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Say Yes to Heaven

LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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Time is flying by so fucking fast, not even just in terms of "she needs to hurry before her window closes!1!1!1!1", but just in general. It's insane. It is all the more reason to hurry, though. As much as I respect her wanting to make sure everything is as perfect as it can be, it's kinda lame to just stay silent and then announce something like this with the bare minimum amount of info. I don't know though. I guess she only has so much control with her management and label in the picture

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where the livestream would be?

But she's been saying she has news in a few weeks weeks ago. She might annonce eveything tomorrow

2 days ago she said she has news in the next couple weeks so

did you notice guys that china pala(shit)ce announced the Apple music show before lana for almost more than one  hour?

i know he ain't shit but i was wondering bc how the f did he know


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I love bar but does anyone else think it gets boring quite quickly? It's not that relatable and it's just kind of flat all the way through. I still like it though



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I love bar but does anyone else think it gets boring quite quickly? It's not that relatable and it's just kind of flat all the way through. I still like it though

I lowkey hope its scrapped if what we have's the final version

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It's an interesting milieu of albums coming out right now for LDR to be dropping an album to, if she does so in the near future. Depeche Mode just dropped "Spirit", which like Father John Misty's imminent album "Pure Comedy", is titled with something like ultra-sarcasm. If you think LDR is sad topically, you should check out Spirit to get your emotions re-calibrated. Spirit starts out with a song called Going Backwards and ends with a song called Fail, which is probably my favorite track. Here are some lyrics from Fail at around 2:10:


"People what are we thinking,

Our standards are sinking,

We're barely hanging on,

Our spirit has gone,

And once where it shone,

I hear a lonesome song."


I don't know what Martin Gore is thinking of specifically when he sings that last line, but I do know what I thought of.


Goldfrapp is also scheduled to drop at the end of the month, and of course, Ed Sheeran has already dropped, and Lorde is posturing. Finally, Blondie has an album called Pollinator in May (rock and roll hall of famers, whose last release did not get a metacritic review).  

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