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  1. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    If you see where I'm from, you'll get that I have my reasons for disliking him. I do not want to get into that kind of conversation right now, though. One of those can be very tiring especially in this site.
    We can see that
  2. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by loleetah in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    Honey is there someone we can call to help you frankly i'm a little concerned by this
  3. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    the official LfL holy trinity is without a doubt 
    Heroin-Change-Get Free so idk what y'all on about
    HOWEVER there is another trinity, the 'bop' trinity. that belongs with
    Cherry-Summer Bummer-WAW
    and another trinity, the deceased
    Roses Bloom For You-Best American Record-Y*semite
    and then you can count the trilogy of Love-Lust For Life-13 Beaches
    and the golden child of the album is TNC 
    n thats the facts, i only speak em can't change em ladies 

  4. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Just a thought I had earlier today: what if Lana got some back-up singers for her live performances? Would be better than those pre-recorded back-up vocals that are too loud, or what do you think?
  5. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Lana Del Rey Automatic Song Rank Sorter (Released Version Updated - April 2023)   
    I keep seeing this going around and it takes forever but I'm curious to see everyone's answers.
    GO FOR IT https://ilovewin.tumblr.com
  6. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Thb all she needs to do is sing louder and clearer at her live shows and I'm good
  7. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    A libertarian is rightwing and is 180 degrees opposite a liberal.
    libertarians are for the most part, white nationalists (like Jorg Haider in Austria, and the Koch Brothers, whose father was a main founder of the John Birch Society (JBS) and spew those same views 60-70 years later, and Ron Paul and Rand Paul, believe a woman's place is at home, not at work (like Mike Pence, calling his wife Mommy),
    racists, live for the gun,  don't care about anyone but themselves (they did it alone, there is no community, get out, get out, get out (the Greta Garbo of politics (leave me alone...believe in ME ME ME ME ME, want NO taxes, no healthcare (but their own) want no change from the 1850s (think the 1950s were a great time)
    LIBERALS on the other hand, have heart, love, peace, togetherness believe the world is a great place, believe that together anything is possible, try to unite, not divide, believe in good
    believe in government. Liberals like going to the library, reading, music , art, and realize that without immigration, no person in the USA but the Native Americans
    would be in the USA.
    Barack & Michelle Obama=Love, hope and future
    Donald Trump=Hate, corrupt, puppet and patsy and the past and attempting to create anarchy and havoc and chaos to divert attention from the total corruptness
    and unlawful takedown of America.  Putin is smiling,(though he probably thought trump was a bit smarter)
    Love over hate any day.
    and note, the Yellow Belly Coward Trump was chickenshit and didn't run against President Obama in 2008 and 2012.
    to add-
    When this cultural war between Hope/Love/tomorrow & hate/return to the past
    =Everything good President Obama gave the nation
    from his 8 years, will still be standing. Might lose a battle or two like in any war, but the war itself will be won with Good & Love not Hate.
    Nothing Trump has done so far will survive long term. And the Love and Hope and most beautiful smile of President Obama outshines
    the leer, sneer & hate of Trump.
    And it appears the one consistent in Trump is his outright hatred of President Obama, and the fact that no matter what trump does, President Obama is still beloved. Which further adds more and more to the hatred Trump spews. (And OMG, TrumpInc found the single worst person to lead every single cabinet post and position they could find.)
    -to use a silly analogy as we enter the Holiday season in the USA, we go to Dr. Seuss, both the book & tv/movie adaptations-
    Trump=the Grinch who stole Christmas,
    President Barack & Michelle Obama=the entire community of Who's in Whoville), who had all the possessions taken away from them,
    yet still smiled, laughed and had love in their heart (and got back their possessions at the end.)
    Only difference is- Trump is beyond any redemption at the end. He won't grow a heart, won't see the mistakes he made. All trump sees is
    hate and how he attempts to defeat love.
    Who knew Dr. Seuss was so Shakespearian
    and to bring this back to Lana= every single statement Lana has made  indeed points to Lana in late 2016-2017 being for
    Peace, Love & Hope. And Lana is leading the way in regard to entertainers who immediately saw what happened after the US Election
    and has worked to change it.
    Love lives in "Coachella (Woodstock in her mind)- and Love lives in caring about the children, and their parents
    and the one thing people as a whole forgot during the 8 years of President Obama-
    He did not do it alone. Yet the people seemed to think that President Obama came in, and forever they no longer had to be wary
    and they took their eye off the goal line. He did not do it alone. The liberal/Democratic community is needed to come together (right now) and do the one thing they can do to help- which is vote in such great numbers, that elections won't be stolen. Thefts only happen if people stay at home and the vote
    tallies are so low.
    This Tuesday (Nov. 7, 2017)- especially in Virginia- the side of good needs to come out and vote, even if they have to go through hell
    to do so.
    and ignore all the fake news and distortions in the media
  8. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by californianfreak in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Aarg idk about my holy trinity, but my holy four would be Heroin, Get Free, Cherry, and 13 Beaches 
  9. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Right now, I think my trinity for this album would be 13 Beaches, When The World Was At War (gasps for air*) We Kept Dancing, and Heroin
  10. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by kik in Tower of Song: A Memorial Tribute to Leonard Cohen - Montreal, Canada | November 6, 2017   
    First, Lana talked about the tribute in her NYC second show before singing Chelsea Hotel #2. "And all of that jiving around" has been changed for "And all of that messing around" which is cool, she really gonna sing it her way. 
    Second, Courtney Love has been added to the list of performers and I'm fucking happy because I like her, I was a fan when I was a teenager. Lana will be more comfortable being with artists she already knows/click with.
    Additional artists announced earlier today: Seth Rogen, Courtney Love, Coeur de Pirate, Ron Sexsmith, Bettye LaVette and BØRNS. 
    ECLECTIC!!! My faves: Lana, Coeur de Pirate, Courtney, Sting and BØRNS.

  11. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Tower of Song: A Memorial Tribute to Leonard Cohen - Montreal, Canada | November 6, 2017   
    Already made hotel reservations in walking distance. 
    (and have already seen Lana there in the past.)
    I kinda figured both that it would be after one year, and that it would be in Montreal.  Which is where it belongs.
    and I will go, regardless of whether artist list changes (as I am not positive the artists are signed up officially)
  12. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    @LaMartine @Cult Leader I honestly love the song myself too, but I do think it's a bit lacking in energy, but yeah I can appreciate it for what it is, I personally do like how their voices blend together, and how both of them sound polyphonic separately at the same time with it. I'm not personally bi, but I like how sex ambiguous the Weeknd's voice was sorta, and added to the track with Lana's wisps. The jazzy piano keys and the 60's undertones are just beautiful. I love how she just sort of sing speaks 'love letter', bc it's perfectly poignant in that way. Even with the whole lacking in energy opinion that I hold on it, I do like how slow it is, I remember discovering the song on the iTunes store, and buying while I was taking a walk out on a bright sunny day, with a white cap on, and remember thinking to myself, what the hell is this, they're basically talking, where's the narrative of the chorus, that drop n catch with the verses? I was pretty disappointed, but listening to it in the heat really just made me love it, and I remember having literally listened to it all that day, bc I felt it was just a loop replay worthy track. The echoes of her voice at the 4:05 mark just   

    And to add, for me like, well let's just say, the track isn't that upbeat or candid when it comes to it's sound, but I guess if you've been in a sort of weird state of mind, the track's pretty anthemic and uplifting from an almost empathetic pov. 

    I honestly didn't think of the video either, but I like how symbolic it is, it's got the right amount of charm and wonder. It was like a soft kind of guide for listeners towards a better place, and I think it did that well. 

    I was aware of how cut the forum was with this song, so shit was stirred yeas  Medic next topic 
  13. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Honestly, at this point with Lana who knows. It might not even be underrated, it may just be a video that's forgettable like some of the other ones she's done as of late (this doesn't mean they're bad either, they're just meh if you're looking at all her videoagraphy) which would be a shame because it's an excellent song.
    If it were executed well, had a decent budget, and good choices of visuals (filters, clothing, makeup, etc.) and what not, it could definitely be great. It could be like how many people see the SOC video compared to the rest of the UV videos as being the superior of that era although I'm sure people beg to differ but whatever. Then, yeah it could leave people shook to the core.
    Or it could turn out like MTWBT, which could have been better, but is ultimately a pretty good video that not many people recognize.
  14. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    if it wasn't for you sis, doing the god's work and already saying what i thought, i would have probably written an essay   i have to constantly practice restraint 
  15. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love this @@vodkaa, i'll keep it short tho. 
    the song is cute and the instrumental is gorgeous on its own but I still think Lana and Abel should have been capable of coming up with better, at least in terms of execution. I still don't fully understand what she wanted to convey in this track, since in the video she seems to put down a black notebook before getting up and dance with death/the edge lord/the weeknd, anyway if this wasn't the title track and if lana had made more videos I would like it more. Lana and Abel singing in a high register is something of a     for me, i prefer her spoken word and his "secrets" voice. 
  16. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    if it wasn't for you sis, doing the god's work and already saying what i thought, i would have probably written an essay   i have to constantly practice restraint 
  17. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by American Bottom in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Also, is it against the rules to do that? i mean..im pretty sure everyone has bought the album at this point. but i dont wanna get in trouble for basically uploading the album for free 
  18. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by American Bottom in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    hey everyone.   off topic (kind of) but i made a deluxe version of LFL. Before i created a thread to share it with yall i want to see if anyone's even interested. so, the tracklist is:

    Im also planning on mixing together solo versions of GL and TNC. But only if you guys are actually interested. So yea. Let me know XOXO   
  19. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Twitter Updates   
    OOHHHHH, I thought she meant savings as in “money”. Silly me, hehe! We changed the clocks to winter time last weekend here in Sweden, I thought everyone did it on the same day globally.  
  20. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I did two days ago!
    ... ok fine, I'll do it now too!
  21. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i love this photo, it's def the best of the era, one of her best overall, AND it's linked to one of her greatest songs ever ? wig
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