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  1. gort9999 liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Instagram Updates   
    That’s why I just inject it
  2. mid july liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Instagram Updates   
    That’s why I just inject it
  3. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by highbybeaches in Instagram Updates   
    omg poor Lana getting dragged over a fucking post of a lighter with 666 on it that was obviously taken from tumblr, i'm more concerned about that terrible photo shopped cherry emoji 
  4. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Instagram Updates   
    Her feed lookin like half those themed Lana fan fan pages LMFAOOO
  5. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by mrborntolose in Instagram Updates   
    um i just did coke then saw that post and i said "lana is me"
  6. Mind Melt liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Instagram Updates   
  7. Mista Midnight liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Instagram Updates   
  8. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Instagram Updates   
  9. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Instagram Updates   
  10. theviolence liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Instagram Updates   
  11. Elle liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in Instagram Updates   
  12. Party Party liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in FCC Begins Process to End U.S Net Neutrality   
    Well, when people refer to the Internet as a human right, they mean States interfering with Internet access. I’ve only studied Law from a European perspective, so over here it could possibly fall under Article 10 of the ECHR. The UN Human Rights Council have actually discussed the right to Internet in a resolution.
  13. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in FCC Begins Process to End U.S Net Neutrality   
    Well, when people refer to the Internet as a human right, they mean States interfering with Internet access. I’ve only studied Law from a European perspective, so over here it could possibly fall under Article 10 of the ECHR. The UN Human Rights Council have actually discussed the right to Internet in a resolution.
  14. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    imagine if she decides to stunt on the red carpet n pulls out one of these
    i mean we know she got that Gucci money so it'll probably be another floral/tropical banger
  15. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by American Bottom in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    It took 13 submissions...to win a grammy. But finally it's mine
    With acceptance speeches
    I'm camera ready
    Almost all the time

  16. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm here for a shitty homemade UV style music video tbh.
  17. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i honestly wouldn't mind if the EP were to go through, that she could put the alt. versions of LfL songs on it (of course as an afterthought, not replacing tracks with ones we've heard- have a definitive 7-11 tracks and THEN add on the dif versions) 
    I'm sure the guy was probably fibbing for the most part, but i honestly don't think he'd be that smart to try and make basically a direct coincidental release schedule to that of BtD on the fly. I don't even think anybody on here could, in such a short time. Like just look:
    BtD and LfL being full circle, having the fame(Paradise) shift into destruction(UV) to the calm after the storm(HM, each 1 word), back to being in at least a happier place
    Both having 16 total tracks on their basic version
    BtD being her first album with the iconic lettering, not smiling to her smiling with her initial logo
    BtD:PD releasing 10 months after BtD's release, with the guy saying she wanted it out in six months as we're four months past LfL's release, equalling 10 months
    like..i'm gonna keep my overall expectations low due to her touring at that time and unless she wants to spoil all the songs live or sing 0 of them (both are a shame, if she starts singing after the release then all the dates before will feel kinda fucked); it just seems way too calculated, and kinda the most genius thing shes ever done, and w how this era has gone...
    but, just like imagine her kinda mirroring Paradise, including a cover, an old/unreleased song coming back, and a transformed unreleased song (iirc AF;FA became Ride or so i heard); 
    We could theoretically have this for the album with a more happier twist- Lust for Life: The (Something like Paradise)/Glory/Eden/Daisy (fuck it idk) Edition, as
    Lust for Life: The Best American Record Edition is a damn mouthful, albeit we did get When The World Was At War We Just Kept Dancing...so
    Roses Bloom For You Intro Architecture Wild One New Track Strawberry Fields Forever (Rumored cover track due to the colored strawberry field in the beginning of the trailer) New Track Old song/unreleased brought back- maybe songs like Cherry Blossom, Hollywood, Hollywood's Dead, or Yes To Heaven? She liked them based on an old IG Live New Track Yosemite Lust For Life Demo 1 (Ballad) Lust For Life Demo 2 (Shangri La Version) Lust For Life Demo 3 (Blade Runner Version)  
    idk it seems promising n i wouldn't mind it one bit
  18. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm not sure to what extent this article was discussed but I found it a very interesting read    I'd LOVE to hear the original LFL version 

    (Kieron is such a daddy   )
    About LFL the song

    About the album concept
    About the writing process
    There's a lot more technical details about how they engineer, record & mix the songs. 
  19. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Pop-Up Shops Announced   
    Lol @ LA fans cutting in line. Lana should have opened up a shop in the UK, since us Brits take queuing very seriously. Mess.
  20. subversive light liked a post in a topic by DEMONDELREY in FCC Begins Process to End U.S Net Neutrality   
    Well, when people refer to the Internet as a human right, they mean States interfering with Internet access. I’ve only studied Law from a European perspective, so over here it could possibly fall under Article 10 of the ECHR. The UN Human Rights Council have actually discussed the right to Internet in a resolution.
  21. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by salvatore in FCC Begins Process to End U.S Net Neutrality   
    ^Internet at this point in the US is deserving of a human right, in first world countries you NEED the damn thing to do pretty much anything.
    What this'll do is allow companies to throttle certain sites and sources as they please. Lets give a hypothetical, in some areas, especially the extremely poverse ones- we don't get very many options for cable, internet, or cell service. We fucking don't. A company like Comcast can hold a whole goddamn area in monopoly and any start-ups are going to have a damn hard time to do anything. Let's say Fox News decides to pay them off, Comcast can now make it hell to visit any other news site than Fox.
    It's also disgusting that it'll be legal for companies to charge for separate services, if you want to use music services you could have to pay a different fee, lets say you want to get Hulu, Youtube, Amazon, Netflix whatever the hell, but Comcast decides to have their own streaming service (hypothetical) they can just make every other one of those sites run slow as shit and force you to use their inhouse services. Prices for said services can literally go up due to them having to pay more taxes so their speeds don't get buffered or worn down by the providers. 
    People don't have that kind of fuckin money, surprising I know, not everybody can afford every little damn thing most people on here can. It was considered a Title II utility so it couldn't be throttled, I'd rather have a level playing field open for freedom of speech and 0 forced bias from my provider than any pro-capitalism service capable of forced manipulation and slower speeds for things they don't like. 
    And the dude running for this to happen, he's IA, so? there's no point in bringing that up besides an unnecessary argument & light race baiting.
    His argument is that while companies can do this, the market can decide they don't want these types of unfair companies and drop them, except in many places there's literally 0 fucking option to drop a monopolized company like Comcast. Consumers can't decide where the market goes with 2 bullshit options, with a third that's 0 fucking internet.
    There's also the argument that people against N-N are giving that "Why do you want the government micromanaging the internet", if the Government (especially the admin we have now) was trying to micromanage and fuck with our internet in the way those saying think- they wouldn't be letting this happen as easily as it seems. 
    One of the last things people can do is use these- call your congress, write emails, letters, ask and tell them to do the right thing. They're made to represent you and not the powerful companies paying them. Actually use the fucking democracy you're given in the most pivotal way you can:
  22. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Does this mean we can start a Pre-Pre Release thread? LDR5 Pre-Pre Release Thread is bald!
  23. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm crying so much right now i can't fucking deal WHAT THE FUkc 6 months!? LANA OMFG @salvatore u were right yosemite i'm so so sorry

  24. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Wig flew this is exactly what I was hoping she'd do. Lust for Life - The Paradise Edition is coming
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