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Doll Harlow

What song(s) got you interested in Lana?

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Once I paid attention to OTTR lyrics, I was hooked. It's beautiful story telling and it pretty much explains my life in my 20s. I'm in a different place now and I still like the song, it doesn't make me uncomfortable to listen to it, which means it's a great song imo. At first, I thought "My old men" meant "her father", I thought she was wicked! Then I realized......


And I ran to register to this forum to see if there was other people with the same kind of daddy issues. Apparently I'm the only one. Or "was". Those old pervs can go to hell now. 

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I remember I was in the comment sections of a music video. There was a discussion talking about how American artists sucked in comparison to other artists from different countries. Someone suggested Lana Del Rey as an example of a good American artist. At first I looked past it, but for some unknown reason, I spent a whole day thinking about that comment, so I searched up her name.


I'm not exactly sure which popped up first: Blue Jeans, Carmen, You Can Be The Boss, but these were the first songs that I listed to, but Trash Magic captured me, and I was sold ever since.


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I saw National Anthem in the recommended while watching one of Marina's videos - although, I'd say the music video is what really intrigued me more than the song itself.




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IIRC National Anthem and Blue Jeans. I listened to National Anthem bc I stanned H*ls*y in late 2015/early 2016 and I saw claims that part of Eww Americana’s melody was lifted from NA. I then listened to Blue Jeans and liked it which led me to gradually get into her in the next few months

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I heard and fell in love with Video Games in 2011. I didn't like Blue Jeans when it came out, but once BTD came out I got hooked on Dark Paradise, then National Anthem and became a stan in mid-2012. Paradise was the first pre-release era I experienced as a stan. What memories  :oprah:  The Paradise trailer/sampler video  :oprah:  The Ride release  :oprah:  The Bel Air video release (the minute she released it on Youtube, it started to snow outside... so beautiful)  :oprah:  Listening to LQ Youtube videos of leaked Paradise tracks  :oprah:  "It's coming you little bitch"  :oprah:  The release of Tropico  :oprah:

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Blue Jeans got me because the chorus is interesting and catchy. I didn't watch the video, I just listened to it in the car because my sister played it a lot so it grew on me. At first I didn't like the dude screaming in the back or her vocals but now I'm here. 


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I heard Video Games auto playing on someones blog on tumblr in 2011 (remember when everyone had auto playing music on their blogs). I was instantly hooked, and couldn't stop thinking about the song the whole day. Later I looked up the lyrics and found the song + video, and I was obsessed. I wish I could here Video Games for the first time again. Still my favorite Lana track to this day.

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If I remember correctly, I listened to National Anthem on YouTube (saw the MV) and thought it was such a damn bop, I listened to Born to Die (Deluxe) on Spotify.

Then it made its way onto my phone and was my most listened to album of 2012.


Didn't stan though or know anything about her at all, I kind of just mindlessly listened to her music.

Then Young and Beautiful and Paradise happened. Didn't notice Paradise, but DIED at Young and Beautiful, its such a beautiful song. It made me go back and re-listen to Born to Die and then Paradise actually paying attention to the lyrics and I fell in love with her lyricism and story-telling.


Then Ultraviolence came out. I was lurking on basically every forum possible and getting HYPED, and I was ready for it to be full of dark bops just like BtD and Paradise, but then we got the leaked snippets and I was like "oh no this is a mess other than West Coast"

Then I heard the whole album and every single song connected with me. I was supposed to go see a movie with my friend we had waited like 3 weeks to see, but instead I lied on my bed in the dark and listened to the album with headphones on and cried (like, cathartically) about how beautiful the album was. It kind of ressurrected my soul and (perhaps ironically?) saved me from my suicidal 2014 summer blues. I probably listened to that album start to finish like, 4 times a day. It was a narco-swing haze of emotions and it really just hit me at one of the lowest points of my life. It's a bit hard to explain psychologically why it was helpful (instead of pushing me further into depression rip) but that's for another day. That's when I knew I was a stan for life. I didn't really "follow" the BtD or Paradise eras, so I've never really been disappointed in the marketing and promotion since then, only sad that others don't get to appreciate her.

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Probably the first 3 tracks on Honeymoon as it was the first record i heard, then not long after it was OTTR, Lucky Ones and Born To Die that pulled me deeper in love



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I discovered Lana in 2014 because a vlogger in my country that I was watching had Diet Mountain Dew in her outro and I kept hearing it as I was watching videos of her..I liked it but I didn't really got into it. Then after some time I looked on the same vlogger's tumblr and she had You can be the boss on autoplay. I really loved the vibe of the song.

After seeing how awesome tumblr is I was thinking of making my own blog..but those were just thoughts that passed away in my mind fom time to time.

Then I kind of forgot this whole thing untill I looked again on her tumblr in late november 2015 and then made my own blog in december 2015...since then I remembered Lana too and I started searching songs of her on youtube..At first I listened to YCBTB and DMD again and of course I loved them...and then I watched blue jeans and video games and I decided to stan forever  :smokes4:

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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Video Games caught my interest back when it went viral and was played at the german radiostations. I bought the single and I have to admit I was also intrigued by her looks (cause of the single-cover), as I did not imagined the woman singing the song to have such a bold look.

Born To Die on the other hand really made me stay and anticipate the record. I was so excited about how the "Video Games"-singer would progress and I LOVED the track, that was supposed to be the title-track of her upcoming debut-album. I remember listening to the official audio on her YouTube channel, with her and Bradley standing in front of the american flag, in thousands of loops.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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