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About HollywoodHills

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  • Birthday 08/01/1997

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    Lohan Island
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  1. HollywoodHills

    Azealia Banks

    Would be great if it really was deleted. Azealia doesn't deserve any more attention.
  2. Shallow, Always Remember Us This Way, Is That Alright? and I'll Never Love Again are the best songs. That was just as ridiculous as the prospect of an album featuring Why Did You Do That? and Hair Body Face winning a Grammy.
  3. I fucking love her, I gave up on Azealia a long time ago
  4. You cried to your landlord? Are you serious? Went to see it on the 3rd, the theatre was pretty much empty. England doesn't care lmao. The film was good.
  5. HollywoodHills

    Azealia Banks

    Who even checks her Twitter anymore? I got bored of it years ago even when I was a huge fan. Being a cunt on Twitter isn't interesting. AB can go fuck herself at this point tbh
  6. HollywoodHills

    Azealia Banks

    She basically is a dumb bitch though lmao
  7. HollywoodHills

    Azealia Banks

    No album is worth this wait honestly, and we've heard about half of it anyway. I could honestly take or leave it, will probably just leave it bc even the great tracks we've heard half of are just old now. I don't care about Playhouse or Ain't Know or any of it anymore lmao. She's released material WAY too slowly to keep anyone invested in her album. She's not THAT good. She's probably just her fans to keep making money off of soaps while making them think they're getting an album. She's a 1 track at a time kind of artist which means by the time anything else is released nobody gives a fuck about the previous song anymore. She's so talented but her career is boring af and she just rants on Twitter about stuff that doesn't matter. Seeing her live again with barely any new music would be dull.
  8. HollywoodHills

    Azealia Banks

    Yeah, I don't think anyone cares anymore tbh
  9. I don't think she did get rid of the lip fillers but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe the puffier cheeks just make them look more natural?
  10. Isn't that what all fans get when they meet her? An autograph, a selfie and a CD freshly spat on?
  11. Even just drinking a lot can do that but Lana def got cheek fillers
  12. Yeah we know, you never stop talking about it.
  13. Born to Die Paradise Ultraviolence Honeymoon Lust for Life Norman Fucking Rockwell lmao for fuck sake
  14. When I saw the song was almost 10 mins I had to get high and drink a bottle of wine before I listened. was a great decision lmao
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