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  1. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by #glimmeringdarling in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   

  2. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Roll With me in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    Wow! Ed Millet, one of Lana's managers, is already following the Instagram account who apparently leaked the material. It seems like they're really going to react.
    PD: He's also followed China Palace. Are we finally living the end of that rat's account? 
  3. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Roll With me in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    It's funny how some Lana news accounts are posting tweets saying we shouldn't spread the leaked material and they are indirectly spreading it by telling people that new material has been leaked. Why don't they shut up and pretend nothing has happened? Just wondering 
  4. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    I guess that's not even a bad idea. Someone should leak something old in order to distract people from YAIL
  5. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Shadowheart in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    Btw it's the best moment to leak Your Gal, Eclipse could focus fandom on something else than leaking Lana's upcoming material just saying
  6. YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Fine China   
    Listening to unreleased stuff like Fine China makes me really sad in terms of realising that despite Honeymoon being my favourite album of her it lacks storytelling like some of you said. It's so beautful in terms of melody, vocals, variety of instruments, being all cinematic etc. But deEAR GOD ABOVE why are the lyrics so flat? The only song consistent in terms of message, point and structure is Swan Song imo.
    Fine China is lyrical magnum opus and I hope she'll go for this type of creative writing rather than ready-to-use symbols and phrases mimicking Born To Die (and, in addition, failing).
     I'm looking at you LDR5 do not footfall down the passage which you should not take :smokes3:  
  7. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Fine China   
    100%! I fell in love with her music because of her lyrics primarily
  8. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Fine China   
    See, this is what I missed from Honeymoon - all the interpretations and the fascinating storytelling. Don't get me wrong, Honeymoon is a fantastic album and every song is good (well, if we're pretending good sis DLMBM doesn't exist anyway)  .... but for me it lacks a strong storytelling component like Fine China and UV and even songs from BTD/Paradise. It kinda felt like the one album lacking in this sort of storytelling, which for me is my favourite thing about her music. 
    Lana really can write amazing lyrics when she wants to. I really hope LDR5 delivers with at least a few songs with lyrics as captivating and beautiful as these. Just look at how many different comments this page has already received - because it's such a brilliant and cleverly constructed piece.
  9. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Fine China   
    She conveyed a more powerful range of emotions on this unreleased track than she did on the entirety of Honeymoon
  10. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by writtenxrabbits in Fine China   
    Someone already said this, but I think this song is definitely about Barrie and the friend's baby/son refers to Jaime King and her child. I mean, I even remember the picture of them at the hospital together where Lana could be wearing a diamond cross necklace? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1e/86/43/1e86434183207878bcd0502429da9bec.jpg
    I think the whole thing about the guy leaving doesn't have to be literal, like he left her or the relationship, just that he left for whatever reason and Lana felt abandoned in a way. Wasn't Barrie in a different country when Jaime's son was born? And weren't Lana and Barrie rumored to have been engaged for a bit before they broke up? I don't think we have to take every lyric 100% literally. But this is just my opinion and what I've read into the lyrics. 
  11. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by SarcasticBeauty in Fine China   
    I was thinking that she was definitely the Other woman. She was a close friend (or at least a mistress) that was around his family and she watched his baby being born with his then wife or girlfriend, and while Lana was being with this guy, her life was falling apart because she was too busy being stuck on him. So her fiance left her. Then comes the second verse when her guy that she watched child being born, decided to be with her, his mom was upset and decided not to come to their wedding at all.  And that made Lana sad because she knew that she was tearing up a home to have him.
    Also truly she knows that what they have isnt enough to sustain a marriage, but she thought love would be enough. But everything around them is falling apart, who's to say they wont either. They both are wooden, so they are good for each other, but the environment wasnt. They were star crossed.
    I'm probably way off and the other person made sense lol. But that's what I got from it.
  12. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by renaissance in Fine China   
    This is the Lana I fell in love with and hope and pray for more music like this on her next album. Honestly this is one of her best songs 
  13. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by kristinaj in Fine China   
    As destructive and depressive as her relationship with Barrie may have been, I really think that he benefited her in terms of creativity. No wonder we got so many lackluster lyrics on Honeymoon because she was together with Franny who just didn't inspire her the same way. Hope Jonathan Wilson injects some fire into her lyrics and we get some interesting stuff on LDR5
  14. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by luckyonewithoutyou in Fine China   
    Lana needs to continue this style of lyricism. It's much more open to discussion and interpretation than "stranger than a stranger", per say.
  15. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Fine China   
    Betty Spaghetti was in Italy when he was told that she had actually broken up with him
  16. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by reputation in Fine China   
    This makes so much sense. the ivory almonds they were gonna eat, the silver which was her ring. I'm shook
  17. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Hounds Of Love in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    Inb4 videos of her babysitting and playing with children leak 
    Since everything leak nowadays
  18. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Shadowheart in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    I bet after all this mess Lana will be like "Biiiitch fck all of that, im going back to my babysitting job, yall can choke" 
  19. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    lanaboards should step up its game a bit by making all ldr5 threads unavailable for guests tbh there's so many guests reading all of this drama. 
    also it's sad that this is leaking but honestly we've heard about this drama hours ago in the ldr5 thread so let's not make it happen again. i think we all feel the same about yail related stuff leaking, there's no point in discussing it again and repeating the mess of the ldr5 thread over and over again.
  20. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Constantine in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    I'm sure Eclipse would never do something as stupid as leaking a still from an unreleased video and spamming it all over social media. He knows better than that.
  21. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    Ok .. so y'all  praise Eclipse all the time, someone who constantly gets STOLEN material and uses it to get attention. But now you make a big deal out of a still and want to sue people for having stolen material WHILE PRAISING ECLIPSE AT THE SAME TIME?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want anything to leak, but the double standards and the drama-seeking is strong on this board.
  22. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by LanaTrailer in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    So this is happening?
    Sad and disgusting.
    It's not the end of the world. But for Lana it's like having a stone in the damn shoe.
  23. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    imagine China.Palace getting jailed   
  24. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    Unfortunately, it looks like enough people are reposting it that Lana will see. This is why this fandom can't have anything good
  25. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by American Bottom in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    I love how before I discovered Lana, I never used words like "Sonically" or "Cinematically".
    "ally" is this fandom's most used suffix
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