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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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it was changed from that ugly close up with a cig... which was also used as a cover art on a billboard so it wouldnt be the first time she scrapped a cover that deep into an albums pre-release cycle

Exactly, I remember being on another forum fans having a fit it wasn't the cover. I thought the UV album cover turned out amazing imo


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i wouldnt mind this one




I disturbed the current aesthetic of the thread, but in my defense, I felt it added visual variety to it  :oic: 


I definitely like the concept, but I feel a bit too much is going on, and well it might seem cliched or whatever but. I'd rather have a more immersive, lively looking cover since it is about having a lust for living 


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Now I'm starting to think it's not gonna happen since her site still has the same theme as the cover.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I want it to be dark. I want it to be about immortal space goddess Lana Del Rey alone forever watching everyone she loves die with the stars and trying her best to salvage the universe in a quest against the chaos and entropy. I want Lana fucking alien daddies and smoking cigars on mars and crying in a mansion on the moon listening to The End of the World and I Told Every Little Star on her vintage turntable 

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what a mess lol i just want a god damn pre order, once it's on iTunes it's highly unlikely anything will be changed and we can be sure about everything

All the roses are red, and Jupiter too 

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I mean, I guess while we're on the topic of album covers, I would be okay with Lana just using the album cover we already have, but the one thing that does kind of bug me about it is that it's pretty blunt in its approach of the title mirroring the artwork/photograph. One of the things I've always loved about her previous album covers, going back to Sirens, is that there's an element of mystery to all of them. BTD and Ultraviolence probably do this the best of contrasting a heavier title (death, violence) with a photo of Lana that looks a little more innocent (BTD) or glamorous (Ultra) than the album title would suggest, which adds a really intriguing element. I can understand the sentiment of wanting a cover to be a representation of the album's overall mood, but I guess I just like when album covers kind of tease you in that way and make you want to learn more about the contents. 

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wait where is this info coming from again? Who announced the cover change?

allegedly some fan contacted empik (basically polish hmv) and they said they pulled down their lsf preorder because there's gonna be a new cover.

there's no proof of any of this actually happening though.


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Can people stop posting ugly album covers, thanks.


allegedly some fan contacted empik (basically polish hmv) and they said they pulled down their lsf preorder because there's gonna be a new cover.

there's no proof of any of this actually happening though.

thank you xo

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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day 20, give it up for day 20 with no new concrete information about the album



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Is Lana actually infront of the car in the current album cover or is that photoshopped?


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Is Lana actually infront of the car in the current album cover or is that photoshopped?

Is photoshopped, the actual pic is like the coachella cover (lana behind a wood wall)

                         shake it up, throw your hands up and get L O O S E 

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