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About CocaColaCrystalMeth

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  • Birthday 07/23/1996

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    Italian slut
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    I heard Lana tried crystal meth and heroin so I decided to start taking crystal meth and heroin.
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  1. Dear God I must confess My pussy hit the best!
  2. Idk why I just saw this now… but anyone familiar with Lana’s music would obviously know that my username is obviously referencing specific Lana songs and has nothing to do with my recreational activities if that’s what ur trying to insinuate
  3. It could be a bit louder n a tad better quality. But in terms of like the composition and everything else of the song, it’s perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing of it. Honestly, it’s like the best song I’ve ever heard in my whole life for now. Sounds like shades of cool tbh
  4. I think you might have listened to angels forever backwards or something cause if ur being For real your clearly on crack or something
  5. Oh my goodness thank God you passed English comprehension in school right? I’m not gonna start defending myself or trying to explain what I said clearly you misunderstood every word I said I know it was a fucking big rambling but listen it makes a lot of sense… if someone has no reason to sing about a specific subject or theme for example, you said she writes when she’s happy OK she’s writting when she’s happy that means she’s writing sad lyrics for her music when she’s happy… makes sense… so technically she’s writing music about a persona that’s not actually existent because if she’s not sad, and she’s talking about a sad girl all the time then technically this persona shes portraying to be isn’t real . I’m done on this subject after this cause I’m gonna end up getting reported if I continue
  6. I might’ve made a big run on sentence but if you read carefully, it makes a lot of sense. I never said she’s singing to fill a void but instead her lyrics are saying or stating that she has a void trying to be filled not that she’s singing to fill the void. correction
  7. no you guys this is bad on so many levels like this is really bad. I’m happy for her. Yes don’t get me wrong, but this can have such a negative impact on her career. How? OK let me elaborate. For example, this can change her music completely night and day Because she can start having a different outlook on life or general mood can shift because we know her, with her sad girl style of music she has and how it makes her music the way it is, which we all love so like God forbid if she becomes happy go lucky her music might not be authentic anymore. if she’s gonna have to fake being sad and fake write lyrics about wanting to get back with this love of her life that she’s lost because most of her songs talk about that and it’s not necessarily gonna really make sense since she has that person now and does wouldn’t really apply to her really in her life if she’s thinking about trying to be with someone, but she’s with someone technically you can take most of her songs that she has and they won’t even apply anymore… I’m trying to make sense right now, but I’m at a lack of words right now to try to describe what I’m trying to say but you guys pretty much understand what I’m telling you basically I’m saying that a lot of things can go wrong in terms of what she decides to do in terms of the music. There’s very high chance that she’lldecide to stop making music altogether because her husband now has her completely infatuated and has filled that empty void she’s been talking about in most if her songs thus removing any real reason for her to wanna continue making more music. she’s been dying to get married her whole life. Look at all the music that talks about like a lost love or just like heartbreak and everything she doesn’t talk about that what the fuck else is she gonna talk about a new music? I don’t mind songs that like have lyrics basically very surfaced and devoid of any meaning but at the same time like I don’t see her wanting to continue her career if she’s happy and married, I think she’s gonna wanna finally live her life she’s always dreamed of living …. am I going crazy or does this make sense to anyone reading this?
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