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  1. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by plush in Lana's Nose Ridge Appreciation Thread.   
    I think You'd agree that Lana's little line on her nose is soooooo cute!
    This is kinda of a silly thread or you find it rather cute to see someone point out the little things in Lana that make her, her (not saying her nose definds who she is.)
    So if you want post pictures.
    My first thread so be nice, no hate
  2. Embach liked a post in a topic by plush in All Time Favorite Songs   
  3. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by plush in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    That Angelic, Heart Breaking Voice in "Lucky Ones"
    "Feels Like, Feels Like, You know it Feels Like Falling In Love For The First Time . That high, angelic voice when she sings it just runs to my eyes and liberates a soothing tear that goes down my face.
  4. Mer liked a post in a topic by plush in All Time Favorite Songs   
  5. plush liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Grimes   
    I respect her for not following the herd of cancel culture. She's aloud to feel however she wants regarding Lizzo, that's her choice
    People are so dismissive these days
  6. plush liked a post in a topic by Glitter Boy in Grimes   
    Book 3? Sweet lord
  7. The Siren liked a post in a topic by plush in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
  8. Vanilla Icy liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    There is no other artist ever like grimes.... Jesus
    We need to be grateful to witness this.
    I hope she does an acid reign miss anthropocene type thing of a long mv project.
    Or new era is totally acceptable.
    Idoru is insanely beautiful
  9. plush liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in SOPHIE   
    Sophie: hasn’t released a track in 2 years
    AG: here’s a 49 track album
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    The album is unmastered and totally not underwhelming. We got the barebonned album, just wait
  11. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    5 or six songs before the album,
    We appreciate power
    So heavy
    My name is
    Possible two/three
    New gods
  12. Diet Mountain Dew liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    5 or six songs before the album,
    We appreciate power
    So heavy
    My name is
    Possible two/three
    New gods
  13. Rain Over London liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
  14. Diet Mountain Dew liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    I feel like this version if the album is older bc the 4aem versiin that leaked seems more conplete tban the one in this leak, I believe the album grew a log in sound since that link was sent, you can tell by the version in the apple advert of my nameis darq thats rougher and that came out last year, the 4am is from may 2018 I beleive
  15. halfaxa liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    I feel like this version if the album is older bc the 4aem versiin that leaked seems more conplete tban the one in this leak, I believe the album grew a log in sound since that link was sent, you can tell by the version in the apple advert of my nameis darq thats rougher and that came out last year, the 4am is from may 2018 I beleive
  16. Diet Mountain Dew liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    The album is unmastered and totally not underwhelming. We got the barebonned album, just wait
  17. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    The album is unmastered and totally not underwhelming. We got the barebonned album, just wait
  18. jvcx liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    She really just came to eat the world entirely and piss in everyone's face with anincredible album of thecentury. Ivory queen, miss.anthropocene and vulnicura were too powerful to not leak!!!
  19. TheBoss liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    She really just came to eat the world entirely and piss in everyone's face with anincredible album of thecentury. Ivory queen, miss.anthropocene and vulnicura were too powerful to not leak!!!
  20. LonelyHeart liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    She really just came to eat the world entirely and piss in everyone's face with anincredible album of thecentury. Ivory queen, miss.anthropocene and vulnicura were too powerful to not leak!!!
  21. knives liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    girlies no1 can leak grimes bc there's no other people involved, SHE COMPOSES AND EDITS EVERYTHING!
    the only things that leaked were because azealia leaked them...
    AND this is not single 1, first single comes out on sept 13th
    WAP was song 1 from the album, the introduction and teaser track
    Pretty Dark demo was an introduction to one character on the album called of course... Darq
    tracklist, you will see that it will not be whatever that kid "leaked"
    WE ARE OFFICIALLY IN THIS ERA so be kind and supportive to her 
  22. plush liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    bartender lowkey sounds like a lana-ized suspended in gaffa
  23. sirensXsilence liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    She’s being incredibly smart right now, we are so not ready clearly for what she’s about to burst, plus the budget she has now and alternative resources, c has always been so smart and quirky with films and locations so she certainly does deliver.
    also fucking remember she does literally absolutely everything
  24. Mauri8396 liked a post in a topic by plush in Grimes   
    from Claire to just C, aka the speed of light
    collaborating with Azealia Banks, Poppy, potentially Gaga (reach) 
    Dating billionaire genius Elon Musk and debuting in the MET Gala
    Is producing bops like crazy
    Her recent look at the UFC fight was fucking stunning and usually when she dies her hair it means pop star mode!
    Album has a v good amount of tracks
    she can release whatever she wants now, she's gonna release the dark album first
    I mean, miss boucher is giving the gays fucking iconic moments
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