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About Tyler

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  • Birthday 08/01/1995

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    the chateau marmont

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  1. Was so not prepared for this... omfg. So impressed. Love the lyrics, they're so snarky Lana which is what I live for. Always nice to hear her standing up for herself in songs. I was NOT expecting a full on electronic song which is throwing me in such a loop on how HM will sound as an album. This songs almost sounds experimental in ways. And the AKA lyrical reference! When Lana reminds me why she's my top fave, she hits hard.
  2. Wow. Those strings. Someone before said that this literally sounds like it's from a a soundtrack I have to agree. This sounds straight from a 60's horror movie like Psycho or something and it's amazing. Yes, it's a sleepy song, but still amazing. This may be her best song vocally imo. She really let her voice shine here. and the SCATTING I still hope that MTWBT will be a bop.
  3. This director is promising, so I'm hoping for a good vid! Shades of Cool was the best vid for UV (even though I had some issues with it), but his work is def solid! It seems much more likely for him to direct MTWBT than HM. We've only seen HM clips, but this makes me believe MTWBT will be the first single opposed to HM. Maybe HM vid will still come out first, but just for promo? IDK...
  4. Tyler

    MS MR

    How Does It Feel (the song) is such a bop! It's kinda like MS MR's version of Florence's "What Kind of Man" imo.
  5. Tyler

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    From everything I've seen, it' only been select. Hopefully, it will change for the real tour. :/ Also, I bought my ticket for Philly!
  6. Brass instruments are making a huge comeback in music this year with Uptown Funk and Florence's new album, so I'm crossing my fingers that they make it in HM. They could add a really juicy kick to the songs, that could be nice.
  7. Tyler

    Charli XCX

    Saw Charli for the second time this past weekend at Sweetlife Fest and I gotta say, she honestly was the first act there that actually got the crowd going and she absolutely killed it. I stayed behind the buses for a few hours after Marina got offstage, but didn't see either of them (I did see Vicky, Charil's bassist and Banks walking around tho lol). I wonder if Marina and Charli hung out between their sets... they didn't post anything about it. On this era, I feel like there are some gems that Charli actually really enjoys doing like Sucker (song), Famous, Doing It, Need UR Luv, and Body of My Own, but I do think she also feels bad about a lot of the other pop stuff like Boom Clap, Die Tonight, the promo wheel of death, etc, etc. I hope she ends this era on a strong note this summer with Need Ur Luv as the last single, and then drops Sucker like its hot like Lana did with UV. Give her a few months to regain her thoughts and what she really wants, and come back feeling happy again with her work.
  8. Tyler

    Florence + The Machine

    What i would give for the witch concept album...
  9. Tyler

    Melanie Martinez

    Cry Baby video is out. That song is AMAZING. I may become a stan for this.
  10. Tyler

    Alex Winston

    Careless is honestly so good, I'm still not sick of it. I feel like this record might lose some of the wacky charm King Con had since these songs are more about her life, and not fictional stories, but we'll see.
  11. Tyler

    Charli XCX

    It's actually pretty ironic now that I think about it. Both of them tried to go more mainstream for their 2nd albums while trying to be cynical and sarcastic about the pop world, but meanwhile the thing they are making fun of is actually taking it's toll and draining them, and they can't wait to get it over with.
  12. Those sky scrappers on the set look like some serious Dali-surrealist shit, so I guess she is heading in that direction. I hope this is actually a traveling piece in the set, and not just this show.
  13. With YCBTB, Serial Killer and OTTR being practiced, i hope this means HM is gonna be the uptempo, jazzy mixed with hiphop, Bonnie and Clyde-esque era I've been waiting for.
  14. So they identified the set list by listening to the band rehearse all those songs? or the saw them printed somewhere?
  15. First off all this snippets have me SCRAMBLING On that set list though... why do they say "new song???" like they don't know the title, but they know everything else? Seems a little fake to me, but those snippets of serial killer and OTTR...
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