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Everything posted by takeitdoen

  1. Southern hemisphere considerations here. January - Lust for Life February - AKA March - Ultraviolence April - May - June - July - Honeymoon August - Violet Bent Backwards Over the GrASS September - Norman FUCKING Rockwell! October - November - December - Born to Die
  2. I was just going through my phone and saw some videos of this objectively lame concert. There was an issue with registering with Lanaboards so I was lurking here but couldn't post about the horrors I lived. I made it about two rows from the front and I was literally drenched from sweat so much that my watch fell off (RIP my watch 2017 - 2018). The fans at the front were of course vicious - who among us was up there? People were faking 'fainting' so that they could get to the front and security would carry them out, Lana sort of gave a laughing nod each time, and at one stage said "Wow you guys are dropping like flies, huh?!". We had fun and my friend and I were singing along on Young and Beautiful and a girl near us said "You have such a nice voice!" so I was CHUFFED. A very good looking guy next to me kept yelling "DATE ME LANA". As Lana pretended to consider audience requests, I yelled out a few times 'SING LOVE!' which everyone was really not in the mood for. Felt a little disappointed she didn't do any fun additional songs and the set was essentially the Lollapalooza broadcast - even more annoying when she sang an additional 4 or 5 songs in Sydney and Melbourne respectively. Not sure if I'd go to another one, definitely wouldn't go to another one at Riverstage.
  3. She will never top this.
  4. This one is BONE CHILLING. When they meet again with no emotions. “I betrayed you,' she said baldly. 'I betrayed you,' he said.
  5. Ahaha good! That is a lot less cringe that just taking random quotes and pairing them with a selfie
  6. I also like this quote from the 21st century poet Lana del Rey: I'm not gonna lie the traffic I was just caught in was Trumatic
  7. I think some of the romantics on here would love Jean Cocteau's La voix humaine, which is a play but is essentially a 70 minute, one-sided phone conversation where a woman pleads with her man to not leave her (and she then gives up and kills herself). Lots of gems in there but the one that really sticks out (from Daniel Raggett's translation) is: "And I had a dream. I dreamed of this. I woke up really suddenly all happy because all of this - what's happening right now - was all a dream, and when I realised it was real, that I was actually alone, that I didn't have my head tucked in its place between your neck and your shoulder, and my legs tangled up with your legs, I felt that I couldnt, that I - could - not - live -" I haven't read it, but this quote has stuck with me for a number of years from Mark Twain's Autobiography (clipped since it goes on about religion and frankly BORING): "But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most . . ." idk why I love this quote, I read it like 10 years ago and I still remember it. Maybe because it's so wholesome - from Neil Gaiman's American Gods: "They had been sleeping together for a week now. Sam wondered if this was it, the relationship she'd been waiting for all her life. She told herself that it was just brain chemicals and pheromones that made her happy when she saw Natalie, and perhaps that was what it was; still, all she knew for sure was that she smiled when she saw Natalie, and that when they were together she felt comfortable and comforted." omg do NOT be the guy who just posts literature as captions, I promise you will look back and cringe.
  8. There are GREAT selections in this thread. I don't think I have 20 favourites but these are my most rewatched/quote/watched for fun all the time (in no order) 1. Mulholland Dr 2. Mulan 3. Galaxy Quest 4. Scott Pilgrim vs The World 5. Being John Malkovich 6. Hot Fuzz 7. Tampopo 8. Fantastic Mr. Fox 9. Wolf Children 10. Addams Family Values 11. Howl's Moving Castle 12. Perks of Being a Wallflower I'm happy to admit my favourites aren't dictated on what is popular or what's considered to be masterpieces. Ghibli movies for honourable mentions Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Pom Poko. Other stuff I love but don't consider favourites Dogville, Call Me By Your Name, Happiness of the Katakuris, House of Flying Daggers, A Bug's Life. Awful but amazing movies Pop Star (the Aaron Carter movie), Cool Dog, Cool as Ice (the Vanilla Ice movie).
  9. this footage of Sean singing the song just leaked!!!!
  10. Unsure if I think Tomorrow Never Came is terrible because of the song, or just because Sean Lennon's voice is awful. He is like King Midas, but instead of gold everything he touches turns to shit.
  11. Obviously it's my opinion, because I'm the one that said it.
  12. The orchestration and production makes the piece mawkish. The Born to Die version sucked the life out of the originally which was fun and very playful. I still like it but it's objectively bad. Also it has one of the only production fuck ups on the entire record, with the loop pop in the outro.
  13. Some of my favourites! The Old Red Hills of Home (from Parade) Epic work, the last great luscious musical score from the 20th century. Brilliant, smart, stiring and powerful. Sadly also based on a real story The entire first act is a cracker, City On Fire/Final Sequence FEATURING MISS POTS. The whole score is flawless, but this moment has one of my favourite and most intense musical moments (City on Fire - where the lunatics start running through the streets), with a reprise of almost every major motif, amazing orchestration, incredible cast (only marginally behind the Theatre du Chatalet cast in 2011). This is the most brilliant writer of our time. Still Hurting (from The Last Five Years) Another Jason Robert Brown classic, the indie musical. I think the movie casting and instrumentation is definitive and I love it! This and Still Hurting are my favourites, but this one is really FUN. I Dreamed a Dream (from Les Mis) The first 20 minutes of the musical are probably my favourite, it's unfortunate the film gave so little emphasis to the MUSIC. Ruthie Henshall is the definitive Fantine. This whole concert was a BANGER. The way her voice rips of 'SO DIFFERENT FROM THIS HELL I'M LIVING IN' Don't Cry for Me Argentina (from Evita) I fucking hated Evita for like 5 years and then somehow it's now one of my favourites of aaaall time. OG instrumentation is best, Julie Covington has a delicate but commanding delivery. As If We Never Said Goodbye (from Sunset Bouelvard) "I'VE COME HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME. AT. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSTTT!" One of my favourites of all time - I've seen videos of Betty literally stopping the show and as people applaud over her soaring notes, innovative shifts to the score, and she has a minute standing ovation for this song (and her whole role). This musical is another extravaganza, with ALW's classic strings and brass everywhere and I EAT IT UP. With One Look + Salome are my other moments I love.
  14. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Unsure if I care. Hyrule Warriors is okay as a mindless button mash while I do something else, but apparently the gameplay has some extra elements like puzzles and such. I also love the continued BotW art style. i mUsT PRoTeCt EV'RyoNE!!! Fucking Zelda honking like a goose. I can't believe after 30 years THIS was the fucking voice we ended up with.
  15. @plastiscguy this is what I wrote when Serene Queen linked and people started using the term ~witchy~ I think what people attempt to understand as witchy is it's characterised by these terms: Lyrics that relate to otherworldly elements (heaven, hell, magic, ritualism), relate to a synergy with nature (mother earth, dusk, twilight, forests, undiscovered terrain) or ritualism (hexes, paganism, magic again, curses, revenge, scored and jilted promises). Also, peculiar delivery, and the combination of strange concepts that make it seem foreign and somehow unrelatable without a deeper knowledge of the content. Instrumentation and atmosphere that doesn't sound natural - electronic beats that create a disparate sound, heavily echoed and reverbed vocals, instruments with heavy filters to distort away from the acoustic feel. On the other hand, a deliberate mix of traditional, baroque style instrumentals like flutes, bone chimes and musical saws can also evoke this feeling. Minor key - not as bright, dark tonality, occasionally with clashes in notes that make the music more tense or mysterious I actually don't think Lana has many of these songs, the best examples are actually the Lust for Life demos, and Season of the Witch. However I think the peak form of ~witchy~ is the Lust for Life album trailer (which definitely includes all the elements from above) and actually probably the best non-songs being Bare Feet on Linoleum or Land of a 1000 Fires. Despite what I said above, Florence has some good examples of 'witchy' music on her album Ceremonials - Seven Devils too but the best is Leave My Body, which is complete with a gospel choir, strange vocal processing throughout and leaving the song, themes about leaving the mortal plane. Lana doesn't have anything that would be witchy in comparison. But like @LemonadeHeavens said, witchy is essentially a meme on Lanaboards.
  16. omg Laura Michelle Kelly is a GEM and this is one of my favourite musical moments OF ALL TIME!!!! Have you heard this live version at 1:15? It ended my life and I listened to this 100000000 times when I first found it. ENFOLDED IN MY ARMS LOTH LORI ENNNNNNNNNNNN
  17. omg @urgirl I was on the fence for so long but I LOVE Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo in Phantom, it made me love the entire musical (eventually)
  18. Lanaboards, I have seen loving and loathing of musicals - stage, film, and live! With Lana allegedly working on a musical, in addition to her doing a few musical covers, it's prime time to chat who here is a fan, or hates the musicals!? Perhaps you're a fan of the classics like Les Mis? Are you a Stephen Sondheim fan, with his intricate melodies, exquisite lyricism and iconic moments involving Meryl Streep? Perhaps you are a fan of the Renaissance Disney? Maybe you were a surprise fan of the abomination movie that was Cats (2019)? Discuss, share ya favourite moments, nerd out!
  19. Let me tell you, learning that Australia is now under Russian martial law and everyone here is a Russian national has me SHOOK TO MY CORE. Слава Родине. This thread is such a guilty pleasure. My love, my light, my lust for life.
  20. Goodnight and Thank You - From Evita (with Madonna)
  21. takeitdoen

    Song vs. Song

    Looking for America vs. Raise It Up
  22. No one here is being misogynistic as her gender is not in question or an aspect of the criticism. While I understand you can draw connections to egotism, in this instance it really doesn't apply since people would have dragged anyone who had said some of these cringe things. Comments like this: "You and I are exactly the same. We know everything that's going on and we have no fucking clue how we know it. It's not like we're ever asking anyone for gossip" A weird humble brag, but also audacious because she's so out of touch with normal people - she obviously name drops recent watershed political moments that she has been persecuted over because of her ignorant language or totally breezing over.
  23. Bahah. My friend is lending it to me. That and Explorers of Darkness.
  24. This was unbearable to read. I couldn't make it all the way through since my eyes couldn't stop rolling at her ego. Exactly why people should be interviewed by journalists and not by their friends. @Elle I dunno how you wrote it out I would've had to log off and scream at a wall.
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