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"LOVE" Promo Posters Sighted

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Funny how time flies. I remember thinking right after Honeymoon was released "ugh probs not another album til at least a year thinking like december 2016" -and already almost March 2017.. wow lol

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Okay, so "Shady Lana Facts" said that video leaked.. I feel bad for Lana and her team, whether that's the truth or not.. I hope they're lying

giphy.gifTwitter: johndelferro

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Girlies I don't mean to say that angrily but it's already hard enough not to check insta feed and twitter tl not to even accidentally see/hear something please have some consideration for those who really don't want to be spoiled :heart: At the end of the day this poster is the only thing we're supposed to have seen let's keep it sweet :)


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I'm sure we're all dying to see video or hear the song, but let's all hold our hands and wait for Lana to officially release it

giphy.gifTwitter: johndelferro

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