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About Rayse

  • Rank
    Me, your Vulgar Darling.
  • Birthday 07/30/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Wayne, New Jersey
  • Interests
    doing dirty things to rdj

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2,281 profile views
  1. I need her to become a mom w this haircut
  2. Kill Kill - 10 Queen of the Gas Station - 10 Oh Say Can You See - 10 Gramma - 10 For K, Part 2 - 10 Jump - 10 Mermaid Motel - 10 Raise Me Up - 10 Pawn Shop Blues - 10 Brite Lites - 9 Put Me in a Movie - 10 Smarty - 10 Yayo - 11
  3. Rayse

    Billie Eilish

  4. Read through this finally lol 1) @stargirl is my new fave 2) another fucking LDR album where I love every song 3) TNC is magic 4) Small venues forever 5) How does she have a hot af outfit one night and then yoga pants the next night
  5. Can a human being look fucking better in jeans jfc
  6. I love how the fucking official audio video is better than most music videos I've seen. Idk wth she'll even do for the actual video
  7. Rayse

    Mr Little Jeans

    Love her and Pocketknife is a lovely album. Been listening to that one a long time, but like @Ed55 I always come back around to her Arcade Fire cover!
  8. Rayse

    Bonnie McKee

    My favorite Bonnie song is [flash=]
  9. I'm actually having problems rn because I can't take this song off repeat. IT'S SO GOOD. & lol her video is so her I can't PS does the very beginning like first three seconds remind anyone of the stranger things theme lol LOL the dedication
  10. National Anthem - 1,085 lol Kill Kill - 659 Video Games - 635
  11. Rayse

    Book Thread!

    It's funny and really sexual and just great
  12. Amy is like the one artist I HATE being covered so I hope this isn't a thing lmao
  13. Rayse

    twenty one pilots

    To think one guy writes all the lyrics is crazy to me. The Judge is one of my favorites by them. And Heathens too fam. Just listen to it all.
  14. Lol okay so basically no one will agree with me, but I didn't think the show was THAT good. Like everyone (aka Aaron Paul whose opinion I use to live my life properly) thought it was the best thing to grace this planet and I liked it, especially the characters (mainly those dope kids), but I didn't think I would give up my first born for it like seemingly everyone else
  15. Rayse


    I hear love's been killing me, not life's I also hear all the cash unpaid
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