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  1. zireal liked a post in a topic by Cashew in Spotted getting a parking ticket February 21   
    I love this look so much omg   
  2. zireal liked a post in a topic by Sylvia Plath in Spotted getting a parking ticket February 21   
    This is the best she's looked in so long, I live!
  3. zireal liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in Spotted getting a parking ticket February 21   
    those boots, those skinny jeans, that jacket, that LOOK.
    wigs off.

  4. zireal liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Still not hoping for a collab, no no no, don't make this happen, both of you princesses, someone spoken here about Lana seeming like a sleepy annoyed aunt compared to Marina and Marina sounding like a goat on drugs or something as bizzare as this. The statement 100% on point
  5. zireal liked a post in a topic by reputation in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    the makeup was also stunning
  6. zireal liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope they give an award to whoever coordinated/directed the face close-ups, they completely brought out the best of Lana's face at this moment of time. 
  7. Hanna liked a post in a topic by zireal in Edits By Beautiful People — Lolita   
    Do more LOVE edits please! They come out fantastic 
  8. zireal liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly hope if he is doing the album photos and cover he doesnt overly saturate and strain the color where we can barely see her face. I also dont want extreme editing like nicoles btd paradise cover but something cute and fitting to the theme
  9. zireal liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    She does NOT look like she just made the best American record. She looks like she wants to die.
  10. zireal liked a post in a topic by FLL in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Transcript of the interview on BBC 1:
    H:       And tonight, we’re gonna start it with new music from this lady… Hey Lana Del Rey!  How are you?
    LDR:   I’m good, how are you?
    H:       I’m very very good, thank you very much.  Thank you so much for your time tonight, it’s lovely to talk to you.
    LDR:   Yeah, good to talk to you too.  No problem.
    H:       So, new music from you always feels like it’s a bit of a moment, but this is a very very special moment, talk to me about Love.
    LDR:   Well, thank you, I mean I’m just so happy that this is the first single that we chose because I really love the message and I love the sound of the record, it has like such a mix of everything that I really love, sonically.  So yeah, I mean it came out a little bit earlier than I thought. (and I’m really excited about it)
    H:       Any particular reason why?
    LDR:   Well, I mean… It just started leaking the other day, so…
    H:       Ah…
    LDR:   So, we just got ahead of it and put it out, but I am, I’m really excited about it.
    H:       Do you know what, that’s brilliant, because I think that for a lot of artists, especially those artists of your stature, they can bury their head in the sand and pretend that it didn’t happen.  But the fact that you’re going “this has happened, but now you can have it properly,” that’s big.
    LDR:   Yeah, thank you, I think so too.  I mean and with social media it just goes everywhere before you could even say, “oh no, it didn’t,” you know?  So, yeah.
    H:       So, musically, I think you know what, this feels like classic Lana Del Rey, to me, but you have been working with some really very interesting people, definitely.  It feels like, you know you’ve worked with Benny Blanco on this particular one and it feels like he’s gotten into a Lana Del Rey headspace.
    LDR:   That’s… I think that’s kind of true.  Yeah, I don’t know, I guess with the last two records like Honeymoon and Ultraviolence, I definitely was in a place where I wanted to hear mood music, almost kind of stuff that I would like to listen to at home, you know stuff I recorded live, in a room, with a band, like all at once.  But then, I guess now that I’m a couple of years down the line away from the Ultraviolence record, I think I had more I wanted to say, and I wanted it to come through I little bit more clearly, so it was fun to get back into that really big, like clean sound.  So yeah, cool making this record.  Benny’s awesome, he spins with Emile Haynie who did all that kind of like additional production on Born to Die, so it definitely helped kinda add that bigger sound to this single.
    H:       Yeah definitely, it’s the return of the cinematic Lana Del Rey
    LDR:   Yeah.
    H:       It’s in full technicolor as well.
    LDR:   Yeah.
    H:       Now, is this taken from a forthcoming album?  Is this kind of a little warning shot for what there is to come?
    LDR:   It is, yeah.  There is a record and yeah this is a good representation of where it’s headed.  Where the sound is headed.
    H:       Brilliant, well I can’t wait to hear more, and thank you so much for not only letting us get ahold of this in an official capacity, but also letting us play it tonight on BBC radio 1.
    LDR:   Thank you so much, I appreciate it and I’m really glad that you like it.
    H:       When you’re over in the UK we definitely have to have a proper sit down and a proper chat.  We need to pick your brains on the way that you do things, it’s very interesting
    LDR:   I would love to tell you, I would love to tell you everything, I’d love to do that.
  11. zireal liked a post in a topic by subversive light in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I just want a paradise 2.0
    really do
  12. zireal liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    The thing that really annoyed me the most is lana videos used to basically be all lana, but over the course of the honeymoon period to now, they add so many others shots that'd be so much better if they were just lana (ala freak those ugly chicks touching the hobo beard guy like sry not v interesting to me)
    Like idk if i'm just weird and alone in it but the flying cars, being in town, walking over the moon mountains (or w/e the :)they are) the lake under the stars
    All those scenes didn't have lana in them and I would've just prefered it if she was in them all, like for the lake one it could've literally been her swimming in the water, or walking over those mountains 

    Her singing scenes basically just seemed like a framing device for other scenes that weren't even a proper story 

    Like it's not terrible but eh would've prefered more lana 
  13. zireal liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    Beautiful video. Love her smile and her awkward stage presence. I was glad the audience was showed as subdued. That way the video is not about Lana worship but the audience reflecting on what she is singing! Actually it's a bad idea to overthink a music video, my bad.
  14. zireal liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    Hands down my second favorite MV from Lana and her best since SOC. I really hope she keeps the aesthetics running though out the era BC Its so beautiful and unique looking not to. 
    I'm already more excited for LDR5 than I was for HM. She's really coming through this era...
  15. zireal liked a post in a topic by LAman in Music Video Premiere: "Love"   
    I love the video, and I did think about how there were mostly white people, but there were people of color in the video so... Plus Im gay and i don't really care that there weren't two men or two women kissing. Only one couple kissed, and there were many other people in the vid who may have identified as gay, but the song doesnt last that long for us to see every person kiss. Anyway, it's not ideal but that doesn't make the video less beautiful imo. I was crying
  16. zireal liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly Number 2 on the best of her mv's
    1. Ride
    2. Love
    3. Tropico
    4. National Anthem 
  17. zireal liked a post in a topic by Starlet in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm just not feeling the titles of the album or songs
  18. zireal liked a post in a topic by SissyReed in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    i'm a terrible person but i'd rather see just lana in that video. i don't like parts with those "kids" sorry :crossed:

  19. zireal liked a post in a topic by wraith in Instagram Updates   
    tbh we are entering a new era and i still don't get the point of the honeymoon account
  20. zireal liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in Instagram Updates   
    Got my fat azz up to see our gorl live hbu ??
    To commemorate one of the best ldr eras
  21. zireal liked a post in a topic by Vintage Kid in "LOVE" Promo Posters Sighted   

  22. zireal liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Official Single Premiere: "LOVE"   
    To me, collabs are just not interesting. I come to hear the singer sing. It upsets me when i have to hear some other stupid artist who i probably won't even like interfere with a beautiful Lana song and kill the vibe. I don't want any collabs but i think there is gonna be some on this new record. As long as it's with some legendary singer. At least if your gonna collab, you may as well do it right. And PLEASE for heaven sake, no Adele.
    She'd sound great with a male singer, like Lou Reed. But he's dead now so
    Also, why does the radio have to change songs? What is it with people thinking the only form of good music has to be upbeat?
    But anyway, i love LOVE <3 x
    And i hope it isn't disrespected and changed on the radio. I want people to hear the real thing. It's true form. Because it's beautiful.
  23. LOVE liked a post in a topic by zireal in Twitter Updates   
    Lana liked this on Twitter a few hours ago
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