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  1. bia liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Whoever this professor of hers was, he must be a manipulative fucker... reading Lolita to a teen and making out with her... sounds like abuse to me. I'd punch his face. Even tho Lolita is my fave novel since I was 12, someone playing Humbert disgusts me.
  2. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Playing Dangerous   
    This song feels like a film.
  3. subversive light liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Playing Dangerous   
    This song feels like a film.
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Cruel World   
    Candy can be related to sex or drugs (ecstasy, cocaine).
    Urban dictionary most fitting definition of "candy"—
    1. euphemism for sex
    2. something (usually flashy like
    a lure) used to get sex
    3. drugs, particularly cocaine,
    crack, or E
    1. Hey little girl, want some
  5. xcx liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in 100 things I've learned from Lana's songs   
    201. God knows Lana begged, borrowed and cried. But she tried.
  6. xcx liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in 100 things I've learned from Lana's songs   
    199. She will do it on her own, Lana doesn't need your money to get her what she wants.
  7. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by wthebluemascara in 100 things I've learned from Lana's songs   
    196. There are roses in between my thighs

  8. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in 100 things I've learned from Lana's songs   
    135. Her boyfriend is cool but not as cool as she is.
  9. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Such fuckers, I could hurt men like that if they messed with my girlfriend's mind. Those kids are fragile and unstable... They need love not abuse. Glad Lana left this cult thing.
  10. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Could she suffer from dissociative identity disorder? It would explain some stuff. It wouldn't affect my appreciation of her Art though.
  11. altpapa liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    I'm really scared for dear Lana. She doesn't deserve this, always so kind and down to earth with the fans. You love Lana, you leave her the fuck alone!
    I have an obsessive personality but I would never invade her privacy. When you feel you are too obsessed, seek help. Don't hurt the ones you claim to love.
    Hope he keeps in jail, gets help and Lana is not depressed because of this.
  12. SarcasticBeauty liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Hollywood's Dead   
    Yes, it really gets to me. Lovely and dramatic.
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    I'm really scared for dear Lana. She doesn't deserve this, always so kind and down to earth with the fans. You love Lana, you leave her the fuck alone!
    I have an obsessive personality but I would never invade her privacy. When you feel you are too obsessed, seek help. Don't hurt the ones you claim to love.
    Hope he keeps in jail, gets help and Lana is not depressed because of this.
  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    This is the key point. "Lana Del Rey" is not strictly a person, she is an archetype manifested by Lizzy Grant — an archetype derived from where? From the Still Point between Time Past and Time Future, and the Goddess of that space (see Tropico). Beauty is archetypal precisely because it recalls the pre-existent Form of the beautiful. Star Wars is a Monomyth (see Joseph Campbell), and somehow, so is she — her career follows the arc of a crucifixion on the world-stage. Therefore the question becomes not if "life imitates Lana," but if Lizzy imitates a pre-existent Lana, or vice versa—all depending on whether you view time forwards or backwards.
  15. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Escapism in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    There are really a lot of issues with this: What would happen if Lana were actually home (thank god she wasn't)? She could have been raped, physically harmed, or even killed. That said, this guy obviously had issues that his friends and family knew about although it may be hard to do so sometimes, whether it's a family member or friend, they should have tried to get him help. There's a lot of shit that happens because people don't try to help or do something about someone having an issue ( having a mental disorder, being angry enough to kill others, suicide, etc.) and in the end you hear it on the news and social media.  idk just my thoughts
  16. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by brooklynbaby91 in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    Too many people on this guy's Facebook are asking for sympathy and compassion because he's mentally ill. Sorry, I'm not going to feel sorry for a stalker who could've killed her if she was there. I'm not going to go out of my way to harass him, but I'm not going to feel sorry for him either.
    This guy is honestly only a few steps behind Mark David Chapman.
    I hope they keep him locked up for a while and that they still keep monitoring him after he leaves, because this is the type of psycho who will eventually find something to feel betrayed with by Lana and then drive or fly across the country to shoot her.
    This is what happened with MDC. He idolized John Lennon for years until he started feeling betrayed by shit like the "imagine a world with no possessions" line in Imagine because he felt it was hypocritical for rich man like Lennon to say that.
  17. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    People are making way too many jokes in here about bullshit. I am not sure if I read even one post that anybody on here is concerned how she is doing since she is known to suffer from anxiety. 
    This fanbase is truly the utter pits.
  18. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    I just can't stop thinking about how bad this could have been. He is obviously crazy and I could see him holding Lana hostage or something in her own house before killing her (a little graphic, but it's true!). I'm just really glad he never came into contact with her.
  19. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by jazzsingrcultleadr in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    I'm literally perched with popcorn reading this thread/going through is FB profile. 
    More hype around two cars and a book than there was for HM. 

  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Jack in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    reminds me of the bjork stalker..... scurry shit 
    for those not aware of who he was i'll put info in a spoiler bc of sensitive material 

  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by whitman in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    It isn't ironic how these things happened when the bad side of fame became such an important issue in her music? Lana talks about a story about feeling like someone is stalking in her own house, recorded a video about the same issue and ended up being stalked and stolen. Life really imitates art after all
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by ZeroZero in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    random question (I know it's horrible but) do you think he got his hands on any new material of hers? Maybe a diary or smthg? (not condoning his behaviour but if he got em he got em) This whole situation is just fucked though imagine if Lana were in the house alone? I mean I could totally see a Sharon Tate situation happening
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Starsx in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    Maybe Lana will write a song about crazy stalker bitches
  24. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    people are still trying to stalk her after the HBTB video?

  25. shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Hawaiian Tropic   
    Luv this tune. A bit jazzy, a bit surf music and that Marilynesque voice... oh boy!
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