestrial. It seems like they pretty much scrapped the entire plot due to time pressure, and instead the games ended up with the almost nonexistent one we know today. Now obviously this is not confirmed, and I'll admit some bits seem quite "out there", but overall it does make sense. Anyway, it's an interesting read, and it's fun in a bittersweet way to think about what could have been. These games had a lot of potential, in my opinion.


Edit: FFS why won't it let me post the link to the source I'm talking about? https:// medium.com/@pankopop/the-xy-files-the-lost-plot-of-pokemons-6th-generation-d0d140881148

Edit 2: Okay just copy it and remove the space. 





Honestly, the only reason I still somewhat care about Pokémon is that I want to play the remakes of the games I grew up with. I was ready to end things after generation 5, but then ended up buying a 3DS when the Hoenn remakes were announced. Then I played the Kalos and Alola games, didn't particularly like them, and now I'm basically just waiting for the Sinnoh remakes. :toofunny: If it wasn't for the nostalgia factor and the Mystery Dungeon series, I would've stopped playing Pokémon altogether by now. It's sad just how much the quality of the games has decreased since the series moved from the DS onto the 3DS. 


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I'm still hyped, mainly with these new characters they have revealed. Seems they are gonna go story based again like Sun and Moon (which I think is great). 

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