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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. ^ evilenglishteacher applauds the Joycean reference. I do think his management of Lana is very deserving of criticism, but yeah, I agree that seriously attributing every little negative thing to Ben is ridiculous. Everybody knows it's a joke/meme/metaphor and is using it that way, right?
  2. Yeah, I consider myself one of the chief perpetuators of forum memes and even I don't get those two.
  3. Kïngswööl with metal umlauts would be a great band name.
  4. I'm pretty sure it was just a Facebook fuck-up.
  5. I finally broke down and bought the Paradise Edition box set, my first Lana purchase. I feel decidedly less evil.
  6. Posting screencaps of her status updates relevant to a specific topic of discussion is one thing (although I even have some reservations about that at times), but I think posting all of them en masse is a step too far. And even if I were going to do so, I still believe names and avatars of ordinary people should be redacted from them before being posted and there's just no way I'm going to take the time to do that for every screencap.
  7. You don't get it, you just don't get it You've already forgotten even though I just said it
  8. Great find lola. This makes me think it probably was an AA group. I wouldn't read too much into the God talk though. That commenter was a frequent poster on her wall who talked about God a lot, but it seemed more her thing than Lizzy's. (She chided Lizzy's foul language several times.) If this was an alcoholics group, their interactions suggest she may have been Lizzy's sponsor or some type of accountability partner. Read this way, one or two might even suggest minor lapses in sobriety. By the way, this person was also a Ford model, so that's probably how they met. Not surprisingly, Bob Leone also hit on her on Lizzy's wall. Pretty sure "oba di" is just a misspelled reference to the Beatles' "Ob La Di". Yeah, this is the one that's most problematic for the AA theory. Perhaps Lizzy used to chair an AA group in Soho?
  9. This question was asked in the Lanalysis thread, but I think discussion about it belongs here, since I believe the question should be what is A.G., not who. In addition to her album credits, she mentioned it a lot on Facebook. Sometimes it almost sounds like a club or music venue (AG = Arlene's Grocery?), other times more like a support group or religious organization (AG = Alcoholics Group or Assembly of God?). Screencaps in the spoiler: Any theories?
  10. This needs to be the designated emote when Lana trolls us with a missed release date.
  11. evilentity

    Mariah Carey

    You can be my Tommy Mottola and I can be Mariah, tiger Scream a little higher
  12. I don't doubt she'll have more songs mentioning "heaven" and "paradise", simply because she obsessively returns to the same themes, but I wouldn't read too much into those lines in particular.
  13. evilentity


    If there's anything that's since been taken down, then
  14. I'd really like to hear jazz/swing music with a Lana vocal.
  15. I think I hear "On an island hop stop".
  16. Conveniently forgetting someone I bet you can imagine...
  17. I'm going to say what people think and don't say: fuck that Bestest guy. I for one welcome our Muslim overlord moderator. The point is that you only single out Muslims this way, dumbass. BTW, I must commend phahad for his willingness to engage bigoted assholes, but there's been a pattern of behavior here.
  18. I like the heart-shape her ass is. She's gotta great ass and she knows how to show it.
  19. ^ Hmm... looks like that information probably came from the label, not a dubious Lana pronouncement. What gives?
  20. ^ Um, don't we have a subsection explicitly for this purpose?
  21. Yeah, I mean, in "For K Part 2" she's clearly describing a singer.
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