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Everything posted by Lirazel

  1. Born to Die - it made me fall in love with her in the first place I agree that some of the lyrics are kind of clumsy, but whatever. I like all the songs on it, which is rare. IMHO this record is classic and an amazing experience in itself. AKA - my second fave. I love the more thoughtful lyrics, the variety of songs, that it's a fragment of Lana's mysterious past. Not to mention that there's the best Yayo version on it! The only reason why it's not equal to BTD to me is that I find Smarty weak. It could have been replaced by a better song. Paradise - it's okay, but kinda samey sounding. I'm happy to own the record anyway and give it a spin from time to time. Sirens, QN, FTE - haven't listened even once to Sirens, gave QN and FTE a spin or two when they leaked. They're okay, the lyrics are very emotional, but it's just not something that I would listen out of my free will for fun.
  2. OUPAD! Young and Beautiful is a nice song, but the lyrics need a little bit of more work, and it's not so special. Lana made OPUAD her own song, I don't usually like covers, but this one is perfect! So haunting and dark...
  3. Hit and Run is pretty sexy too, even though I'm not into the whole rich-and-powerful-dude-in-business-suit thing.
  4. Which record do you find the best? I might give it a spin
  5. He must be such a proud father! I guess things look really different from his point of view.
  6. I've been wondering forever how a minor character from an extremely obscure, cult-classic video game for Gameboy Advance ended up being an emoticon here. This thread explains something. And I really like the new Lana emoticons... they'll come in handy
  7. I'll be her fan as long as she records quality music and stays interesting. I hope that many years will pass before her golden age is over (admit it - every musician has one)...
  8. Now you got me worried about Ultraviolence, because: - I hate jazz with burning passion , and whiny, slow jazz songs by singers with bland voices are literally the worst (doubt that Lana would go that way, not to mention that her voice is lovely, but still) - I know literally nothing about those guys - have they worked with Lana before? Well, at least I like Lana's description of the album.
  9. You're probably right. I still find it worthy. I guess, good for Rob? To me it comes of as desperately trying to be so stupid it's funny, but instead it comes of as pathetic and unfunny. (and I love the doge meme)
  10. i have such mixed feelings about her. I kind of wanted to get into her, cause a lot of people compare her to Emilie Autumn... but her personality puts me off, she often comes of like an immature person who does offensive shit just to seem like a rebel (well, Emilie also is like this sometimes, so...). At the same time, I appreciate a lot of things about her. It's quite possible that I may grow to genuinely like her one day...I've only heard some of her Dresden Dolls songs, need to listen to Theatre Is Evil one day... since a lot of people praised it.
  11. I really don't get how this Lona Delery shit is any funny. I see people post this sometimes (not here, though) and every time I'm just To me it's so unfunny it's pathetic. I can't imagine wasting my time on watching those video, ditto running a fanpage on facebook (Sorry if some of you is connected to this thing - hope that you won't take offence by my opinion)
  12. Puppy Love and Live or Die - the Heeey! parts are so goddamn adorable!
  13. Wow, I really like this! Lana looks great here, not to mention the caption and I like how David Lynch is under her, very fitting... Lana's signature is also amazing <3
  14. One glorious year and going strong. I regret not getting into Lana's music earlier, though!
  15. I've been thinking about it... what's Lana's deal with singing national anthem? I get it fits into her Americana theme.... I've always been curious about those lyrics: Maybe we could go to Coney Island/Maybe I could sing the national anthem and, of course I sing the National Anthem/While I'm standing/Over your body/Hold you like a python... I sorta get it, but at the same time - not. What is the significance to her singing the national anthem (especially in Mermaid Motel)?
  16. I love this topic and I really need to catch up on listening to some leaks To be honest, I don't really see Black Beauty as that sad... to me it's typical Lana song. I guess the lyrics don't move me. I find other songs mentioned here - the ones with more subtlety - much more depressing.
  17. I also have never heard about her before, can't imagine how Mick Jagger, her friends, family and fans must feel... not to mention how awful she must have felt to do this...
  18. Lirazel

    Fan Book

    i might be interested in writing a letter, if it could be scanned and sent to you or something if I'll have enough of time
  19. Born to Die, from the record. I couldn't wrap my thoughts about her music style for a while("it's so hip-hop influenced! I don't like hip-hop! But those lyrics, that voice! But Diet Mountain Dew... it's so poppy!"), then decided to give the record a second chance... And here I am.
  20. Lirazel

    Emilie Autumn

    Oh, you're so lucky! I would love to own a physical copy - not for the price, though And I can't wait to listen to the audiobook - hope that it's done the YSSU untouched way, and that I will able to listen to it one way or another...
  21. I really liked the video - she looks gorgeous! Didn't hear any melody, though - but I haven't tried at all, so... Omg thank you,now I can hear this too - sounds really creepy and beautiful, hoping for a single!
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