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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday December 3

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  • Fan Since
    2015 - Release of Honeymoon

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  1. not batiste chile lemme go fill up my water cup real quick
  2. i really dgaf why they are complaining tbh this is a quintessential lana del rey performance... acting bored or shocked at this is simply dumb! k? ty
  3. if yall bored the exit door is over there this IS lana del rey so expecting only BTD songs or non-ballads is delusional thank you x
  4. we could be hearing swan song or the blackest day chile lemme defend tho cause the grants does not deserve the hate
  5. i really thought she was about to go on a honeymoon streak but... chemtrails???? lemme shut my pc real quick

    Ariana Grande

    imperfect for you is not only the best song off the album but kinda SOTY up to now btw
  8. there was a time in this forum when rick nowles was dragged on the daily now all i want is for him to come back...
  9. 1. honeymoon 2. ultraviolence 3. nfr 4. dykttatuob 4. bb 5. cotcc 7. btd/paradise/lfl
  10. Wait so Rock Candy Sweet the album isn't a thing anymore? Mess... I hate her kinda
  11. And I was just joking Lanaboards user Thunder Corpse. Not everything is confrontational OT: Living Legend SOTY
  12. Anyone who wishes the album to be leaked didn't had the Lust for Life experience, Love promotion (the first time she ever did promo after 5 years) got CANCELLED, the album got pushed back 4 months, she added features (some questionable), and Cherry MV getting shelved. Ever since then I don't wish another album to be leaked at least a month before release. But even so we all know how inevitable that is and how in the coming days we'll have the full album, some stems, a new title for an unreleased song which we'll crave for over 3 years before it leaks and maybe instrumentals if insiders feel that type of way. Trauma. I honestly deserve a Veteran discount at Walmart.
  13. Off To The Races, Shades of Cool, Heroin, Tomorrow Never Came, etc.- show how she can tell a story with a beginning and end in just one song. Melody wise, The greatest, HIADTFAWLMTH, Bartender. About production, any song off Honeymoon. The richness of sounds that album exudes still has me on chokehold ngl & her just being a musical genius? Noir.
  14. I see the 'discussions' have never changed. One of the reasons I love LB. Blue Banisters (song) is coming girls! Get your coins ready.
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