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About terencelovesyou

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    Tamworth, Australia
  • Interests
    Writing, art, music.
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  1. Apart from MAC, Cinnamon is my favourite so far. Soo nice.
  2. Has everyone bought my recently released book of poems about Lana? It's called "I Fall to Pieces" and the author is Glenn Cooper. Available from lulu.com I sent Lana a copy. I do hope she gets it.
  3. She didn't say it was going to be rhyming poetry - in fact she said the opposite: drscribing it as "free verse."
  4. On Venice Bitch: 1. I think it's overly long. I wont be shocked if the album version comes in at 5 or 6 minutes 2. Melodically, there's not a lot happening 3. I think this track will work better in the context of an album, as opposed to in isolation, as we're hearing it now 4. It's a definite grower Can't wait for the new album!
  5. I'm male (and straight) but Sad Girl is one of my top 10 Lana songs. The soaring vocal on that bridge just kills me. I play it over and over. Being a David Lynch fan I also love that refrain "He's got the fire / and he walks with it." How does the song make me feel? Very difficult to say. Like a lot of Lana's songs, it has a kind of intangible quality. It has that "dreamy" essence characteristic of so many of her songs. "Like watching clouds pass in front of the moon," to quote Greil Marcus. Salvatore.
  6. Loving this thread. Keep 'em comin'.
  7. Cruel World Shades of Cool Terence Loves You Ride Cherry Salvatore Blackest Day Born To Die Video Games Sad Girl Heroin Honeymoon
  8. "If we hold on to Rome / we'll have a happy ending."
  9. The only two I skip are the two formulaic rap songs. Decent songs ruined by the silly rap thing in the middle. Glad she doesn't play them live.
  10. It's all real. What we are really speaking of are issues of persona. Identity. It's like Bob Dylan in 1964, the famous concert, where he said to the audience, "Happy Halloween and I've got my Bob Dylan mask on, haha." I don't have any doubt that everything Lana has written or sung about, has had its germination in some "real" event. Now, what's a "real event"? Could be something she has personally experienced, or it could be something she read about or overheard or dreamed. They are all real events, whether she experienced them or not. If you imagine doing something, the same parts of the brain are activated that would be activated if you were actually doing it. There's no difference. So, in a sense, all events are real. I think it was Picasso who said, "If it can be imagined, it's real."
  11. An excellent, almost perfect audience recording of this show exists, in its entirety. It's on regular rotation around here. If anyone would like a copy (2cds) just inbox me.
  12. Shades of Cool from Hollywood Bowl is essential. Stunning performance. And some of the smiles and facial expressions are to die for.
  13. No Do you own a book of poetry?
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