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Everything posted by Lirazel

  1. Ok but will this beat The Antler's Sylvia? Cause it's hard for me to imagine it being sadder than that song
  2. I always have a mental image of wild A$AP Rocky jumping out of bushes to rap and Lana just swaying next to him and moaning all the 'mmm' and 'yeahs' till he fucks off again. For that reason, I can't treat the song completely seriously.
  3. I'm curious too, though I would not like to trigger @graham4anything or to make them feel like they have to share something they are not comfortable with... If I'm not overstepping my boundaries, would you like to provide analysis of the song from your POV?
  4. I love both the music and the lyrics, so I'm in luck. Though I can't help but think about blow-up dolls when the 'he's gonna leave me, he wants a Real Girl' part, haha.
  5. I got Born to Die and I could not be happier! My fave Lana album ever, just iconic.
  6. I thought her career would take off with how good reviews NTMT got... and she even got to play in the Twin Peaks revival last year... What's up with her?
  7. Is she ever releasing another record?
  8. If Never Let Me Go qualifies, then so The Last Girl on World. Love that goddamn song. For some reason, reminds me of 50's movies (but that might be me being weird).
  9. I hope this thread is okay, I really appreciate the Lanaboards people and that's why I wanted to ask you for advice... Does anyone here run a succesful personal blog? Succesful not necessarily in that it has thousands of views and likes, but in existing for some time and making you happy. I’ve always felt envious of people who are able to run highly personal blogs about their life. What movies they’ve seen, which music makes them feel alive, how do they feel about that friend who no longer lives close to them and the like. I’ve always wanted to have my own place on the net to serve as a diary of sorts, so that I can take a look back a few years in the future and see what kind of person I used to be. Every day life seems so normal and flavorless till it is in the past. Only then you miss days long gone by… I used to follow quite a few people who I considered masters of capturing their lives and personalities in blog posts. It made me inspired to try myself (especially since I want to be the best writer I can be) but it made me feel like a fraud or a copycat (stupid, I know). I would like to try again, but I have so many questions and doubts. What if nobody cares about my posts and I feel like an idiot? At the same time, I’m so used to writing just for myself… I have already written some diary entries/blog posts, but they are still sitting on my Evernote account. What blogging platform should I use - Wordpress, Blogger? Maybe it’s selfish of me, but I would really appreciate any pep talk, tough love or just advice. I want to become the chronicler of my own life (especially now that it is no longer a black hole of suicidal ideations), but my personality disordered self makes it really difficult. I just feel so stupid for wanting to share my thoughts cause I’m not that good or special...
  10. I love those lyrics but only with the line preceding them. Without them they sound like generic emo bullshit. Prizes, prizes A diamond tiara Here's to the girl with the blue mascara I have a disco ball mind Lights flashing all of the time I have a disco ball mind I wanna die, I wanna die I wanna die, I wanna die Baby, I've become someone Baby, I've become Baby, I've become someone Not of this world Not of this world
  11. Lirazel

    Alice Glass

    I squeed when Zola mentioned Lilya 4-Ever. I love this movie to pieces, even though it's incredibly depressing. It also has a lot of beautiful and hopeful scenes though. I hope Alice sees it, it's amazing. I could recommend it to anyone (if they are not triggered by scenes of sexual abuse and suicide).
  12. Just read his lyrics... Like the song about a girl being ok with his crew fucking her if she wants to be with him. Creepy as fuck. I personally find him gross for the reason, but you are entitled to your opinion.
  13. Lirazel

    Nicole Dollanganger

    Same. I'm in a mood for some Nicole music. I really need more of artists with this kind of 'sweet and broken' aesthetic. I love the production on NBL, it really makes her songs shine.
  14. I'm so incredibly hyped! I hope that the song won't disappoint and does Sylvia justice... I can already imagine Sylvia Plath works becoming the new Lolita in Lana fandom
  15. Jeez, I hate it when Lana collaborates with creeps. I was so grossed out by her work with The Weeknd who seems like a predatory piece of shit from most of his lyrics. I hope nothing comes out of this project with Leto. Yikes.
  16. Oh my God, I love the Unicorn notebook. Claire's was my paradise when I used to be a sad teen. Now I'm too fat for their chokers and prefere to buy my goth/cutesy stuff at Aliexpress, but this made me want to revisit one of the stores.
  17. Would love to get my hands on this. Too bad it's really hard to find and expensive. I'm disappointed there are no preview pages (or an ebook leak, but you haven't heard that from me). Seems like a truly great project, but not for 25$ + shipping. Sigh.
  18. Does anyone here have this book? https://www.bookdepository.com/Lana-Del-Rey/9781908998903 I collect books related to my favorite musicians, so I am tempted to buy this one. At the same time, I don't want to waste my money on crap. I would be thankful for any advice (and photos of sample pages would be godly )
  19. As a long-time Sylvia Plath fan, I'm very excited about this song. I hope it does her justice. I have kind of cringed about people being excited about similarities between Lana lyrics and Sylvia poems. Every sad girl has written words that feel like they could have been penned by Plath. While her talent is not universal, her struggles very much are. It's not that special. I have caught myself 'quoting' parts of her journals in my diary, even though I had yet to read the fragment that I have 'copied'. As much as I love Plath, I'm so ashamed about being a typical Sylvia Plath Woman, except not that talented and focused on writing, even though I claim to love it.
  20. I love this single. It's nowhere near my list of best Lana songs, but it gives me hope that LDR5 will be better than Honeymoon. I'm so stocked for this era.
  21. The fact that she hugged Lady Gaga brought me back to this board. That was so shocking, I don't even Like I'm obviously happy for them after the whole So Legit thing, haha...
  22. FUCKIGN THANK YOU. Agree 100%. High by The Beach is one of her most terrible singles, or even the worst one that comes from an actual album and not a movie OST.
  23. Lirazel

    Britney Spears

    Could someone point me in the direction of the list of Britney unreleased songs/demos by the album/era they were meant for? I googled and found nothing .__. I would really appreciate it, cause I want to sort my collection... It's a mess.
  24. I know this is super old post but did you mean AFI? If yes, we need to geek out together, haha.
  25. Whoa, look at all this bullshit. I hope you don't plan to be a psychologist because you're a terrible judge of a character. I actually wanted to censore them, but I didn't cause I wasn't sure which letters should I star out and trying to censore words that we all know made me feel like a hypocrite. Also just because you ~don't care~ aka want an excuse to be awful doesn't mean that no-one else does.
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