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  1. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Angel Forever in Favourite Lana Songs   
    National Anthem, since the first time... 
  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I was on  a Gossip concert once and it was a really comfortable one cause the band was so funny and friendly, mainly because they acted natural. They are used to be on stage and seem to feel comfortable.
    Lana is , compared to them, a newbie and more nervous. Still she doesn't pretend anything in order to appear natural in a way she isn't. She is a little bit shy but still a really friendly person towards her fans. I'm not the biggest fan of the first-row-exclusive-things, but it's something she likes to do and ... well would be hard for her to geth through the whole audience, if you consider all those fans who seem to forget that there is something like a personal distance, even if you admire a singer and even if she acts nicely. Lana seems a little bit awkward sometimes, but that's something really relatable and not anything I would blame her for.
  3. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I really wonder if you've ever seen any other performers, to make a comment like that. I've seen performers do all sorts of things to deal with their insecurities (which every performer has, and tries to mask in one way or another) - I've seen them get drunk and abuse the audience; I've seen them ignore the audience completely; I've seen them turn up the 'rock star' act to 100% in a tiny club where they looked ridiculous; I've had artists pull me up on stage so that I could dance around [note: I'm a not particularly good looking guy who clearly wasn't being brought up for the eye candy value], and distract everyone's attention from what was going on.
    Lana, in those times she's directly with her fans, seems so embarrassingly, ridiculously real that it almost hurts to watch her. If she acted any differently outside of shows, I'd wonder, but she's the same in every video I've ever seen of her meeting fans in the street, outside shows, at random encounters, and so on. She actually doesn't owe anybody anything in these meetings, but she has always seemed to me (as someone who's only seen videos) to be as genuine as is possible. If you want to experience a singer who introduces every song and sings every line to the back row, you can check out pretty much every other pop artist in the world at the moment. Lana is one of the very few singers around who is actually unpredictable and exciting enough to make watching videos worthwhile - you never know how she's going to sing something, or what she's going to do. Almost nothing is scripted, and the things that she repeats are so awkward and charming that she never looks like she's just crossing them off her list.
    The end of relationships in real life is almost never like it is in the movies - it's messy and ugly and heartbreaking, and it never makes any of the parties involved look good. Lana herself puts it beautifully in 'Cruel World' by singing 'I'm finally happy, now that you're gone', and sounding like she's about to break down.
    I find the easiest way of making sense of all of her contradictions and strange statements is to consider her a regular person, unschooled in how to act correctly, but trying to do the right thing. Sort of like the rest of us, when we're at our best.
  4. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Possibility of Another Tour   
    She has other commitments right now, with festivals like Glastonbury coming up.
    However, after she is done and maybe had some down time, she will go on a tour for sure.
    I just hope she visits Australia, they love her there
  5. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Possibility of Another Tour   
    Lana herself said that we're getting a new tour for the album next year. Rob said it's going to be huge, and he confirmed that she's coming back to South America.
  6. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LanaDeIRey in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Body Electric: "Granola pray, we're feelin' alright"
  7. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    haha seriously...i love lana but sometimes she's too hetero for me
  8. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    Florida Kilos: "Yayo, Yayo, Yayo and all the dolphins"
  9. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana's Sassy Replies (Appreciation Thread)   
    Is that Barrie talking at the beginning?
  10. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    You guys are getting all worked up about an off the cuff statement to a likely hypothetical question just after she put an album out? This is Lana we're talking about here. Have we still not learned anything? Geez, you guys are so excitable.
    BTW, "record" doesn't necessarily mean "album". You know the Grammy award for Record of the Year? It's for the best recording of a song.

    Ha, keep dreaming. Oh, and no @ symbol? Coward.
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Ari in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    She will slay with this blue sparkler ribbon trailer american motel tv in black and white paris gogo dancer gas station femme fatale marilyn monroe cotton candy summer party girl paradise coney island mississippi south goodness.
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by GodBlessMe in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    Maybe she's just feeling very inspired and creative.....
  13. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Linethic in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    From a recent (currently) unknown radio interview.
    Interviewer: ... record something tonight, do you know what it is, or right now?
    Lana: I do, yeah I do. I have this idea for this record called "Music to Watch Boys To," so. Yeah, I'm just kind of thinking about that and what that would mean [laughs].
    Audio -
  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Ari in Lana Del Rey Speaks About Next Record, "Music to Watch Boys To"   
    Lizzy Grant is making a return.
  15. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I find it funny that Lana sings that she lives for her man and would give anything up for their love, plays the fragile submissive girl... and in real life her boyfriend seemed to take up this role.
    Does anyone think Cruel World and Is This Happiness were written about their relationship?
    Waiting for the next episode of this soap opera.

  16. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    A selfish person would not be so kind to her fans... Immature? May be.
    Her imperfections make her beautiful.
  17. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by GodBlessMe in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I'm pretty sure Is This Happiness was but I'm not sure about Cruel World...
  18. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Covers 'Madame Figaro' Magazine   
    And a behind-the-scenes vid: http://madame.lefigaro.fr/style/video/lana-del-rey-coulisses-shooting-230614-884176


    Did they really use a fake Heart Shaped Box cover...

  19. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by prostitutestare in Lana Del Rey Covers 'Madame Figaro' Magazine   
    This, along with the NYT interview, is a great interview and really gives Lana a clear means to articulate her views as they relate to the music.
    I love the piece about her battling Dan and crew's guitars, because that is exactly how the songs come across. She was a warrior bitch on this album, and I love it. One can hear that real WORK went into this album. Yeas@ completing the tracks in one take. Come through, Lana. She stormed.
  20. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I find it funny that Lana sings that she lives for her man and would give anything up for their love, plays the fragile submissive girl... and in real life her boyfriend seemed to take up this role.
    Does anyone think Cruel World and Is This Happiness were written about their relationship?
    Waiting for the next episode of this soap opera.

  21. vmbb liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I find it funny that Lana sings that she lives for her man and would give anything up for their love, plays the fragile submissive girl... and in real life her boyfriend seemed to take up this role.
    Does anyone think Cruel World and Is This Happiness were written about their relationship?
    Waiting for the next episode of this soap opera.

  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Stardust in Lana discusses the Guardian controversy, Frances Bean, & Barrie in Aftonbladet interview   
    Mortality is the one absolute common to the human condition, so it's pretty understandable for it to influence and be referenced frequently in an artists work, even if it isn't the dominant theme of her art. As I stated, there are suggestive undertones and these undertones clearly highlight to me that, as a person, she is clearly struck by the notion of death, but the main motif of her music is love and love lost: just because (for example) she sings 'your love is deadly' doesn't make 'Without You' about death. This is the difference I'm trying to distinguish.  
    To be fair I'd retract my statement about BTD being the only song relating directly to death. I would agree that 'Dark Paradise' is also about death (although you could argue it was a breakup, artistic interpretation and all that) b ut more than that it's about undying love and the grief you feel when you lose a loved one. All I meant with that comment was that she isn't singing about wanting to actually die, she's singing about the hardship of having a loved one die (or leave) and the period you go through afterward, unable to move on & finding comfort in the fantasy of the person. So the lyric 'I wish I was dead' is, like I said, hyperbole to communicate the extent of the grief. I don't think she's glamorising death.
    Similarly, with BTD.. This was the first song of Lana's I heard, and I dunno if it's just me, but the message I got from that song was one of seizing the day, enjoying and experiencing your life (and love) whilst you can - 'feet don't fail me now, take me to the finish line, oh my heart it breaks every step that they take' / 'don't make me sad. Don't make me cry... Keep making me laugh' / 'take a walk on the wild side' - because although everyone is 'born to die' it pains her to get older, and closer to death or the 'finish line,' which stands in stark contrast to romanticising death.
    For me at least, the bulk of the lyrics you pulled out from each of the other songs don't pertain to the actual meanings of the songs as a whole. The use of the words relating to death: 'I'd die without you,' 'only worth living if somebody is loving you' etc. are figurative, imagery used as a means of expressing herself & as an allusion to something else, for the most part, the extent of love shehas for her man. Mortality is a recurring allusion but not to the extent that love (or even fame, power/submission, or nostalgia) is a motif through all of her work: she isn't, generally, singing about death. That's why I wouldn't call it a dominant theme.
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by my ol man isa batman in Video Games - Bangkok Version (Parody)   
    seriously neeeeeedddss to be like 50 emoticons 
  24. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in Lana discusses the Guardian controversy, Frances Bean, & Barrie in Aftonbladet interview   
    I think mortality is actually the absolute driving force behind her art. 
    And she definitely is all about 'le petite mort' — the orgasm as 'little death.'
    Fear, threats, fetishism, denial — all attempts to control Death, by either running from it, aestheticizing it, or by gaining the illusion of power by agreeing to surrender to the ultimate unknown. 

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