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  1. NEAL liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Idk about anyone else, but I'm a highly political person IRL and I'm a member of political groups IRL.
    I supported a similar protest when an orchestra was planning to play in Israel and for the IDF (which they then cancelled due to the protest).
    Lana is an artist with a platform, much bigger than that orchestra, and none of those artists performing at that festival should be. Not while Israel is killing Palestinians.
    She's not propaganda, but she is being deeply irresponsible.
    The Ottomans were an imperial force occupying Palestine. Palestine should go back to its indigenous holders, the Palestinian people. The overwhelming majority of Israelis aren't indigenous to that land.
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by baddisease in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    People are dicks.
  3. Yosemite liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    I wouldn't be surprised if she'd do that
  4. love deluxe liked a post in a topic by baddisease in "vagina" is not gender-inclusive language, use ‘front hole’ instead.   
    Alternatively: You've been trolled by people who want you to hate transgender people more than most people already probably do.
  5. baddisease liked a post in a topic by GroupieLove in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Well... what a time to be a Lana stan!

  6. clementines liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    I wouldn't be surprised if she'd do that
  7. Cherry on Top liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Well, Palestine isn't Europe. And Palestine is close to the Native American situation. Palestinian people lived on and took care of that land and were forced more and more to cede land to "Israel", which only exists because the West wanted it to exist (and now has the nukes to secure its existence).
  8. cherrybaby liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Israel shouldn't even exist. Palestine, no matter how problematic, is the rightful holder of that land.
    so again: LONG LIVE PALESTINE.
  9. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Israel shouldn't even exist. Palestine, no matter how problematic, is the rightful holder of that land.
    so again: LONG LIVE PALESTINE.
  10. AKASAKA SAWAYAMA liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Lmfao. Is "fake woke" all you people can say?

    Fuck an Israel, long live Palestine.
  11. slang liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    I think there should be a single, federal, secular Palestinian state that gives equal rights to Palestinian and Israeli inhabitants. I don't agree with the two-state solution at all.
  12. theviolence liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    a) She won't
    b) Even if she did, we can still care about her support for apartheid. 
  13. missdelreyxo liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Idk about anyone else, but I'm a highly political person IRL and I'm a member of political groups IRL.
    I supported a similar protest when an orchestra was planning to play in Israel and for the IDF (which they then cancelled due to the protest).
    Lana is an artist with a platform, much bigger than that orchestra, and none of those artists performing at that festival should be. Not while Israel is killing Palestinians.
    She's not propaganda, but she is being deeply irresponsible.
    The Ottomans were an imperial force occupying Palestine. Palestine should go back to its indigenous holders, the Palestinian people. The overwhelming majority of Israelis aren't indigenous to that land.
  14. nevada darling liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    a) She won't
    b) Even if she did, we can still care about her support for apartheid. 
  15. Cherry on Top liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Lmfao. Is "fake woke" all you people can say?

    Fuck an Israel, long live Palestine.
  16. evilentity liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    a) She won't
    b) Even if she did, we can still care about her support for apartheid. 
  17. baddisease liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    I wrote a long response to Lana's first shitty explanation on Twitter a couple days ago which I'll post when I get around to screenshotting it, but for now I'll content myself with responding to some of the many bad takes here:

    Yeah, call me when Palestinians in the occupied territories can vote for representation in the Knesset.  

    Member of oppressor class in apartheid state asks that we "just put politics away" (i.e. turn a blind eye to the denial of basic human rights to others by that oppressor class) for just one second so they or other members of that oppressor class can attend a fucking pop concert.  

    It's not about it being "war torn" or "dangerous". It's about occupation, the systemic oppression of Palestinians under an apartheid system, and the disproportionate use of force employed against resistance to that. 
    I have zero respect for anyone who prioritizes their fandom for an artist over supporting human rights.
    I sympathize with Israeli fans who want to see Lana. I really do. But this is bigger than you or your desire to see one of your favorite artists.

    When people here forget Lana actually has fans in Palestine and the Palestinian diaspora.  

    JFC. Aside from being insanely hypocritical and moving the goalpoasts, this is fucking vile.  

    This might be an argument against performing in Turkey and/or Russia. It's not a good argument for performing in Israel. It's also an argument against nuance and the ability to make distinctions between somewhat repressive regimes and apartheid states.  

    It's one thing to argue why it doesn't personally bother you. It's another thing to dismiss the concerns of others, some of whom are directly affected.  

    I mean, if artists want to boycott the US for these reasons as a political statement more power to them. But the apartheid nature of the state of Israel uniquely warrants it. There is historical precedent for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions having an impact. And the people being oppressed are calling for it.  

    Israelis are responsible for what their government does in their name and boycotts, divestment, and sanctions can be an effective way to put pressure on a populace to demand change from their leaders. But give me a break. Not being able to go to a Lana show is like the mildest form of collateral damage you can imagine.
  18. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    fake woke is better than purposely vapid.
  19. cherrycokes liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Sure, unless you're Palestinian, then Israeli soldiers will blow your brains out.
  20. benign violation liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    fake woke is better than purposely vapid.
  21. evilentity liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Galilee, Israel @ Meteor Festival - Sep 7, 2018 (CANCELLED)   
    Sure, unless you're Palestinian, then Israeli soldiers will blow your brains out.
  22. peach perfume liked a post in a topic by baddisease in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i would never listen to Lana again
  23. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by baddisease in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i would never listen to Lana again
  24. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by baddisease in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i would never listen to Lana again
  25. delley liked a post in a topic by baddisease in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    i would never listen to Lana again
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