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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by reputation in Shopping in Malibu October 3rd   
    Maybe she covers herself since you guys constantly talk about her weight and face lol
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Lana Del Rey Spotted on November 24th [Unknown Year]   
    Here, 6 rare candids I've had sitting on my hard drive for a good 5 months or so, I've never seen them anywhere.
    Shared by me!

  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Lana & Politics   
    we dont need trump, lana already made america great again 
  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by xcx in Lana & Politics   
    I feel like she's neither. The line "I believe in the country America used to be" from Ride still haunts me.    
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana & Politics   
    tbh i feel like she doesnt really know too much about that many political issues, but she also probably really thinks that the government should invest more into intergalactic possibilities lmfao 
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Unknown in Lana & Politics   
    I believe Lana is a Democrat - she's just tryna not lose any of her fan base by staying impartial on Trump and Hillary
  7. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Cashew in Do you think this girl inspired the Born to Die aesthetic?   
    They're both probably inspired by the same aesthetic
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by CarcrashBandicoot in What Lana song struck you first?   
    Born To Die or Kill Kill... Can't remember lol or maybe it was Video Games? Not sure but when I first heard her, I absolutely hated her and then I listened to her again and was like YESSSS GIVE ME MORE OF HER PLS YESS SLAY ME.
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in What Lana song struck you first?   
    Back when I was a flop fan and heard tracks off aka for the first time, not knowing aka was a whole entire album. I had already been jammin to video games and started scrolling through the lana tumblr tag in search of tunes. When I came across Pawn Shop Blues idk man it was moment, something definitely clicked for me. I was very struck by the stark contrast to the heavily produced video games and the vulnerability of the lyrics in psb. It (and eventually the rest of aka) made me feel like lana's talent lay far beyond video games and everything I was reading about her at the time. So ya I guess that's when the stanning begun
  10. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    99% sure she's imitating Marilyn Monroe who also tended to end her phrases in that kind of "flutter".
  11. Say Yes to Heaven liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lizzy in old Lake Placid area newspapers   
    This so adds to the mystique of her claimed teen drinking. I wonder if her talk of "losing her reputation" has something to do with her early days as a preppy, Catholic sweetheart. It must have been the talk of the town if she really got into enough trouble to get sent off to boarding school.
    "Have you heard? Rob and Pat's Lizzy was drinking light beer behind the school."
    "Oh my, she used to be such a darling with the litter picking and all!"     
  12. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Cashew in Lana looking ravishing in Manhattan with Chuck - August 1st   
    Honestly with the lips and the hair it looks like she's truly aiming for a BTD 2.0
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana looking ravishing in Manhattan with Chuck - August 1st   
    these two statements don't seem to match... but u do u...
  14. Summersault liked a post in a topic by May in Lana looking ravishing in Manhattan with Chuck - August 1st   
    Wow she really went ham with the collagen injections this time around 
  15. Summersault liked a post in a topic by HawaiianTropic in New Lana Del Rey interview in Switzerland   
    Such a good interview.
    So glad that she's finally starting to feel happy about her life. It's nice to hear her saying things like "I also have a fulfilling life apart from music" and that happiness inspires her. It's so heartwarming to hear that from her.
    But oh boy Lana please find someone other than Rick Nowels. I know you love working with him, and that's fine, but at least get someone else to get involved in the music too, like with BTD/UV, where Rick was still a big part of the writing, but others just added that extra something to the music. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Honeymoon, but I don't think we're ready for HM 2.0 - and with Rick, I can't help but feel like that's exactly what we're gonna get. Hopefully she comes through on her next album though!
  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by guardian in New Lana Del Rey interview in Switzerland   
    this is great, I can tell her mind is in a much peaceful calm place now, happy for her 
  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in New Lana Del Rey interview in Switzerland   
    So a tabloid paper here got an exclusive interview from Lana aftet her show in Locarno.
    Heres the link http://www.blick.ch/people-tv/musik/exklusiv-interview-mit-superstar-lana-del-rey-31-ich-komme-definitiv-in-die-schweiz-zurueck-id5270728.html
    And here is my translation:
    BLICK: You only rarely give interviews. Why?
    Lana Del Rey: I got misunderstood a lot in the past. By now, I let the music speak for itself and I hope, that it spreads as far as possible without me telling my own opinion about it.
    In the past, you were often nervous prior to your shows. Is it still like that?
    Not anymore. My life only circles around music by now, so concerts feel really natural now.
    You performed in the entire world. Where is it the most beautiful to do so?
    I love coastal cities, like Monaco or Portofino in Italy. I also really like Montreux, where I peformed on thursday. The Lake of Geneva is beautiful. I am happy, that I am able to visit one of the most beautiful places in the world during this tour: Athens, St-Tropez - and now Locarno of course.
    How do you spend your time when you're not on tour?
    I am writing songs. I work mostly at home with a producer, Rick Nowles. He lives really close to the beach. From time to time, I go swimming. Or I visit different towns along the south-californian shore. I also like to got to concerts. I'm in Los Angeles at least once per week and go watch a band perform that I like.
    What inspires you?
    Happiness of all sorts. It is also inspirational to have the realization to be completly free and to spend the everyday life just was I want it to. I spend a lot of time out in the nature, for example I go hiking in the mountains, I watch theater plays or attend poetry readings. I like creative people. If I then have an idea for a song, I mostly record it immediately with my phone. Later, I go to the producer and sing the melody acapella for him.
    How would your life be like, if you didn't have your breakthrough in 2012 with your song "Video Games?
    I still remember exactly when I decided to become a singer. I was in college and we did an excursion to an indian reservation. I realized then, that there were two options for me: music, or volunteer work for a good cause. I went for music. If this hadn't worked out, I'd probably be in some smalltown doing community work.
    What has changed since you became famous?
    I can't go out alone often anymore. That's annoying. But I can do what I love: Earning my coins by singing.
    When are you the happiest?
    When I just finished an amazing tour and I can work on a new album again. I love to observe how something final can emerge from a vision, how words shape a song. But I also have a fulfilling life apart from music. I meet friends and I like to go eat in a restaurant in late evening during summer.
    Where do you see yourself in 30 years?
    How would I know! But I will definitely come back to Switzerland to see Montreux and Locarno again. I really liked it here!
    The interview was held by letter.
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by renaissance in New Lana Del Rey interview in Switzerland   
    This was actually a really good interview!??! Short, sweet and the interviewer seems to know what they're talking about
  19. bluejeanbaby liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lizzy in old Lake Placid area newspapers   
    This so adds to the mystique of her claimed teen drinking. I wonder if her talk of "losing her reputation" has something to do with her early days as a preppy, Catholic sweetheart. It must have been the talk of the town if she really got into enough trouble to get sent off to boarding school.
    "Have you heard? Rob and Pat's Lizzy was drinking light beer behind the school."
    "Oh my, she used to be such a darling with the litter picking and all!"     
  20. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Summersault in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    Soft LA rock suits her so well where she is  in her life right now, like a Fleetwood Mac kinda sound.
    If she ever went back to a more r'n'b/hiphoppish direction again I would love to hear her work with Illangelo and Doc McKinney - the producers behind The Weeknds first three mixtapes - I would especially love to hear her over the sound of the Thursday mixtae even though I can't tell if it would be too depressing

    Or maybe something more tropical and flowery with a 60's exotic, luxurious orchestration kinda like this

    I could see her going in so many directions now, and she could probably pull it all of.
  21. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    Maybe we're talking past each other, cause I dont suggest a re-vote. I'm just pointing out that it's higly concerning that people apparently don't seem to be fully informed about what they're voting on. 
    Just because democracy is our best bid so far on how to rule a state, doesn't mean that it's perfect and that we can't discuss its shortcomings.
  22. bummersummer liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    Maybe we're talking past each other, cause I dont suggest a re-vote. I'm just pointing out that it's higly concerning that people apparently don't seem to be fully informed about what they're voting on. 
    Just because democracy is our best bid so far on how to rule a state, doesn't mean that it's perfect and that we can't discuss its shortcomings.
  23. Summersault liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    I'm all for a debate, but a debate implies that people do a bit of research about what they're talking about. 
    People were basically brainwashed that "Brussels", this enigmatic entity that no ones has power over, makes all the decisions and that the UK is big loser in all of this. Which isn't true. That's it. It isn't. Is the EU flawed ? Yes, on many levels. But how could one know what it really stands for and fight for if all you do is listen to certain national newspapers that say the EU steals your money ? 
    The majority has spoken, but don't be surprised that the majority of youngsters who will have to face the consequences is outraged ?
  24. Summersault liked a post in a topic by theeternalstars in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    As a young person in Scotland I am absolutely disgusted. We were told in the 2014 independence referendum that the only way for Scotland to stay a member of the EU was by voting to stay in the UK. Scotland voted to stay in the UK, and voted resoundingly in favour of Remain in the EU, and yet it is undemocratically being dragged out of the EU against our wishes.
    I want a new independence referendum, and I would vote Yes in a heartbeat. I don't want to be part of this new UK which is inward-looking, economically weaker than ever before, and consumed by ugly xenophobic rhetoric. I want OUT of the UK, and I want OUT now.
  25. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Cashew in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    With results being so close I feel like there should be a second referendum. But that aint happening. 
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