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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Agree, agree, agree. She really was less than smart here, she should've just fine tuned her message and definitely leave anyone's name out of it. The whole post was kinda self-destructive in the first place tbh. Like she had to know her sentiment would be overshadowed by her mentioning those other successful female artists. It was really dumb.
    But then again, this probably why I don't like her poetry all too much, it needs fine tuning, she's too whatever with writing down her thoughts.
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    M.I.A. 100% hands down.  and MIA actually stands for stuff that matters, made way more innovative music, had way more people try to rip off her art, and still gets paid dust.  M.I.A. cannot sneeze without backlash
    tbh i agree and i dont think she was intending to harm.  but shes been in the game for almost 10 years.  she has got to know people are gonna spin a huge deal out of literally anything she does.  i fully support her speaking her mind and expressing herself however she wants.  i dont think she ever should cave for what the industry or critic wants from her.  but that comes with an amount of backlash, so i hope she figures out a way to deal with the backlash better.  even if its jsut ignoring it.  she has made wonderful art that so many people adore.  just because someone drags her in a blog post or whatever shouldnt negate that.  i just hope she can find peace with maybe being an underground icon who doesnt have to be everyone's taste
  3. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Instagram Updates   
    The thing that seems to be getting lost in translation is that Lana was speaking on her own history and experiences. She wasn't intending to shade any of the artists she mentioned. I'm only saying this because I'm seeing the words "shade" and "drag" being mentioned over and over. I kind of wish more people would be willing to see her particular side of things and look into her history rather than just attacking (but it's the internet so who am I kidding). Her wording definitely sucked though. She was a bit too open with her thoughts, which can so easily be misinterpreted when you're a public figure.
  4. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    agreed but she has always had so many people who love her too.  its like thats not good enough for her or something.  idk maybe she never wanted to be adored by gays and depressed people so she doesnt care what we think.  i just dont get why she leans into the hate she gets.  it would be upsetting for anyone, but even like Beyonce received a ton of hate and responds by ... not responding.  not giving bullshit more air to breathe.
  5. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    honestly i hope Lana goes scorched Earth.  i think she is tone deaf, full of privileged ignorance, and pretty foolish to be intentionally calling in this sort of shit when she clearly cares way too much what her haters think - but no fucks given Lana would be a million times more engaging than whatever she's been serving recently.  there's plenty of people who are problematic as fuck that are still authentically themselves and end up being kinda bad bitches.  she said "fresh outta fucks forever" but it's clear she gives several fucks.  if she wants to express herself however she wants, which i think she should, she's gotta be willing to face whatever people respond to it with.  it's like damn.  you cant want to express yourself but be afraid of backlash.  there's artists i really respect who have received a million times more backlash than Lana but just stick to what they believe because that's authentic for them.  i worry about her self image bc she's a fucking uber successful millionaire pop star thats worried about what people on the internet write about her??????  good god girl get a grip
  6. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Mafiosa in Instagram Updates   
    yeah i think it comes down to her presumptuous tone and her whiny myopic paradigm
    like you could've said all that without trying to be cute. it comes off so contrived, everything she does on social media.
    i don't completely disagree w her sentiment. and she clearly wasn't dissing any of those women. but come on act your age...
  7. Summersault liked a post in a topic by SylviaPlath in Instagram Updates   
    I honestly think a lot of this drama comes down to Lana's wording and how its been misconstrued. If she had started the post with the thesis instead of name dropping those singers people might not be overreacting right now. Unfortunately Lana has a very train-of-thought style of writing that follows emotions instead of logic, and although I think almost everyone would agree with what she's trying to say, using those artist's names and acting massively on the defence is causing damage.
    Part of me is glad though.  If we lose all the fans that close their ears when she sings UV, then good.
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    It was obviously poorly worded and handled, there are things to criticize about the message at hand, but I think her being angry and lashing out is valid. She's fucking had it.
    I honestly wonder how many mere LB users would've cracked under the pressure she felt early on in career, back when indie music critics and Tumblr/Twitter stans, made a sport out of hating the good sis. They were legit trying to drill her a new asshole and were always on her back on a daily basis. Judging by what happened today, apparently she's still feeling this way today. It's so easy to judge people behind your keyboard and hide under a pseudonym/username and try to act hollier than thou, but truth is most of y'all would need psychiatric help had you been through what she has been through.
    I do sincerely wish she had shut up and didn't comment all those cringy comments, but she's had it with the haters and I'm living for her LIVING her Brooklyn Baby fantasy!
  9. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Instagram Updates   
    when i found out anthony fantano was significantly left-wing i remember being shocked lmao, he really doesn't strike me as the type
    uninterested in hearing his take tbh, i find his opinions typically derive from those of others anyway
  10. Elina liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Gods & Monsters   
    After 4.5 years of deliberation I've concluded that she's saying "motel speed sprees" as it makes sense both thematically and phonetically.  
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Venice in Which of Lana's boyfriends would you date? (Updated to include NEW boyfriends!)   
    Idk much about them but I'd prob go with Barrie just cause of her songs lmao, he sounds like a wild ride.
  12. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana at Overland Sheepskin Co. in Omaha, NE - November 13, 2019   
    This is not meant as a personal attack on anyone, just some perspective on the vegan criticism in this thread:
    Has Lana actually ever said that she's vegan/ against fur within recent time?
    Cause otherwise it seems a tad unreasonable to project your own values onto her and accuse her of hypocracy.
    You can of course still criticize her for wearing fur but remember:
     - Almost all chemicals, including those in medicine, are tested on animals.
    - Our houses, roads, hospitals and schools displace and kill animals as we build them.
    - Vegetable farming kills animals as well through i.e. pest control and harvesting
    I'm not saying being vegan isn't reducing animal harm but that's all you do. Reduce,not eliminate.
    We're part of an ecosystem where we inevitably embarge on animal lives, simply because we're alive. 
    In itself, fur is really not this totally different moral class of harm than the other many ways we use and embarge on animal lives through our lives (yes, vegans too). Especially not if it's sustainably sourced. It's just a very visible reminder of how we hurt animals and I think that's why it provokes a stronger reaction than say the building of a highway (highways are terrible for biodiversity and animal lives in general).
    I understand that reaction but it makes the criticism seem a bit arbitrary and not well thought out.
    That being said I find that real fur teddy oddly creepy as well, like it's gonna come alive in the night and murder me. It has that Buffalo Bill vibe         
  13. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Gods & Monsters   
    After 4.5 years of deliberation I've concluded that she's saying "motel speed sprees" as it makes sense both thematically and phonetically.  
  14. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana at Overland Sheepskin Co. in Omaha, NE - November 13, 2019   
    This is not meant as a personal attack on anyone, just some perspective on the vegan criticism in this thread:
    Has Lana actually ever said that she's vegan/ against fur within recent time?
    Cause otherwise it seems a tad unreasonable to project your own values onto her and accuse her of hypocracy.
    You can of course still criticize her for wearing fur but remember:
     - Almost all chemicals, including those in medicine, are tested on animals.
    - Our houses, roads, hospitals and schools displace and kill animals as we build them.
    - Vegetable farming kills animals as well through i.e. pest control and harvesting
    I'm not saying being vegan isn't reducing animal harm but that's all you do. Reduce,not eliminate.
    We're part of an ecosystem where we inevitably embarge on animal lives, simply because we're alive. 
    In itself, fur is really not this totally different moral class of harm than the other many ways we use and embarge on animal lives through our lives (yes, vegans too). Especially not if it's sustainably sourced. It's just a very visible reminder of how we hurt animals and I think that's why it provokes a stronger reaction than say the building of a highway (highways are terrible for biodiversity and animal lives in general).
    I understand that reaction but it makes the criticism seem a bit arbitrary and not well thought out.
    That being said I find that real fur teddy oddly creepy as well, like it's gonna come alive in the night and murder me. It has that Buffalo Bill vibe         
  15. HeadBitch liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Gods & Monsters   
    After 4.5 years of deliberation I've concluded that she's saying "motel speed sprees" as it makes sense both thematically and phonetically.  
  16. Summersault liked a post in a topic by grabmebymyribbons in Lana at Overland Sheepskin Co. in Omaha, NE - November 13, 2019   
    Question, are you guys against Lana wearing fur/leather as clothes and/or accessories or her buying it?
    Lana has worn leather, fur and even ostrich feathers many times in past magazine covers and and even by pap pictures before. I see familiar faces on those threads and they weren't outraged then, and they're even gushing about how good she looked.. the very same people outraged at her on this thread about how much of a hypocrite Lana is, talmbout climate change and all that but at the same time consuming animal products as clothes and accessory. Talk about hypocrisy-ception. 
    I personally don't support animal consumption especially as clothes or accessory not just for animal rights, for the environment and also for health reasons. Admittedly, I'm not really pleased with Lana doing that too.. but honestly, I don't get why people are so outraged as if this something out of character Lana does.
    Lanadoesn't have a fixed personality and goes through phases in her life that she thinks is currently cool, that's why she contradicts herself a lot, why she's a hypocrite in a lot of things. 
    That's why I believe her, doing shit like flying in private jet planes and wearing animal products and dating a cop.. isn't really something to be shocked about. especially at the end of the day she has always been a privileged white girl from an upper middle class family who once said ''I believe in the country America used to be.''
    Unironically glamorized being poor,pedophilia, drugs because it seems cool as heck.. 
    Please guys, if you're gonna stan Lana because of her art AND as someone that has the same moral compass as us plain folks then you're gonna be severely disappointed IMO. She just doesn't care. Plain and simple.
  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lana at Overland Sheepskin Co. in Omaha, NE - November 13, 2019   
    Remember how she handled the reviewer who wrote that Lana has a persona? Yeah, she didn’t handle that very well. 
    Honestly, as a fan, I don’t think I would dare telling her “yo, what’s wrong with you” if I would ever see her. Partly because I don’t want to be rude (because, like some said above, I truly don’t know her apart from what she chooses to show and tell us about her life), partly because I’d be afraid she’d forever see me in a bad light if I would ever get front row at her concerts again lol.
    It’s not that I don’t think she’s a bad person, because I really think she cares for others and is genuinely kind, but I think she’s just not interested enough to learn more about these phases she’s dipping her toes in just to try and then moves on to the next one. Which then comes off as being shallow and ignorant. I love her as an artist but I think it’s good to also see her flaws, and as fans, of course we want what’s best for her. And what that best is, well, it differs from person to person but that’s what’s so great about forums like this. We can discuss it here, follow her journey and see where she’ll go.
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Lana at Overland Sheepskin Co. in Omaha, NE - November 13, 2019   
    I never got why people get outraged when someone wears leather/fur but don't have that same outrage when someone eats meat. You could argue that eating meat is a necessity and wearing fur's a luxury but you don't really need meat to survive.. (ofcourse there will be exceptions where people have almost no other choice but to eat meat, but most of the time it isn't a necessity). It's not like the animals get abused less when killed for their meat. A fur teddy bear's a weird ass concept tho, like, why is that a thing..
  19. Summersault liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana at Overland Sheepskin Co. in Omaha, NE - November 13, 2019   
    What aesthetic is this? Republican?
  20. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana & Politics   
    To me Lanas whole artistic universe has always been about escapism, nostalgia and looking at the world through an aestethic, artistic lens, which is a very beautiful outlook, but highly impractical when searching for political visions.
    I don't know how much she is able to "snap out" of that artistic outlook, when it comes to making a political analysis of the world to be honest. Some of her remarks about feminism and politics in general makes me think not so much. I DO think she's liberal, but I have a suspicion that her political outlook is more shaped by her association with and fascination of artsy-hippie type of people that she likes to identify herself with, than a genuine sense of social indignation.
    Which is 100% okay with me. I never look to artists for political responses to the world. Lana is a good artist exactly because she has such a strong artistic vision, and if that means she's too busy living in lala-land to care about politics, I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
    Her whole "American Dream" theme does seem very inspired by both freedom-loving hippie culture and old-money Republicanism. Not a very consistent political outlook but fabulous entertainment and art. I can live with that.
  21. Summersault liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Looking For America   
    Unless I'm mistaken, isn't this her first explicit mention of Lake Placid in a song? Also, am I wrong or is Jack's guitar Lake Placid Blue?
  22. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Looking For America   
    The line which tightens my heartstrings a bit more than the others is "it's just a dream I had in mind", like... It sounds so hopeless, a lot of people want a change to make it harder to get access to a gun and it's a discussion which has been going on for years and years, decades, and nothing is happening. And perhaps not in the near future either. So this is something she can only dream about and perhaps not even dare to imagine ever happening. Like "It's just a dream I had in mind, don't mind me... I know it's silly."
  23. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Hawaiian Tropic   
    Today I randomly found out that Hawaiian Tropic is an American brand of tanning products that has been around for ages and apparently is quite associated with beauty pageants, beach bunnies and the likes thereof. Lanas never ending love for American kitsch strikes again!
  24. Nightmare liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Possible "Tropico" name origin theory   
    Apparently it resembles the theme of the Romeo and Juliet movie, but Lana says she wasn't aware
  25. 13beachess liked a post in a topic by Summersault in QUEEN   
    The Prophet's Song!    
    Expect more posts like this as I continue further on my Queen journey
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