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About GeminiLanaFan

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    Ultimate Member
  • Birthday June 5

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  1. When LanaBoards is having scrap phobia, this is usually a sign that the album is getting closer
  2. It’s honestly getting hard to be hyped about this since she only left us crumbs and delayed promises of a « meal coming up » (album). I’m not even expecting anything for Vday at this point
  3. Still to this day, I think she worked too soon with Mike Dean. Not that WFWF isn’t incredible, it’s just that he could have brought so much more to a song If he hadn’t been « stuck » in the BB minimalism. Imagine half of an album produced by him similar to the Abyss
  4. I love everything about it… except the chorus Please don’t throw stones at me
  5. Still not over this song. It’s just so good and it gets better with each listen
  6. I doubt Henry is about him so there’s still hope for a February single… but hey maybe a love song on his birthday would make sense actually
  7. I agree that most of the time, her single drops aren’t very much planned… except for the Ocean Blvd era. The title track released on Sean’s birthday (with the only billboard for the album put out in his town), A&W being released on VDay (which is still about him and is the antithesis of a love song): this was planned. And the Grants, well you had to have another single before the album to hype the album a bit. That being said, I don’t think there’ll be any significance to the single’s release dates this era. Especially since many major album releases were pushed back a bit due to the LA fires (the Weeknd, Gaga also: Mayhem was supposed to be out in February but will be out March 7, to name a few)
  8. I honestly had no idea what it could have sounded like, but Billie’s collabs are pretty much always on point. So if it had been true, I guess they would have found a way to make it work. But it’s true that Billie has some drive that is more « masculine » I guess (or straightforward )than Lana
  9. I am so grateful that, for once, the rumours of Lana being featured on an album were true (Sadly, the Billie feat wasn’t but I can’t say I’m that bummed about it). and what an outro to an amazing song.
  10. February is very likely to bring something. thank goodness for Stagecoach at the end of April: she has to have at least two singles released beforehand.
  11. I remember when he first started teasing The Abyss months ago and I loved this song already… it’s the one I preferred out of all the snippets or singles. But i was so tired this morning I didn’t even recognize that it was the same song. I was too excited for Lana’s part Way to go, Abel, have Lana feature on your best song
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