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Party Party

Voluntary Leave
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  1. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    the fact that it's spreading THIS fast is pretty scary. I'm not too worried for myself, but I am worried of catching it, then passing it onto someone who may be immuno-compromised or elderly. i'm out of work until April 2nd (if the pandemic clears up a bit), and i'm off of school until April 6th! 
    i'm currently in self-quarantine, i only go outside to take the trash out, or to walk my dogs. 
    sending love and luck to all, stay safe and wash your hands!  <3
  2. triangles19 liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    the fact that it's spreading THIS fast is pretty scary. I'm not too worried for myself, but I am worried of catching it, then passing it onto someone who may be immuno-compromised or elderly. i'm out of work until April 2nd (if the pandemic clears up a bit), and i'm off of school until April 6th! 
    i'm currently in self-quarantine, i only go outside to take the trash out, or to walk my dogs. 
    sending love and luck to all, stay safe and wash your hands!  <3
  3. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    the fact that it's spreading THIS fast is pretty scary. I'm not too worried for myself, but I am worried of catching it, then passing it onto someone who may be immuno-compromised or elderly. i'm out of work until April 2nd (if the pandemic clears up a bit), and i'm off of school until April 6th! 
    i'm currently in self-quarantine, i only go outside to take the trash out, or to walk my dogs. 
    sending love and luck to all, stay safe and wash your hands!  <3
  4. Party Party liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    It's confirmed to be a big fat cold and not Corona I got super scared because my cough was dry but I never had fever and even though I'm still very stuffed in the lungs I'm doing MUCH better. Thank you for caring!
    Also day 1 of quarantine in France, and my dad who hates video games with a passion and has to stay home keeps asking my sister about the Last of Us stuff haha I predict that by day 45 he'll have finished the game with 100% completion
  5. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    US goverment is really the biggest evil in the world that has ever existed
    I was so mad when I read what they tried to do
  6. Elle liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    the fact that it's spreading THIS fast is pretty scary. I'm not too worried for myself, but I am worried of catching it, then passing it onto someone who may be immuno-compromised or elderly. i'm out of work until April 2nd (if the pandemic clears up a bit), and i'm off of school until April 6th! 
    i'm currently in self-quarantine, i only go outside to take the trash out, or to walk my dogs. 
    sending love and luck to all, stay safe and wash your hands!  <3
  7. Kurac na Biciklu liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    the fact that it's spreading THIS fast is pretty scary. I'm not too worried for myself, but I am worried of catching it, then passing it onto someone who may be immuno-compromised or elderly. i'm out of work until April 2nd (if the pandemic clears up a bit), and i'm off of school until April 6th! 
    i'm currently in self-quarantine, i only go outside to take the trash out, or to walk my dogs. 
    sending love and luck to all, stay safe and wash your hands!  <3
  8. Party Party liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    now that it's hit the UK it does make me a tad more anxious, but i do think that ultimately things will turn out okay.
    keep your hands washed, and definitely don't eat or rub your eyes with unclean hands. this virus essentially causes pneumonia, so it's best to keep your immune system as well boosted as you can through a good diet and vitamin supplements; some people have died from this virus, but many have recovered, even without any cure or antibiotics. the vast majority of those who sadly passed away were older or already in poor health. personally my immune system is terrible (i have anaemia, a poor diet because of my job, i'm an alcoholic so i have very little vitamin B6 in my system and i'm deeply prone to stress) so i'm making an extra effort now to keep my vitals up, just in case for most of us, our bodies should be able to fight this thing. that's if we even get it, which most of us won't - but in the unlikely event that we do it doesn't need to be devastating, our bodies will be doing a lot of work to get rid of it so it might seem scary but with the support of good healthcare systems that many of us have and a little pre-planning, it shouldn't be so scary.
    some good vitamins for protecting and boosting your immune system include:
    Vitamin C - found in citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach, kale and others Vitamin E - found in lots of nuts (including almonds, peanuts, etc) and spinach and broccoli Vitamin B6 - found in bananas, lean chicken breast, chickpeas and others and of course keep your iron up too if possible! there are tonnes of supplements out there for those of us who don't get enough vitamins thru our food.
    also... at risk of sounding like a crazy conspiracy-driven freak, it's kinda important to remember that january is a very slow news month and pandemics are incredible clickbait. i'm not downplaying the severity of this virus and i think it's something we absolutely should be paying attention to, but also remember that part of the reason news outlets are reporting on this so much is because it makes gripping news, which leads to engagement and is basically guaranteed money. i've seen some utterly ridiculous headlines blowing things way out of proportion for the sake of clickbait, but of course i've also seen a number of rational, balanced news reports too, so it's good to differentiate while also being aware of how the news industry works.
    ironically though, i am about to quote from a news outlet  i read this in the guardian and it put things into perspective for me:
    "We don’t yet know how dangerous the new coronavirus is, and we won’t know until more data comes in. The 170 deaths from about 7,700 reported cases means the mortality rate is around 2%. However, this is likely to be an overestimate since many more people are likely to have been infected by the virus but not suffered severe enough symptoms to attend hospital, and so have not been counted. For comparison, seasonal flu typically has a mortality rate below 1% and is thought to cause about 400,000 deaths each year globally."
    i thought that was a really succinct way of describing the current state of things, though we don't know exactly the mortality rate yet as it's not been long enough.
    clearly i'm no expert but i do believe that many countries are adequately prepared to deal with this situation and any cases as and when they come. we're learning more every day and the WHO declaring this an emergency means there will be more funding and more attention paid to this situation. don't panic, just keep an eye on your own health. ring up your doctors for an over-the-phone appointment if you're feeling unwell but worried about going outside, or ring 111 if you're in the UK.
    stay safe everyone 
  9. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    So I was doing some personal research this morning after the WHO update.
    I fell down the rabbit hole of what most people call "conspiracy" and "fear mongering" but it seems for real.
    Like the videos of people just lying dead on the street in Wuhan, nurses crying and shouting that they can't take it anymore because so many are dying. Nurses saying over recorded phone calls that the deaths are over 100,000 but it's being covered up, and that the government has not been helping with lack of supplies or anything... Idk. 10,000  dead I could believe. But maybe not 100,000 without Wuhans citizens actually realising.
    The spread rate is so high now that the reported cases alone are growing exponentially.
    And we all know that there are so many more cases than what is being detected. It's probably more than triple.
  10. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    As much as this is true, we should all be taking further measures, more than we usually do when there's regular colds going round. Even if you don't die or get super super ill, you could spread it to someone who does die.
    When the swine flu was going around in 2009/10? I knew of two perfectly healthy young adults that died from it. So if I got the coronovirus, as a healthy young adult, id still be really worried. 
    I guess I just know of a lot of people who have died from the regular flu too .my mum and sister worked at a special school where the kids will actually die from a regular cold cold as a lot of them have had weak immune systems from birth, and one of their favourite students did die. And it was really hard on the staff after that, like they all knew who was sick at the time and most likely passed it to this poor kid (he was 11), but we're trying not to blame anyone. 
    I also don't visit my grandparents when I'm sick or have recently been sick because I know they could possibly die if they got sick at their age too.
    I would love everyone to actually get used to really good hygiene because of this, rather than just go on as normal without a care. We should all get used to it. Not saying everyone is absolutely shit at it currently, but we all need to take responsibility because a time will come when all of our lives actually depend on it. 
  11. Party Party liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    i'd try not to worry too much - lots of people have recovered, it's mainly babies, older people and people with serious pre-existing health conditions that will be badly affected. of course that's awful too, but as many as 61,000 people die from the regular flu each year and nobody worries too much about that. just keep washing your hands as much as you can, take your vitamins and drink plenty of water 
  12. Party Party liked a post in a topic by house of balloons in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    four new cases in the UAE

    this reminds me of one of the epidemics i created on Plague Inc. 
  13. Party Party liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    yea, i had a moment of being really worried but i'm not too worried now tbh. it seems to act like the common flu, which already kills thousands of people every year but no one talks about that. the only problem is that i work in a very very public-facing job, and i have a very weak immune system so.... yikes hahah
  14. Party Party liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Paranoia and sinophobia tbh. So much surrounding this is, e.g. that it started because Chinese people eat """crazy""" food. The virus isn't that deadly. Way less deadly than sars. The symptoms are pretty much what you get if you get the flu or a bad cold, and most of the people who have died from it are elderly (and would have a high chance of dying from the flu / a cold). I think the most important things to do are a) use it as a reminder to keep good hygiene, especially around babies / the elderly, and b) use it as an opportunity to educate yourself on sinophobia and how outbreaks like this become racialised (think ebola), and keep your friends and relatives in check if they show those sentiments. There are really horrific stories about how asian people were treated with the outbreak of sars. 
  15. Party Party liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    When the world had a great big virus, we just kept dancing.
  16. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Tulips in Sky Ferreira   
    The most likely thing, lol. It's a shame because I'd love to hear a lot of the songs she did back then in 2008-2010 but it's likely especially since it's been so long that they'll never surface. Highly doubt any of them are going around
  17. Party Party liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Sky Ferreira   
    She’s probably celebrating she has a new excue not to put music out. Two - three weeks minimum delay.
  18. Party Party liked a post in a topic by sophiesmom in Sky Ferreira   
    if this b*tch gets corona... 
  19. Party Party liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Sky Ferreira   
    Her mom is just iconic on Facebook and keeps posting old unreleaseds from YouTube and like "GET READY!!" I just love her.
    I find it lowkey wild how... nothing leaks. Like it's for real just amazing that, as a miracle, Guardian made it's way into the internet. Especially when stuff like ONE WAY TO HEAVEN has been circulating since god knows when and... all we ever got... snippets. + It's possible that these songs from 2010 are just going around too (or people just fucking forgot they existed and they're left in some folder, tagged as SF_BLOODSHY_AVANT_DEMO2 that no one will ever click again).
    Wild. Just wild.
  20. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Ryusei in Sky Ferreira   
    They dont have to work on anything with her as long as she‘s not releasing anything. They probably forgot she existed before she was included in all these decade-end lists
  21. Party Party liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Sky Ferreira   
    Why does her label keeps her? I mean, she REARLY releases anything...
  22. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Sky Ferreira   
    .. b-but it’s “almost done” !!!!1!
  23. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Tulips in Sky Ferreira   
    The way she’s been working on Masochism for 7 years (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
  24. Party Party liked a post in a topic by blameitonme in Sky Ferreira   
    the way NTMT came out when i was an angsty 15 year old tumblr kid, now i'm a 22 year old about to graduate. i hateeeee it here 
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