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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    exactly, there was an objectively problematic tone to the whole thing, even though i agree with what she was trying to say
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Instagram Updates   
    There's just a whole level of mindfulness and self-monitoring that is being thrown out the window here, she keeps digging in her heels like this and she's gonna break a Louboutin. 
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by War In My Mind in Instagram Updates   
    I'm ready to immediately become your publicist @@lanadelrey and do some damage control, gimmie the passwords to your instagram and I'll post an apology in that shit font using apple notes. We need you to hire me, if we want to have a future.
  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by DaytonaMeth in Instagram Updates   
    Her ability to talk her way into another hole of stupidity is truly astounding. This explaining post reads worse than her original. For someone who seems to value her own intelligence, you’d think she’d be able to express herself in a better manner than this. Ignoring the ”race war” comment because I’m not touching that headache. But please explain why ”fragile, delicate and soft” are the only adjectives in your vocabulary to describe yourself.
    She legit sounds like one of those Aunts from the handmaiden’s tale that’s angry at the overly sexualized women getting attention over the ”pure” & timid ones in a corner somewhere.
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Lustrouslines in Instagram Updates   
    Everybody just needs to fuck off. Her statement was stated terribly and her execution was poorly as she painted a narrative of “little oh me gets nothing” but that was not her intention. My mom always says, honesty without tact is cruelty and Lana failed to miss the mark there. But never will i EVER support or stand by ignorant people calling her a racist when she never has been that way. This whole thing needs to die.
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by War In My Mind in Instagram Updates   
    I am disappointed in her a little bit. I see her original post coming directly from her being in her feelings. But to spend a day reading the criticism, and not even trying to see the point that people were trying to make (and apologize even if it was accidental). She, instead, chose to double down on what she said, not offer to elaborate on any of what she meant other than go funk yourselves, I am right.
  7. Summersault liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Instagram Updates   
    I think she was trying to add something political to it when it wasn't? It was a stan war not a trump dick sucker / anti trump thing
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Instagram Updates   
    the way she's reworded the same message like 5 times but it just gets worse every time
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates   
    Look. I get it. but it's not wise to just name drop, and then further a sentence that she's ok w them not mentioning anything. like, great. but at least it would've been better to keep the channels open if anything. maybe we don't know a lot, but leaving it at the first post would've left things a little bit more hopeful. 

    It's just not wise to pull someone into your vortex like that and not give them room to breathe. if she's going to ask for some kind of solidarity or support, there's got to be more diplomatic ways to do so. and mm yeah maybe she's already done that and got her replies. but leaving a rope would've just been so much better.. 

  10. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Log off, Lanz
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Be Free in Instagram Updates   
    Honestly, I see from where she is coming from but I don’t think another post was needed since it seems like she’s digging on the same hole. She already said how she feels about the whole thing yesterday and even clarified it on comments, and the fuckoff post...
    Anyways, she involved other things in her post that got me like ??? but whatever hehe
  12. Summersault liked a post in a topic by violets in Instagram Updates   
    right when people were forgetting
  13. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Cry by the beach in Instagram Updates   
    The way she's still trying to act like she didn't come from money 
  14. Summersault liked a post in a topic by MoonAgain in Instagram Updates   
    “3rd wave of feminism that is rapidly approaching”... the third wave of feminism began in the early 90s
  15. Summersault liked a post in a topic by partymonster in Instagram Updates   
    Can she just let it go... for heaven’s sakes we get it lana you’re not backing down from your stance. You’ve even given everyone more fuel by saying you “didn’t come from money” LOL okay Lana, twitter’s about to have another field day... just proceed to talk about the poetry book or don’t mention it at all
  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Instagram Updates   
    Interesting update. Fantano added this to the front of his video. He misread the "not not" part and this is his clarification.
    NOTE: Ironically, the line in the post about Lana “not not” being a feminist is not very clear. The rest of the sentence doesn’t make much sense following up the double negative, not to mention Lana has made comments distancing herself from feminism for years. So that second "not" being a typo wouldn't be too surprising. It stands that Lana is apparently still not interested in identifying as a feminist, and either reading of the line wouldn’t change any of the sentiments in this video. Regardless, sorry for not reading that part as written.
  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Instagram Updates   
    Basically this. Twitter is full of people who pose as "all accepting, all inclusive" yet when someone says something that doesn't work 100% exactly to their narrative, they cut you down. And their reaction to her statement proved her point exactly. 
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    love.... you did come from money
  19. Phenomena liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    I really do agree that people trying to make it directly a racist comment are reaching.
    And I agree with your interpretation of what she was trying to say. But...
    1. It was poorly worded. It takes a very kind reading to not get the impression that she's painting herself in a very poetic light compared to her descriptions of the other artists. Not my biggest grievance with her letter, but it is quite poorly worded. 
    2. It skips over the part where litterally all female artist are criticized for their sexuality or held to double standards at some point. That doesn't mean that they should stay quiet about it, but it's really is tonedeaf of Lana to single herself out as different from those female artists. Especially because....
    3. Lana has been quite succesful and reached critical acclaim in spite of her critics. She keeps peddling the "woe is me, media hates me" narrative when NFR was one of the most acclaimed albums of 2019. I'm not saying she can't still be justifiably mad about her earlier critics, but she needs to acknowledge her succes at least a little in order to not come off as spoiled. SO many other artists never reach her level of fame or are able to have the kind of artistic freedom she has, and it's not unreasonable to say that less privileged female artists' careers wouldn't have survived the backlash she recieved at first. She doesn't have to apologize for being white or coming from an affluent background but to paint herself as more silenced and distraught than her peers is just... tonedeaf.
    So yes her point stands, but I see plenty of things wrong with the execution. It takes a very kind reading not to.  And we all know Twitter don't do kind readings
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell (Remixes)
    1. Twitter God Complex
    2. Ignorant Bitch
    3. Fuck it, I Don't Care Anymore
    4. Draggin' Time
    5. Feminist Song
    6. Controversial Girl
    7. How To Piss Off a Million People
    8. The Next Best American Scandal
    9. The Baddest
    10. A Phone is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have - But I Have It
  21. Summersault liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    I think something good that has come from this is that we've had awesome discussion where we brought up important issues. It has been really, idk concerning and disheartening reading a lot of people's posts (thank you for dismissing valid discussion with the dozen of posts saying we are lacking reading comprehension skills), but I hope this can open up a place for more conversation about women in the music industry and artistic freedom.
  22. Summersault liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Instagram Updates   
    i feel bad for her right now...she can't see it
  23. Summersault liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Instagram Updates   
    thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion that this whole thing is even dumber than previously thought.
    lana handles criticism from an army of snobby male critics without speaking out and never protests when men say disgusting things about her (eminem, anybody??) but god forbid a 17 year old girl express her thoughts about her work or ann powers to criticize her even a little bit in an article. jesus christ. i’ve never seen a clearer case of internalized misogyny in my entire life
  24. Summersault liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Having the opportunity to have a sleepless night and really re-think about the whole situation and everything that unfolded yesterday was not the best experience. Nevertheless, I think it was somewhat eye-opening. 
    I still feel as though that the wording was very, veeery, poor and there was absolutely no need for Lana to namedrop any of these successful female artists to make a point, as it actually made it look like she was victimizing herself and that was frankly insensitive to the hardships any and all of the women she mentioned actually went and are still going through. It made her come across as selfish, insensitive and to a certain extent quite ignorant on other important issues.
    But, getting passed the first paragraph, I feel like the rest of her letter is actually spot on. She specifically called out female indie writers in her post for the way they treated her and are still treating her today, in regards to the her lyricism and her so called "submissive" image/persona. I don't know if many of you guys have been around since 2011-12, but what she said hit close to the bone to me. Back in those days, these same indie writers they legit made a sport out of hating Lana and making up stories about her to further their narrative that she was this dumb, self-destructive, inauthentic industry plant. Which I think Lana still hasn't let go, regardless of the recent critical acclaim she has received over 'NFR!'. She clearly has harnessed strong resentment towards this specific group of people.
    It all definitely came out wrong, but I feel like it comes from a place of personal frustration of being apart of the industry, as it's the first time she actually directly alluded to the whole thing.
    Still, I wish Lana had a PR person, this is way too messy even by her so called standards.
    And that was my last post on the topic, I've already lost/pissed off enough LanaBoards acquaintances as is. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
  25. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Instagram Updates   
    I can see why you (or I for that matter) don't get that impression. We're giving her the benefit of the doubt. 
    But I also think it's a fair point that for those women their sexuality is exactly part of why they've been criticized or held to double standards too by critics through out the years. As if Nicki or Beyoncé haven't had backlash against them exactly because  of them sexualizing themselves in paticular ways. Emma Watson critcizing Beyonce for showing off her body too much and how that was unfeminist of her i.e. comes to mind. Not saying whether Emma's point was valid or not, just noticing how these female artists' sexuality are not that "normalized" afterall. They're pretty much in the same boat as Lana in many ways, so why hold them up as counter examples ?  
    She's complaining like "can I go back to singing about.." as if she hasn't been doing exactly that to great acclaim with a thriving career for the better part of a decade. If you're not in a kind mood when reading her letter, Lana implies that she's been struggling with watching her artistic work influence the world to little acclaim until recently and seeing other artists thrive while she herself has been shunned by critics, feminists, the likes. That is not exactly true and I can see why people call her out on it. 
    Yes, when reading her letter in a nuaced way that lends her the benefit of the doubt she has very valid points. But she doesn't make it easy for herself to be understood ("I'm not not a feminist"?????) and then she get's very upset that people misunderstands her.  
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