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  1. rdp liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in "Break My Fall" will not be featured on Diana Vickers' Next Album   





    I hope you have the money to buy Born To Die 6 more times to give Lana the $$$ that she lost, Lana "fans".


  2. bia liked a post in a topic by rdp in Create Fake Lana Song Titles   
    I'm a Gangsta (4 Real)
    Coney Island Blowjob Queen
    Did I Already Say I'm a Gangster?
    100% American Pussy
    Prison Sex Blues (For K Part 69)
  3. rdp liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in How do you feel about Lana's leaked songs?   
    I don't think the leaks are intentional but I do believe they're not that actively fought against - because of the publicity / promotion angle? I don't know, maybe. Or maybe simply because they're ultimately not that important to them; I really don't know.
    I mean, this is a professional artist who, during her relatively brief career (in the public eye, I mean), has had around what, 150? 200 leaks? It's not normal and doesn't make any sense to me. If she and her team - and most especially her label, who invested money on her and surely has every interest in getting it back with profit - were that concerned about it, they could have done a lot more to prevent more recent songs from leaking imo - not allowing so many people to have access to / keep the songs, take legal action in order to discourage further leaks, etc. Fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice...
    How else do we explain that pretty much every other artist of her calibre manages to control this type of thing to a certain extent? How is she always the only apparently defenceless victim in all these leaking sprees?
    I can't find any other explanation. Either that or she's surrounded by a bunch of utter incompetents.
    Or, yeah, she's leaking them herself, grabbing the popcorn and laughing herself silly reading all the ensuing tumblr & twitter meltdowns.
    EDIT: FYI, this is by no means an apologist take on the leaks. Since this is all speculative, my default position is - I assume they're unwanted & can potentially be harmful to her, so imo it's ethically wrong and irresponsible to leak all this recent stuff.
  4. evilentity liked a post in a topic by rdp in Heart-Shaped Box?   
    The audio post doing the rounds on tumblr/yt is actually a cover by this girl

  5. True Romance liked a post in a topic by rdp in Create Fake Lana Song Titles   
    I'm a Gangsta (4 Real)
    Coney Island Blowjob Queen
    Did I Already Say I'm a Gangster?
    100% American Pussy
    Prison Sex Blues (For K Part 69)
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by rdp in Create Fake Lana Song Titles   
    I'm a Gangsta (4 Real)
    Coney Island Blowjob Queen
    Did I Already Say I'm a Gangster?
    100% American Pussy
    Prison Sex Blues (For K Part 69)
  7. rdp liked a post in a topic by Rafael in Create Fake Lana Song Titles   
    For K Part 3
  8. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by rdp in Carmen Music Video Removed   
    I thought that since she signed to Interscope she had to get permission to use these clips? Maybe the owner of one of the clips changed his mind about it 
    I'm way more pissed that H&M took down the Blue Velvet video/advert though
  9. rdp liked a post in a topic by M.I.A. in Lana's Inspirations & Influences   
    Oh this is a thread for me since I am collecting her inspirations for a long time now. 
    Well first , lets talk about her music inspirations .
    She loves the 'masters of every genre' . She loves Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen , Eminem , Biggie Smalls , Britney Spears and Nirvana . She is also a huge fan of Anthony and the Johnsons , the Crystal Method , The Beach Boys , Nina Simone , Elvis Presley , Chris Isaak , Bruce Springsteen and Jeff Buckley . 
    She always listens to the same songs over and over again . The first single she ever bought was Coolios Gangsters Paradise . 
    Her lyrical inspirations would be Allen Ginsberg and the other Beat poets , Walt Whitman  , Albert Camus and Sartre. She mentioned the last two in an interview and posted quotes of them . Allen Ginsbergs Howl was her introduction to the world of poetry and she said it changed her live , she is transporting a copy of it in her pocket . Cute , isnt it ?
    She also loves self-help books like The Master Key System . Lolita the book and the movie is also a huge inspiration of hers. 
    She generally loves the 50s, 60s and 20s . Fashion icons are Marilyn Monroe and Lauren Bacall .
    Oh , her favourite movies are The Godfather 1 and 2 , American Beauty (the soundtrack influenced Born To Die a lot) , Sin City , Virgin Suicide and Scarface. 
    And also this is a fitting quote of hers .
    /close this thread .
    Any questions ? 

  10. rdp liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in Ellie Goulding   
    When will another singer/artist will create such an over-the-top sexy recreation of a jazzy track. Not here for this shade. Tesselate is better than more than half of the basic pop songs on radio, bringing the best combination of Soul and Sex now and you will have sex to it. 

  11. Heaux liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Behind the scenes?
    I think that's just a 

  12. SweetLikeCinnamon liked a post in a topic by rdp in "Summertime Sadness" - Next Single in the US, July 2nd   
    Uhh she's been on tour since the start of the year so how could've she already finished the album? Besides that the Paradise ep was released just 8 months ago so there's no need to release a new album so quickly.
    I don't see the point in releasing Summertime Sadness in the US either but the video(s) for Bel Air/G&M/Body Electric seem more like a personal project than something to promote Paradise so what's the problem? It's not like she's a pop artist struggling to get noticed releasing new stuff every month

  13. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Not any new information, just some short clips from the set:

    '27 year old indie rock singer...'
  14. rdp liked a post in a topic by Aaron in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    I love everything I've seen so far, but as much as I love having these pictures now, I kind of wish we didn't get them and weren't even told about the video shoot. Now it will feel like we have to wait forever for it.
    Whatever, I can be patient. 
  15. Allie liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    This isn't about whose body is firmer or better or whatever. What people are trying to say is that you really shouldn't be using Adele of all people to judge others for their bodies since she herself has fought against fat shaming and is very outspoken about that subject.
  16. Jord liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Let's stop talking about Adele and go back to discussing how much Fatlana del Flop will flop with Flopico and how much time it will take to some blogs like Jezebel and Ohnotheydidn't to accuse her of cultural appropiation saying she is the embodiment of all bad things related to teenage white girls. Okay?
  17. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Not any new information, just some short clips from the set:

    '27 year old indie rock singer...'
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Not any new information, just some short clips from the set:

    '27 year old indie rock singer...'
  19. Rebel liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Let's stop talking about Adele and go back to discussing how much Fatlana del Flop will flop with Flopico and how much time it will take to some blogs like Jezebel and Ohnotheydidn't to accuse her of cultural appropiation saying she is the embodiment of all bad things related to teenage white girls. Okay?
  20. rdp liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Come to me, baby
  21. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    This isn't about whose body is firmer or better or whatever. What people are trying to say is that you really shouldn't be using Adele of all people to judge others for their bodies since she herself has fought against fat shaming and is very outspoken about that subject.
  22. rdp liked a post in a topic by whitman in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Actually I think BJ is one of her best videos to date. Woodkid and Lana together can do no wrong. While we know how trashy she can be ( just listen some of her unreleased songs) I don't know if this image fits in this  Lana  presented to the public - a singer who is associated to the old hollywood glamour, singing about a wealthy lifestyle. I know that since Paradise ( and specially Ride video) she's been trying to disassociate her image from this "Glamour girl" thing and has been more "relaxed" about it, but there is a reason why H&M and Jaguar hired her and that's because this style fits her more than anyone. Not sure if a totally image change would be good now, but anyway I'm really excited about it
  23. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Well with the cheap impersonators and strippers this definitely looks more trashy and less serious like the Ride/National Anthem videos
    Also, cholas

    And there's a suspicious Jesus look-a-like in the background here http://instagram.com/p/bKEk1CIdQp/
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