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  1. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by evilentity in TMZ: Lana gets restraining order on 2 fans from Russia.   
    In Soviet Russia, stans slay you!

  2. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana interview for V Magazine with James Franco   
    On December 28, 1983, shortly after his 39th birthday, Dennis drowned at Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles, after drinking all day and then diving in the afternoon, to recover items he had thrown overboard at the marina from his yacht three years prior. -Source

    Did we figure out a piece of the puzzle that is Lana?!
    EDIT: There's also so many allusions to drowning and the ocean in Lana's work so it's kind of an interesting theory...
  3. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in TMZ: Lana gets restraining order on 2 fans from Russia.   
    i wonder if they're the russian spammers we get periodically
  4. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Jack in Jackson Novem   

  5. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Capaldi in Happy New Year, LanaBoards!   
    this made the year seem 10x more eventful than it actually felt
  6. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by WaitForLife in Happy New Year, LanaBoards!   
    2015 was a good Lana year but for me 2014 is untoppable
  7. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in Lipsters Awards 2015 (1/23)   
    I think you should include "The Most Underrated" or maybe "The Most Overlooked", because there are so many intelligent, brilliant, interesting and talented people over here with mindblowing insights and analyses, beautiful artworks or poetic minds, but are not mentioned even once in the Member Appreciation theme. Just like Lana is overlooked by Grammys, Oscars and other prominent and relevant awards and institutions. Just a humble thought.
  8. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Constantine in Lipsters Awards 2015 (1/23)   
    i wish I could participate but I don't even know 1/3 of you guys.
    Lemme just nominate myself in every single category instead
  9. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lipsters Awards 2015 (1/23)   
    oh my god i could not stop laughing at loud reading these   

    Christina Lucci vanguard award    
  10. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Lad in Lipsters Awards 2015 (1/23)   
    The time has come. Our first anual Lipsters Awards have just begun. Preceded by two (2012-2013) amazing forum awards, this year they are back better than ever. Marketed as an event, the Lipsters Awards are more than just... awards. This time around, every winner will be announced during our big ceremony, which will include big surprises. Dates + more will be revealed later this post.
    Now, some of you may wonder... what is this? The Lipsters Awards 2015 are a forum event made for us, the LanaBoards community, to have a good time and reflect on the big online personalities that shined through 2015.
    Enough said, it's time to introduce our categories:

    This title is granted to that member who's always online. Posting, updating, contributing, etc... It's time to recognize said member's input! I think this category explains itself.

    Again, another category that explains itself. This one is for the #Lipster whose username shines the brightest to you. That user whose username you wish you had, or maybe not - but is iconic nonetheless.

    Now, well - we all have an incredible taste, if it wasn't this way we wouldn't be part of a Lana Del Rey forum. But there's someone whose taste you adore, and it's time to recognize them. Could be musically, sonically, cinematically, lyrically, mathematically - y'all get it.

    And we're introduced to the first not-so-nice category. First of all, do not take these negatively - remember it's all for fun and you're getting an award too so, you go Glen Coco. Now, back to this title, you all know. Whitin our Elite taste, there maybe be some users whose taste is not that exquisite, to you. This is the category for all the #Lipsters who have any Demi Lovato album on their iTunes library AND listen to it frequently.

    This category is probably the one that hits the closest to home here. We love everyone on here, including hoarders. This is the time for you to award that #Lipster who you know - even though they don't brag about it... THAT much - they have unleaked material in their possession (photoshoot outtakes, songs, ROSES) but is still your sister and you love them very much.

    Even though not that frequently used anymore, the Blogs section has still taken part on LanaBoards history. This is the award for the #Lipster whose blog gives you life. It could be because of their heavily detailed sexual encounters, their blog posts relating daily life events, or maybe their song listings you skip to read / never listen to yet you always comment about how good the songs on it are. It's their time to shine.

    The Status Updates is probably LanaBoards' most iconic section. Filled with drama and other random things, it's time to award that #Lipster whose statuses are the highlight of your online days.

    Oh my god, how could I word it? Nicely put, this is the award for that gash who's always trying to be the center of attention. It's time to give them the recognition they deserve and sought for this whole year.

    Well I don't know how to describe so let's hit Wikipedia: In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion, often for their own amusement.
    So, that.

    So, let's go back to the good sisters categories. Pretty self-explanatory, this award goes to the #Lipster who's always nice to everyone. LanaBoards' Sweetheart deserves to be awarded too.

    On the flipside, there are some members who are, well... not that nice (in your opinion). This title will be granted to that #Lipster who is not in a good mood when they post some - or most - of their comments. Do not worry if you get nominated to this, you are also LanaBoards' sweetheart... with LanaBoards in need of a heart transplant.

    Now, some of you may think this category is too similar to the previous one... no. Being a bitch is not being rude, it's being real even if that makes you seem shady. So now it's time to award that shady bitch! Own your bitchiness, darling.

    I'm pretty sure y'all understand what this one is about. This award is for that #Lipster who turns something unimportant into a major deal. That #Lipster who blows things way out of proportion when ever the chance is given.

    That #Lipster who is a LEGEND, whose username reflects LanaBoards history, obviously deserves their own award. This one is for LanaBoards royalty, queens.

    LanaBoards' very own mommies and daddies are also very important. Now, this is not for the grown men who browse the forum in search of Lana's nudes (or Lizzy Grant era material, you know who you are), no no no. Veteran Member is for the users who have been here since the very beginning and are still active (RIP GagaOopsy 2012-2012 ).

    We have some sisters who may not be that popular, but they are our sisters nonetheless. Show them love nominating them here and make them realize they do not go unnoticed! Everyone is a #Lipster4Life.

    It's time to honor our fallen sisters who are probably still reading us but can't share their controversial opinions no more. This posthumous award will be given to that #Lipster who's not with us anymore, but still holds a place in our hearts. What's better than getting an award named 'Best Banned Sis'? Nothing. Well, maybe getting unbanned, but sorry sistrens we don't have that power.

    Clean and simple, this award goes to the most dedicated fan in LanaBoards. That fan with a complete unreleased collection, who listens to Lana Del Rey live performances (my condolences to your ears, sis), who's capable of breaking into Lana's house. That one fan.

    We thirsty hookers, this is our time to recognize LanaBoards' hottest member. Yes, the finest face and/or body in LanaBoards. Have in mind, maybe they'll be very grateful to us and they'll post dick pics! or pussy pics, or strap-on pics, or butt pics. Or probably nothing, but their beauty needs to be recognized.

    Do you know of that one member who you see their posts and think "delete it fat"? This is the award for them. In other words, this is the award for the most annoying member. Don't be mad if you get nominated, remember: unless they're paying your bills pay them bitches no mind.

    No, this is not for the most suicidal member. In that case, I'd recommend you call the suicide hotline because this is not a joke. Okay, seriousness aside, this award is for... the Most Problematic Member!

    This one is for our sisters who are no longer active. It's time to award the most missed member and see if they make a come back post-ceremony. This is not for our banned sisters, sorry - you already have an entire category!

    Of course! LanaBoards is full or artists, and they deserve to be recognized too. This award is for the #Lipsters with talent. This title have its 3 own subcategories too, because we have so many talented people here:

    For the Lipters who graphic design is their passion. This includes: fanmade artwork, picture edits, posters, etc... Basically everything graphic on the Fan Art section.

    For those Lipsters who follow Lana's path and edit their very own homemade videos.

    For those Lipsters who create their very own songs and are going to fuck their way up to the top in the following years. LanaBoards' very own LEISURE could help you recognize them.

    That member who's still developing their LanaBoards persona but has a bright future and it's going to be an icon soon enough. In simpler words, Best New Member.

    In my opinion the biggest award of them all, this title will be granted to the Sluttiest Member! Take that as whichever way you understand it.

    There's only 365 days in a year... and half of those 1) LanaBoards was down during 2015 2) there's drama. It's time to crown the biggest drama of 2015!

    The formally biggest award of the night, this is the time to award the Member of the Year. That #Lipster who is the whole package. Only those with Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent will have the chance to be crowned LanaBoards' Next Lipster Superstar.
    Start you engines.
    And may the best Lipster, win!
  11. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey inspiration & name for Rey,Star Wars 7 heroine?   
    I guess that's enough LanaBoards browsing for today
  12. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Lana Del Rey inspiration & name for Rey,Star Wars 7 heroine?   
    Why would I? The intergalacticnasticalistic of the singer who is deeply connected to Space Tesla can be but not just a coincidence. Lana personally knows the producer Daniel James Bond and since The movie depicts time present (us) and time past (start wars universe) also dilects to a muti alternative universe why not give a shout out to our one and only Lana? Also the part were Luke Skywalker walks by the beach can only but be a shoutout to High By The Beach. Elon Musk recently stated that the depictions in the movie remind him of Lana's Si-if gun 
  13. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Brite Lites is fantastic, like every other song on AKA.
  14. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Lirazel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Forever laughing about "oh dat grace, oh dat body, oh dat face... MAKES ME WANNA PARTY"I mean, wait, what? Those are one of Lana's most awkward lines for sure.
  15. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Del Rey Covers NME Magazine   
    I've tried, sorry about the quality I had to redo the background by hand, I made two versions cuz fun and I like them both, the crop is weird but it's 100% copied on BTD, I just added a bit of contrast, files are really big sorry
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by theeternalstars in Lana Del Rey Covers NME Magazine   
    ok i just made a shitty edit of the nme cover, there's not enough image above lana for it to really work, plus i don't even have any photo editing software so i literally made this using a website and pages on mac      it's a travesty neil krug shot so many gorgeous photos and *that picture* was picked as the cover lmaoooo   
    somebody pls make a real one that's not shit 
  17. butterflies liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Covers NME Magazine   
    I need this to happen, all of my Lana album art is BTD themed
  18. theeternalstars liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Covers NME Magazine   
    I need this to happen, all of my Lana album art is BTD themed
  19. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Del Rey Covers NME Magazine   
    it's lit who wants one
  20. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Honeymoon Released on Cassette   
    no lol
    and people who buy them and actually use them are pretentious idiots. sorry but i just can't. that sound quality is horrific so i can only assume people who use them are trying to create some sort of new hipster level of stupidity.
  21. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by FFXSoul91 in Honeymoon Released on Cassette   
    Why are cassettes suddenly a thing again? Vinyl, I get. But this...?
  22. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Adele   
  23. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by dsvelca in Share your favourite single runs!   
    I'm gonna count Kesha's Animal/Cannibal period like we do for Lana's BTD/P
    6 singles, and all big hits for her.
    Tik Tok
    Blah blah blah
    Your Love Is My Drug
    Take it Off
    We R Who We R
  24. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in Share your favourite single runs!   
    Lily Allen - It’s Not Me, It’s You (2009)

    The Fear / Not Fair / Fuck You / 22 / Who’d Have Known
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