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About creditcardromancer

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  1. Lana is just not a good person. Marrying that trash husband of hers was basically the final straw for me anyway but this situation is truly disgusting. I can’t believe people are making excuses for her employing an abuser.
  2. This is what I came here to say. Two of my favourite songs ever from her but they make me feel like I’m going deaf because I can’t hear anything properly.
  3. Delusional is beautiful. I do feel like she did the AI cover for attention because otherwise nobody would be talking about the song. She has a budget of -$300, let's extend a little grace here lol.
  4. Born to Die - Honeymoon was an incredible and untouchable run of albums. But everything shes put out recently (COCC - OB) has been so disappointing that it actually makes me miss Lust For Life era which I wasn't even a huge fan of back then. NFR is good but it's missing everything that made me fall in love with her music in the first place. It's the last album from her I can listen to front to back. Every album release I get more and more bored, they all have a handful of good songs but as far as overall replay value goes they just don't have it for me. The music she's making now is where she's at with her artistry and people seem to love it but idk... It makes me sad lol. And that T Swift collab kinda ruined being a fan of her. A bunch of Swiffers suddenly became fans and idc what anyone says there was a noticeable change in the fandom after that happened. Lipsters have always been crazy but in a very different and more interesting way. Now a lot of the content is just trash because a bunch of locals (or whatever term people use now) are suddenly fans. And I agree with what someone said up thread, I think a lot of people talking about she looks sooooo good now (she ALWAYS has) mostly think so because she lost weight. Idc I liked thick Lana, she's gorgeous and she has her own style no matter what weight she is...
  5. I wish we we're going to get another cinematic album from Lana but I know I have to let that go... Lust for Life is the last album we're probably ever going to get like that.
  6. I told yall Lasso was not happening in the other thread lol. In true Lana fashion, we get the actual album title and (alleged) release date nearly a year later.
  7. I actually really liked the poetry book. As some of you may know, I was not a fan of the Zine she did during ADIAML. (lol). I dont read poetry so that might be why, I have no bar to set it against. I didnt really like Lana's book, I struggled to get through it but I did love the audio book and own a couple of the records. My personal favourites after the first read: I really enjoy her perspective on life and it mirrors a lot of what I've gone through, especially over the last 8 years. Some of the line breaks were a little weird but it doesnt personally bother me that much. I love the artwork throughout the book. I'm not a huge fan of the theme of Love in art because there are so many other topics to explore it just gets old for me, so obviously those poems didnt resonate as much. Just my personal opinion though, obviously a lot of people enjoy that. I'm surprised its getting such a negative response tbh. The poetry is exactly what I expected.
  8. Another reminder that she literally announces projects that we never get LOL. Like its almost just part of the routine at this point. Tropico, Standards and Classics, White Hot Forever, Rock Candy Sweet...
  9. The only remix worth more than one listen, I fear.
  10. I love that it’s a Lipster tradition to have a prerelease thread for an album that ain’t coming before we get the actual album lol.
  11. You guys have to be kidding. This is way better than the original. Billie and Charli sound hot as f together and the video is incredible. Charli likes boys but she knows I'd hit it is already iconic.
  12. I'm glad it's a terrible song so I won't have to reluctantly bop... I know people hated Smile but it was actually a good album with catchy songs, this however is just cringe worthy. The video makes no sense. Am I missing something?
  13. creditcardromancer

    Ava Max

    She’s boring but her songs do not all sound the same lmfao. Also she makes dance music, pretty much every dance artist uses samples.
  14. Omg the song is SO FUCKING GOOD… Cuntsha is back.
  15. A cash grab that you can't even buy? lol
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