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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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I'm so tired of waiting. If we don't get the full performance of Cherry recorded I'll be SO PISSED :defeated: :defeated: :defeated:

I pretend I’m not hurt and go about the world like I’m having fun

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A week from Friday is how long until Lust for Life, the forthcoming fifth studio record by Lana Del Rey, is finally released to the public. High time! The buildup to the album release has not exactly been one of tedium thanks in part to the odd single with, say, The Weeknd or for that matter a raft of press including the covers of Dazed and British ELLE. Lana’s latest media offering, however is a veritable feast and comes in the form of a cover and story by David LaChapelle running in the current issue of Flaunt. That billing alone is worth the price of admission and neither disappoint for this captivating cover story set more than 40 years ago during America’s bicentennial. Lana assumes a variety of roles from choir girl (pictured, wearing Brandon Maxwell) to beauty queen. The images are mesmerizing, if not hauntingly so, not unlike her music. Lana reportedly would not do the shoot unless LaChapelle were enlisted, which the magazine was all to eager to see happen. The resulting shoot and the more than 4700 word story are something to savor in the days before Lust for Life finally sees the light of day.



yass next modelling management give us that confirmation from a source close to lana


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I agree with whoever said she cant sustain promo for 8 more weeks. She would need to do another 6 photoshoots, release 3 more songs, another video ect. it just doesn't make any sense for the album to hit in July with the amount of time she has and how much shit she would need to do for the album promo wise.


If we don't get the album May 26, I can see it coming early June at the latest.


Then again, knowing Lanas mess promo she prob will go right ahead and release it July tbh.

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A week from Friday is how long until Lust for Life, the forthcoming fifth studio record by Lana Del Rey, is finally released to the public. High time! The buildup to the album release has not exactly been one of tedium thanks in part to the odd single with, say, The Weeknd or for that matter a raft of press including the covers of Dazed and British ELLE. Lana’s latest media offering, however is a veritable feast and comes in the form of a cover and story by David LaChapelle running in the current issue of Flaunt. That billing alone is worth the price of admission and neither disappoint for this captivating cover story set more than 40 years ago during America’s bicentennial. Lana assumes a variety of roles from choir girl (pictured, wearing Brandon Maxwell) to beauty queen. The images are mesmerizing, if not hauntingly so, not unlike her music. Lana reportedly would not do the shoot unless LaChapelle were enlisted, which the magazine was all to eager to see happen. The resulting shoot and the more than 4700 word story are something to savor in the days before Lust for Life finally sees the light of day.



yass next modelling management give us that confirmation from a source close to lana


next in their article about ELLE published on May 11th: Soon. That is the extent of what the public knows about the timing of the release of the forthcoming record Lust for Life by Lana Del Rey. Exactly when is soon is a discussion best tabled for another day


their article about Flaunt published on May 17th: A week from Friday is how long until Lust for Life, the forthcoming fifth studio record by Lana Del Rey, is finally released to the public. High time! The buildup to the album release has not exactly been one of tedium thanks in part to the odd single with, say, The Weeknd or for that matter a raft of press including the covers of Dazed and British ELLE


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me logging on next friday



Lol why are some people still denying May 26th?

haha ikr we couldn't have more proof



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Lol why are some people still denying May 26th?

They don't want to get hurt lmfao. I think it's coming next Friday but I'm trying to supress that thought because I don't want to be horribly disappointed.

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I'm gonna make some points for you May 26th deniers:


- Multiple major magazines like Rolling Stone and NME (just to name a few) have said it'll be out May 26th. I doubt they are allowed to publish false dates.


- Paris Match is the only magazine to say it'll be out in July. I'm either gonna guess that Lana purposely gave them a false date to deter leakers, OR since I'm assuming the interviewer was French, she may have misunderstood Lana.


- All this promo/magazine shoots/interviews Lana is doing at this point in time would be kinda pointless if an album weren't to be released this month or early June. By the time July arrives, all the hype will have diminished.


- Lots of you guys have called up your local Targets, HMV stores, local record shops etc. Some have said the stores don't know when they'll get the record, some are saying next week, some are saying maybe a little later than that (digital release first, psychical copy later). I don't think I came across a person who was told by their local record store that they would get shipments in July

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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it's lana we're talking about though. i can see them postponing the album last minute and not informing all media outlets because they're messy and probably forgot about the may date.


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it's lana we're talking about though. i can see them postponing the album last minute and not informing all media outlets because they're messy and probably forgot about the may date.

But why would they postpone it?

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Usually I wake up to info like Lana hanging out with Marina or the Cherry rehearsal. Or even a new photoshoot. Or a letter from her explaining her terrible song being released. Today I have NOTHING and I'm THIRSTY for the today's show. 13 hours remaining.


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I'm gonna make some points for you May 26th deniers:


- Multiple major magazines like Rolling Stone and NME (just to name a few) have said it'll be out May 26th. I doubt they are allowed to publish false dates.


- Paris Match is the only magazine to say it'll be out in July. I'm either gonna guess that Lana purposely gave them a false date to deter leakers, OR since I'm assuming the interviewer was French, she may have misunderstood Lana.


- All this promo/magazine shoots/interviews Lana is doing at this point in time would be kinda pointless if an album weren't to be released this month or early June. By the time July arrives, all the hype will have diminished.


- Lots of you guys have called up your local Targets, HMV stores, local record shops etc. Some have said the stores don't know when they'll get the record, some are saying next week, some are saying maybe a little later than that (digital release first, psychical copy later). I don't think I came across a person who was told by their local record store that they would get shipments in July

My local record store did tell me that the album will come out in July at the earliest. They said Universal confirmed it to them several times. All these magazines publishing May 26th could simply be cuz they saw the date everywhere and thought it is legit. And tell me, when has Lana done something wise promo-related? Hanging up posters for Love more than one month in advance of the original release date, not releasing the LFL video for a month, randomly releasing Coachella in-between some album singles although it is not on the record are just some examples.

Paris Match is also the only magazine so far which had a printed article publishing the release date. Rolling Stone f.e. was only an online article.


I still don't believe it's coming this month. If so, I will be happy, but I won't be disappointed either if its release is nto the 26th. You all are setting yourselevs up for a meltdown in the worst case. The only way I can see why we have this release date mess is that she's releasing the digital version first to avoid leaks - but still, releasing physical copies 2 months later is very weird


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My local record store did tell me that the album will come out in July at the earliest. They said Universal confirmed it to them several times. All these magazines publishing May 26th could simply be cuz they saw the date everywhere and thought it is legit. And tell me, when has Lana done something wise promo-related? Hanging up posters for Love more than one month in advance of the original release date, not releasing the LFL video for a month, randomly releasing Coachella in-between some album singles although it is not on the record are just some examples.

Paris Match is also the only magazine so far which had a printed article publishing the release date. Rolling Stone f.e. was only an online article.


I still don't believe it's coming this month. If so, I will be happy, but I won't be disappointed either if its release is nto the 26th. You all are setting yourselevs up for a meltdown in the worst case.

You make good points. But if it's released in July, that would be 5 months after the Love video came out (I know it was pushed early) but it wasn't by much. And that's just a little silly. I feel like we've been waiting an eternity.

I mean, if not May then I'm definitely thinking June. I still think July is too far away. :defeated:



♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I'm gonna make some points for you May 26th deniers:


- Multiple major magazines like Rolling Stone and NME (just to name a few) have said it'll be out May 26th. I doubt they are allowed to publish false dates.


- Paris Match is the only magazine to say it'll be out in July. I'm either gonna guess that Lana purposely gave them a false date to deter leakers, OR since I'm assuming the interviewer was French, she may have misunderstood Lana.


- All this promo/magazine shoots/interviews Lana is doing at this point in time would be kinda pointless if an album weren't to be released this month or early June. By the time July arrives, all the hype will have diminished.


- Lots of you guys have called up your local Targets, HMV stores, local record shops etc. Some have said the stores don't know when they'll get the record, some are saying next week, some are saying maybe a little later than that (digital release first, psychical copy later). I don't think I came across a person who was told by their local record store that they would get shipments in July

Okay, maybe Paris Match is the only magazine which told us that LFL will be released in July but she has spoken to them. 


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