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  1. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by trailer park in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    I'm reading this thread and just feeling so disappointed in her. Wtf is this california snippet? It doesn't even feel like she's singing the song, she's just speaking the lyrics.
    And imo there's absolutely NO excuse for forgetting the lyrics. It seems like she doesn't rehearse at all, just goes on stage and expects things to happen (hear fans screaming, make the least effort possible, point the mic to the audience and eventually run off stage)
  2. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    so fucking glad I never wasted my money or effort trying to buy a ticket to see her this era, the lack of professionalism... FAR too much it's almost disgustingly disrespectful. I would have never thought she would become like this back in the paradise era when she was giving every bit of energy and emotion and looking genuinely happy to be on seen on stage...
    fans and publications really need to start openly criticising her I'm not saying she needs unwarranted BTD era level hate but fans and journalists need to speak out and say "hey you're performing like a lifeless LA zombie popstar who doesn't even know the words to her own songs who can't go 5 seconds without huffing her bedazzled vape, recycles sets, shows up an hour late looking like a soccer mom who just got done with her hippie holistics nutrition class, hides behind her famewhore backup dancers and charges even more every tour for that just gets even shittier in quality" 
    I'm just so disappointed in her, she needs to wake up.
  3. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    So let me get this straight:
    1. She can't perform for more than an hour and fifteen minutes at most (and that's when she feels like performing for more than an hour and not cutting down on show time).
    2. She literally shows up late to each and every concert.
    3. Has an eponymously named tour, and performs like 5 songs at most from the album. But decides to recycle the same setlist from her past three "tours". Instead of singing new songs, she does covers and brings people on stage to take the attention away from her (which I'm not actually complaining about she actually brought (or will bring) Legends on stage with her! But it actually cuts down on show time, which could be use to perform newer songs).
    4. Either does small acapella versions of the other songs from the album and/or relies on fans to remember the lyrics and has this "fuck it" attitude when they don't seem to remember them, nor does she seem to remember her own lyrics herself... 
    5. Shows up on stage with the ugliest, most grandma-ish, Little House On The Prairie meets The Handmaid's Tale clothes she can find (her style on stage is debatable though)
    6. Seems to be flustered or annoyed to be on stage. #vapegate
    7. Not always on top of her game as far as vocals go. Also, doesn't she seem to care for hitting notes and relies heavily on the ever loud backtrack or her tour lyfe babiesTM to take over.
    8. Seemingly only interacts with the same five stans that literally attend every single one of her shows (that's on her, but it sucks for people who are looking forward to that one interaction with her for the first time (and also probably the only chance they got too)).
    9. Ridiculous price tags for her ugliest, most lackluster merch to date (literally stuck a "Venice Bitch" patch on a Dickies jacket, tagged it 150$ and called it a day    )
    What a time to be alive and be a Lana stan. 
    She never was the most amazing live act, but there was somewhat an attention to detail, or she actually seemed to enjoy performing for her fans. But it's all gone downhill... wow.
  4. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    For the moment everything takes a back seat to this. Joan Baez? WOW JUST WOW. I feel lucky to have seen Adam and Sean but this is quite amazing. Thank you Joan for agreeing to this.
    Lana on the other hand. Please full sets, 90 minutes minimum. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse! Say goodbye at the end of the show. Wave to everyone there, front back side. Stand there and let your fans love you. It's part of the deal.
  5. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Downtown Baby Doll in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    Is she spending less time meeting fans in first row than she did for LATTM tour? I’m surprised at the lack of fan selfies from her latest shows, especially from the tour lyfe babies who always manage to get one with her.
  6. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by SweetHenny in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    Laziness is a dangerous thing for a touring singer like Lana to have - but she has it (Extended Acapella Version).mp3
  7. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by theweightofthehours in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    Wow. I love her but wtf. Why is she acting like such a brat?
  8. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    I think it’s really common to have screens with lyrics near the stage for many artists, isn’t it? Lana should have them.
  9. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    I don't accept #2 as an excuse. It's not like she's being expected to remember meaningless words - these are the lyrics that supposedly mean something to her. So unless her art means very little to her, then I expect her to remember the damn words. If she doesn't, then I expect her to revise them before she tours.
    I really don't think that that's asking too much.
    She does shit like this and then wonders why people don't take her seriously.
    It honestly makes me wonder if her heart is really in any of this. I also feel like it's a bit disrespectful to the other people associated with this album, most notably, Jack. I mean, he worked on these songs with her, and from what I can tell, he takes his work very seriously. Sis can't even be bothered memorising the fucking words to the songs they created together. I don't know if I'd be really pleased if I poured my heart and soul into an album and the other person stopped giving a fuck when it was time to showcase it, but maybe I'm crazy.
  10. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    If she has such an issue with lyrics, I don't understand why doesn't she just search for the lyrics on her phone. Adele did it before when she had to sing a song she rarely does and it was fine, no one criticized her for it.
    Also wow that lady Lana invited to the stage today sounded very nice, she has good vocals. And it's good for Lana since she gets to slack off while someone else entertains her crowd for 10 minutes.
  11. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    It will be too late by then. White Hot Forever will be an album much better than NFR, we will want to hear the White Hot Forever music not these.
  12. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    Seems pointless to wait for the VB song to finish when she's usually down in the front signing stuff and taking selfies at that point. Plus people have lives. She's 30- 50 mins late and there's people who need to be at work in the morning. 
  13. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    I'm one of those people who doesn't give much of a fuck what he does, but I wish people wouldn't do that, because she probably thinks her shows are really spectacular because people like him turn up to every single one. He, and everyone else who does that, is doing the whole fan base a disservice.

    Also, apparently quite a lot of people left her Portland show during VB and at the end she said, "thanks for fucking sticking around!" to the people who were still there. So you know, she can turn up 50 minutes late but God forbid people want to beat the stampede out of the venue/on public transport by missing a few minutes of the VB backing track.
  14. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by amostori in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    cant believe she thinks this is ok when people are paying actual MONEY they work hard for to support her. it's dumb and selfish
  15. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    Okay, but seriously, this isn't funny or cute.
    An acapella of a song is okay. Not knowing the lyrics, and then giving up is not okay.
    Most of the people on this site know most, if not all, of the words to all of the songs on NFR - how does she not know them? Is she that disinterested in her work? If so, that's concerning. How can she expect we, her fans, to invest in her work when she doesn't? I know I sound dramatic, but ... are the lyrics not the essence of her work? She's a writer, right? Is it just me? I think this is extremely disappointing.
    There are people saying we should be grateful that she's doing these acapellas but I disagree. Why should we be grateful that she does these ill-prepared renditions of songs from her current fucking album on that album's tour? Like, bitch no. 
    I guess we know why we didn't get lyrics in the album booklet and/or a lyric book - she doesn't fucking know what they are.
    LOL @@Clampigirl we basically posted the same rant at the same time (except, as expected, yours is much nicer than mine is!)
  16. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    It’s not unusual for artists to sometimes forget their lyrics and maybe la-la-la the melody instead but blaming your fans (even as a joke) for not knowing the lyrics of your new songs, on the tour named to promote the new album, is just... I get that she has already moved on to the next project in her mind, but had she only rehearsed more, if she and the band had practiced together for a month or two, these acapellas and missed lyric lines wouldn’t be happening. I thought of the same word as Rorman the other day: diva. And I also wondered to myself if this was another artist, if fans and critics would be so easy and forgiving on her.
    I feel like blergh, I come with complaints after every show. I don’t want to, I love her.
  17. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    Oh so she's still in a mood, then. 
    These half-arsed renditions of NFR songs in which she swears and/or blames the audience after approximately one minute are becoming tiresome. I don't find it endearing; I find it bratty and diva-ish. 
    What the fuck? Do better, Lanz. People are paying for this shit. 
  18. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    How the fuck do you not know the lyrics to your own songs? How embarrassing. 
    Mariah and Celine would NEVER. 

  19. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    Can she like... learn how to sing her own songs
  20. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Berkeley, CA @ Greek Theatre - October 6th, 2019   
    Someone on Reddit said she sang California and snapped with "You always do this, and you say you'll help me with the lyrics but I don't know the words and you don't know the words".
    What the fuck, what is with her? Also why can't she ever remember what key she wrote the song in.
    She apparently sang BAR too
  21. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Portland, OR @ Moda Center - October 3rd, 2019   
    She is literally lip syncing Venice bitch, I mean it's not bad having background vocals during the parts she is in the crowd but girl don't pretend like you sing it
  22. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Portland, OR @ Moda Center - October 3rd, 2019   
    She playback's every song.
  23. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Portland, OR @ Moda Center - October 3rd, 2019   
    People discussing "Fans are being too loud!!" I have to laugh. It's an Arena concert. Of course sometimes things will end up being "too much" but it's part of the experience and after this. 

    "It’s just heavy performing for people who really care about you, and you don’t really care that much about yourself sometimes. I thought it was sad. I thought my position was sad. I thought it was sad to be in Ireland singing for people who really cared when I wasn’t sure if I did.”
    I doubt she really would stop singing just because her fans were singing back. Also, we're not in the 70s anymore and she's not doing an "open night" show. There's technology that allows people to listen to their band + their own voice and don't miss marks and stuff (especially in a concert that has been secured with backtrack that some fans also call "playback").
    This was at my concert with the craziest people in the world. Yes, Brazil. And I believe the first "full live" of Get Free.

    By the end you can see she's pointing microphone to the people. There's nothing more special than hearing thousands people singing the words you wrote.
    The problem with The Greatest is just that she's a bit lazy (something that already came out of her mouth while talking about the pop world) to do her stuff right. I don't think it makes her a bitch that she didn't sind the chorus to the song after doing most of it acapella, and sometimes she really just didn't have the words right. I don't think she really rehearsed the new album. But at least she's trying so let's wait and see if there's a miracle and she decided to promote NORMAN FUCKING ROCKWELL on the NORMAN FUCKING ROCKWELL TOUR.
  24. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Portland, OR @ Moda Center - October 3rd, 2019   
    I hate that she removed the Ride bridge. It's one of the most beautiful parts of the song. 
  25. Umaniac liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Portland, OR @ Moda Center - October 3rd, 2019   
    But if the crowd is being too loud, how hard can it be to kindly ask them to calm down so you can hear yourself better? Honestly.
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