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Everything posted by Lirazel

  1. I love Dark Paradise (not my favourite tho), but I agree with Ride! I mean, I don't hate it... but it's so bland. I listen to it every once in a while, but overall it's pretty meh. I wasn't aware that Carmen is so hated...
  2. Lirazel

    Book Thread!

    Oh, I love it so much! Oscar Wilde was brilliant, and Dorian Gray is a beautiful novel. One of my favourites <3
  3. Wow, that's a really nice collection i love all the covers!
  4. Lirazel

    Britney Spears

    She absolutely HAS to write a book, even if she will need to get a little help from ghost writer (I mean, what star didn't?). She's fascinating because her life is so different from everybody else's. I can't possibly imagine how it feels like to be her. Even if Britney's music is not as artsy as, say, Lana's (this is not a dig at Britney, just an observation) and a lot of people disregard her for that reason, I think that her lifestory could be made into an amazing movie or a novel. If Britney wrote an honest biography or a memoir (like Patti Smith did), it could be an amazing read - and I don't even mean for any cheap scandals. I would love to find out how the world and the reality looks like from Britney's eyes. I guess I felt kind of tricked by FTR, because it wasn't as honest as it should have been. I mean, I wouldn't want Britney to say things that made her uncomfortable, but it would be nice if she delved more into her life. It felt like a commercial a lot, and it would be fine if not the subtitles at the beginning ("No question left unanswered"), which promised shocking honesty. Thanks for mentioning IAFF, I somehow wasn't aware of it's existence... and while googling it, I've stumbled upon this gem of weirdness: WHAT IS THIS EVEN I might check one episode of Chaotic, just out of sheer curiosity...
  5. Lirazel

    Britney Spears

    So... as someone has suggested, I've just seen For the Record, because I really wanted to find out more about Britney as a person, and not just as an entertainer. What I wanted to get from the documentary: Did it fullfill my expectations? Well... yes and no, but I liked it I'm glad to have found my favourite part gifed by talented tumblr user I was really happy that she has said this, because I can completely relate, especially now. I've been thinking the entire time - no wonder she's been such a superstar. She really has this special kind of charisma. Not artsy one, just of a gorgeous, optimistic person. It's easy to like her...Britney's so adorable. I wish that the docummentary went more into her head, but that's probably just me. This made my day. Gotta love Gothney. I loved the part when she said that she's gonna write a real good book one day I'm still looking forward to it. Her memoir could be the best thing ever. I think I'm going to watch I Am Britney Jean soon. Have any of you Britney stans seen her old reality show? Is it worth checking out for shit and giggles (I hate that kind of thing, but I'm curious about Britney)?
  6. I'm not a fan of most of her tattoos... they seem so pretentious and hipstery ;_; sorry Lana. I really hope that the Nina Bella tattoo is just for the music video...
  7. I thought that it's move baby, move baby, I'm in love
  8. Yes! All of this As much as I adore West Coast, Born to Die is iconic. It's one of the reasons I became a stan in the first place... It never grows old.
  9. I always took it that way. That's why I'm able to relate to Lana on some level. Not to mention the consensual angle
  10. But it's not even Courtney's song.... it's a cover. There's no need to get angry, really...
  11. No. Do you own a red pumps?
  12. Lirazel

    Nicole Dollanganger

    OMG, you must be reading my mind! I've been wondering why there hasn't been a topic about her... I've just read Flowers in the Attic, so it was interesting stumbling upon her I love her lyrics, how everything inspires her. Favourite songs are Nara Dreamland, Ball Jointed Doll (Harry) and Angels of Porn.
  13. This at used books store, nostalgia hit me so hard couldn't leave it there...
  14. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: what the fuck...
  15. Yes! Just wanted to write this.
  16. Oh, and I was right to not care much about the acoustic version from the concert... it sounded so bland and bad, completely different than this The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me-esque sound.
  17. I fucking love the single - it sounds like TDAGARIM era Brand New with female singer instead of Jesse Lacey , which is the last thing that I would expect from Lana (does she even know the band and this record???). This is already better than entire Paradise CD...I'm so stocked for Ultraviolence
  18. I really like them! I used to be such a stan as a kid...Recently I found their first CD for a next to nothing in an used books store and rediscovered my love for them. I adore how Julia and Lena's voices match, and how deeply emotional their music is The only downside is how disgusting the backstory of the band is... like that Ivan Shapovalov had sex with Julia and said that she's "dumb, but real hot", that the girls had no idea that they're gonna pretend lesbians when they signed the contract... not to mention this: The guy is a total asshole and a sociopathic child groomer... I feel like a total hipcryte for liking the band
  19. Agree! But can you imagine the drama that would ensue
  20. Lirazel

    Britney Spears

    Does anybody know of an ebook/pdf existing of some Britney biography, or the books she wrote? Would love to look at this ~
  21. I can agree with this to an extend - I won't lose my interest, but I will be awfully disappointed...
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