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  1. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in Lana On Cover of Clash Magazine (UK): Music 'not worth' all the bullshit?   
    Lana is on the cover of UK digital magazine Clash this month. (Hopefully someone can buy it and post the whole interview!) The theme of the issue is, fittingly, The American Dream.

    They tease with a blurb about her talking leaving music (again).
    'In an interview with Clash for this month’s special American Dream-themed issue,Lana Del Rey admitted that she considered quitting music after her breakthrough album ‘Born To Die’.
    Speaking with our own Joe Zadeh in California, she shed some light on her feelings at the time of the criticism that accompanied her early rise to fame.
    In response to us asking regarding whether some of the criticism ever made her resent becoming a musician, she responded:
    “All the time. Every day. I didn't want to do it, ever. You can make music, just for making music – you don't have to put it on YouTube. That was definitely a viable option for me. I have a lot of passions and making music was always something I would do for fun.
    “But from what happened, it wasn't worth it most of the time. It’s still not really worth all the bullshit. But, meeting people like Dan Auerbach, making a record (‘Ultraviolence’) that is perfect for me, and being able to tell my story through music – that is totally amazing. But that is where it begins and ends. Sometimes I meet people who are really cool, but most of the time it isn't like that.”'
  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Lirazel in Lana On Cover of Clash Magazine (UK): Music 'not worth' all the bullshit?   
    Come on, you know she's not gonna really stop...
  3. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    Given some other statements in that interview, she may mean that in a metaphysical sort of way; i.e. the poets she cites (Whitman, Ginsberg, Eliot) all had a spiritual dimension, as does Barrie's recent work, while, say, her peers are less likely to make a 27-minute Kabbalistic allegory of the Garden of Eden
  4. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Of course she was a very bright girl but also the romantic type, I imagine. Like I was. Plus those teen hormones...  we get crazy! I used to fall for my Lit teachers but they never crossed the line. Older guys and very young  girls' relationships are dangerous and fucked up IMHO.   That said, I think Lolita the song is quite poetic, but I would rather think it is just fiction...    
  5. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I read it, yeah... just wanted to get it off my chest.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude, I am very liberated and believe love has no age, it knows no limits... But something tells me this guy, who people speculate "dated" her was a predator.
  6. bia liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Whoever this professor of hers was, he must be a manipulative fucker... reading Lolita to a teen and making out with her... sounds like abuse to me. I'd punch his face. Even tho Lolita is my fave novel since I was 12, someone playing Humbert disgusts me.
  7. slang liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    I hope it is not about Lorde. I dig Lorde.

  8. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    I think the 'Fucked' in the title might not necessarily be as in having sex but rather as a person ruining/spoiling her way up to the top... just a thought
  9. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    Having your opinion is really ok and you don't have to like everything about an artist. But it's possibleto express opinions without putting on a fight, like you already did in the FADERS interwierv threat ...
    Calm down, disucssing in  a forum is much more fun when you don't have to break each others teeth ...
  10. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    The phrase ''Fucked My Way Up To The Top'' as I see it is about how this other person/artist/IDK sees her, she sort of says it through sarcasm, because whatever they have said, is not really true.She references herself. Anyways, by each day I get to read/know more about Lana, the fascination is incredible. She's fucking crazy, but at least she's free
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by rubytuesday in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    Think it's really interesting how she mentions her family had a history of a history of addiction. I always somehow assumed her family wasn't understanding towards addictions. Also surprising to read about her being ready for kids! She seems a bit happier in this interview compared to others at the moment.
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    Whomever she's about to mop the floor with, I'll be here for it.
  13. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Respecting Lana does not mean one is obsessed or some blind fangirl/boy who does not have their own opinion.
    Plus, Lana the artist and Lana the ordinary girl are intertwined. When she interacts with fans so gently and sweetly she is not being a fictional character.
    She is very bright, creative and kind.
    Remember, sometimes hate is a projection, baby.
  14. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Respecting Lana does not mean one is obsessed or some blind fangirl/boy who does not have their own opinion.
    Plus, Lana the artist and Lana the ordinary girl are intertwined. When she interacts with fans so gently and sweetly she is not being a fictional character.
    She is very bright, creative and kind.
    Remember, sometimes hate is a projection, baby.
  15. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Awhile ago I saw a girl who met Lana backstage tweet that Lana told her the interviewer asked some really personal questions. Apparently when they were meeting, the editor of Fader came in and talked to Lana for awhile and reassured her that they wouldn't be published.
  16. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    She expressed in a very plain way that feminism doesn't inspire her to think as much as "intergalactic possibilities" do -- meaning she considers herself liberated already, so it's of no interest to her.
    That puts her squarely in the "privileged" box, for sure, but only implies she's happy being subservient because she's made that choice. She wouldn't be sayin' this (or coming off as this ignorant) if she hadn't.
    Lana's not anti-feminist, or a victim of the patriarchy unless you yourself want to slap that label on her. She's merely neutral on the subject until she feels it concerns her again. Maybe if Barrie turns into a domineering asshole.
  17. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LiamViljoen in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Well from the looks of it those beliefs and opinions also comprise of a burning hatred for Lana. I'm just curious as to why you're on a fan site if you're not a fan. I mean you're definitely not a fan, you called her an idiot for crying out loud.
  18. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    ok so i haven't read every post in this thread or even the full interview for that matter because my time is being eaten up by school but this is so spot on. i'm starting to think she's 80% brain and 20% heart and that shit'll fuck you up 
    ~no fixed personality *:・゚✧ 
    maybe she has BPD like marilyn apparently did or maybe these types of speculations are exactly what she intends to provoke who fucking knows with her crazy ass
  19. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Ghon in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Wow i guess i never knew she was the obsessed with Kurt.  Oh how awesome a duo that would of been.  I hope she doesnt want to follow the footsteps that Kurt wanted to follow.  She only has16 days left to live up to those foot steps.  It was widely rumored that Kurt made sure he died at 27 to join the elite group of depressed singers who cided at 27.  Please stay away from the dragon and hotel rooms Lana.
    have yall listened to Kurts music.  You should really listen to his unplugged album you will notice some stirking similiarites in their music.
  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Do people not realize that she was just saying that she's tired of people criticizing her for being anti-feminist and bringing up the topic in interviews when she is just telling personal stories using violence as a metaphor for an emotionally volatile relationship? This magazine is the same one that Lorde complained to about Lana's supposed anti-feminism. Lana wasn't proclaiming to be against feminism itself, but the fact that reporters constantly ask her about it. She's trying to say that constantly harping on the subject accomplishes nothing but instead, one should seek to expand their horizons to the best of their ability. That's why she said in actuality, feminism is a woman "feeling free enough to do whatever she wants."
    People are just narrow-minded and starving for drama. 
  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    It's from the myspace interview! One of my faves naturally, sonically,  
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Honestly this fanbase can be so embarrassing. I know we take pride in Lana sorta science (except more like science fiction) background, but this assumption that she's simply "too deep and complicated for every journalist she's ever encountered so how could they possibly get her" is just silly. She's not a hardline feminist, cool. You do you, and frankly I'm not going to stop listening to her for it, despite feeling very passionately about it myself.
    She did this headline to herself. There was a more evenhanded way to approach it and she knows it. She was trying to sound tragic and inward, and I guess she did, but she also sounded super ignorant too. Of course you, as a rich white popstar in 2014, are unmoved by feminism. But something tells me if she actually had to live Marilyn's life, she'd want some more of it. All it says to me is that she's looking at it from an extremely selfish point of view. "I don't feel like I need feminsm because I feel free" is all good and well when you are apart of one of the most free demographics in the world. She says "let's talk about science" but how many girls (especially non-white and non-western girls) are shut out and pushed away from being interested in science? There are lots of feminists talking about that. That's intersectionality, Lizzy.
    And attempting to drag people for thinking she sounds dumb juts makes you sound x2 worse tbh. "I bet you didn't know about feminism before tumblr" isn't even a fucking insult. I've personally been a feminist for a long time, but god forbid people actually learn about something useful on the fucking internet.
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Lirazel in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Where did you get that quote? It sounds interesting. Sorry if those are just your thoughts and I misunderstood
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