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  1. kik liked a post in a topic by Godsandlana in Rate The Avatar Above You   
    8 (the horse is very gorgeous)
  2. Dreamboy liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana's Sassy Replies (Appreciation Thread)   
    About pussy taste, I have a trashy anecdote. It's not gonna be my fault if you throw up in your mouth. Read at your own risks:

  3. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana and Francesco spotted in Saint Barthélemy   
    Oh gosh, I've been to St. Barts twice, it's one of my favorite place on earth. I have a gold medallion with the island engraved and I wear it 24/7. It really is idyllic. I hope they enjoy the place! They communicate a lot physically, with the sense of touch. I need a man like that in my life.
  4. kik liked a post in a topic by BabyTonight in Get the Look   
    Does anyone know where I can get those socks?

    You'd think they'd be easy to find but I searched the Adidas site and Soccer.com and they didn't have these exact ones!
  5. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana and Francesco spotted in Saint Barthélemy   
    Oh gosh, I've been to St. Barts twice, it's one of my favorite place on earth. I have a gold medallion with the island engraved and I wear it 24/7. It really is idyllic. I hope they enjoy the place! They communicate a lot physically, with the sense of touch. I need a man like that in my life.
  6. RiverPhoenix liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana and Francesco spotted in Saint Barthélemy   
    Oh gosh, I've been to St. Barts twice, it's one of my favorite place on earth. I have a gold medallion with the island engraved and I wear it 24/7. It really is idyllic. I hope they enjoy the place! They communicate a lot physically, with the sense of touch. I need a man like that in my life.
  7. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana and Francesco spotted in Saint Barthélemy   
    Oh gosh, I've been to St. Barts twice, it's one of my favorite place on earth. I have a gold medallion with the island engraved and I wear it 24/7. It really is idyllic. I hope they enjoy the place! They communicate a lot physically, with the sense of touch. I need a man like that in my life.
  8. kik liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Virgin Radio Station Boycotts Lana   
    There is a difference between having a private life and cancelling dates for concerts and tv performances your fans, the people who are financing your fun, have paid for and/or are looking foreward to.
  9. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by kik in Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey   
    It's not because she admires him that he admires or even simply respect her in return.
    "He hit me and it felt like a kiss". Easy. That's enough material for him I guess.
  10. kik liked a post in a topic by Lad in Born To Die Photoshoot(s) Behind the Scenes   
    Yeah but that's irrelevant Rita Ora had a photo shoot there
  11. kik liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born To Die Photoshoot(s) Behind the Scenes   
    this pic is beautiful
  12. kik liked a post in a topic by Honeymooner in Where Do You See Lana?   
    I don't "see" her in that way, but I'm reminded of her every day on the way to work. I drive through an area called Rancho Del Rey, and I cross 3 streets that all have "Del Rey" in the name.
  13. kik liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    I think the appeal in Lana's dichotomy for me lies with the fact that, like... I've said this before, but you see a random chick on YouTube named Lana Del Rey (which is a bombastic pseudonym in and of itself) with a song called Video Games, and you click on it expecting, I don't know, EDM realness.
    Enter church bells, a blockbuster harp riff and back-of-the-local-establishment ingenue vocals. And the video moved me, too -- I've always felt like Lana and I both have the same sense of aesthetic, only she knows how to convey it and I don't.
    It all feels so handpicked. The clips in her videos, the musical motifs. Backyard barbecues and choking on your tears in the presidential suite. It's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, which is what everyone's life is like.
    Her design has continuity, nevermind that I'd love it anyway. Kind of like watching the last arc of Sailor Moon and seeing nods to past episodes.
    Lana may well seem nostalgic, but that's because she's singing about K in 2005 and 2014. She loves Lolita and blue flowers and she keeps to that, you know? It's hard to not appreciate, I think.
    It's not even integrity, it's just a sense of self that I think she might lack (knowledge of how to express) elsewhere in her life, and that's where I connect with her. It's romantic, which is what I think the GP likes, and it's inspirational. It's wish fulfillment for me, and I'm projecting because we just so happen to like the same things. She's as loyal as I am, and I can get to experience her allegiance to her feelings because I know that elsewhere, in my own life. It's more of what I love.
    People think they like Lana because aw, she's so relatable but still kind of pipe dreamy about it -- but she wouldn't be if she didn't do what she does without conviction. Like we all do. She puts her life into music, which all people can relate to, and then her aesthetic is the make-or-break in the making of a fan, if that makes sense.
    That was a mouthful, and kind of soppy and messy and I really could write an essay on this shit, I could, but idc.
  14. LifeisBeautiful liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Interacting with Fans   
    I would kiss her on the lips even if she'd had a huge cold sore tbh.
  15. kik liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in WTF, Owl City?   
    I literally don't understand why that matters. Plenty of albums and songs have the title Ultraviolet and Lana didn't even coin the term Ultra-violence.
  16. kik liked a post in a topic by Godsandlana in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    Part 2 (also I edited my previous post)

    You seem to like evoking the 50s imagery in your songs: the golden age of recording studios, ladies singing late at night with their big band…
    Yeah, I love it. I love nightlife, the mood that comes from it. That’s why I wanted to meet Mark Ronson: I played him ten songs I just composed for this next album. Not so much that he added his usual signature, soul and funk, but rather it explores a sound close to the golden age of jazz. I wasn’t even born in the 50s but I feel like I was there. And when I still was living in New York, I was looking for this dream, maybe some other girls had the same, to live as a singer in a jazz club where I could sing some standards, but my own compositions too. I had a very ‘romantic’ vision of what a singer’s life should be. I daydreamed about tours in Europe, just like Chet Baker did, for example.
    You like drama, right? You find it attracting?
    I don’t. I came in [the music business] without any drama in me. But immediately, things started to get heavier.
    Isn’t it strange to be nostalgic of an era you never lived?
    Yes, yes it is and it might be the reason why I never really had a lot of friends -only those who feel, just as me, connected to the past and the future at the same time. And we are not many out there. I’m firend with James Franco… He’s one of the very few people I feel like really linked to the past, the actors of the past, the California of the 60s, and the New York of the 70s.
    You grew up in a small town near the Adirondacks. Do you miss the places of your childhood?
    Yes… The house is full of memories. It’s hard for me to come back there… I did two weeks ago, I was coming from New York, for the first time in four years. My room hasn’t changed. There’s the same poster as ever pinned on the wall, but everything seemed much smaller to me…
    You did a cover of ‘The Other Woman’, which was already famous for Nina Simone’s interpretation. The song is about a love triangle. But your version isn’t very clear: we don’t know which point of view, which ‘other woman’ you finally are in the song. So, I’m asking you: who are you? Are you the wife, the mistress, or even the husband himself?
    I always wanted to cover this song. I’ve been constantly listening to it for years. It’s interesting to see an ambiguity in the lyrics… (she starts humming a bit of it) I think I’ve always been ‘the other woman’ in a sense, well at least I always felt this way. I don’t necessarily wanna be at the edge of everything, but it’s a fact, I’m a kind of outsider. I’m always the one who stands outside of the circle. Even in my private life, I often feel like overwhelmed by what happens around me. That said, I already played the part of the normal girlfriend, the more ‘legitimate’ one…
    Do you feel like you are the spectator of your own life?
    More and more. With the Internet, now, when you are with someone else, it’s very different. People do not know you only from what you chose to tell them, they know you from what they’ve heard, seen or read on the Web. This is undeniable, especially when I meet someone for the first time.
    Even so, are you loyal?
    I want to be and I think I am in my heart. If I find someone I love, I will probably love them for ever. I am a very faithful person, emotionnaly, I offer all my trust. But I’m always careful. Because I always see like red flags around everyone new I tend to meet. Finally, I think I like people with a constant temper the best. I don’t want any more surprises in life.

    Are you a control freak?
    No, not really… OK, I totally am! (she laughs) When I have a sound or a mood in mind, even for a very simple song, sometimes I have to fight to get precisely what I wanted. But I try to chill. Otherwise I’d be doing the same things over and over again… And that’s not what I like in music.
    Do you think you’re impinged by your perfectionism sometimes?
    All the time. When I tour, for example… It’s painful for me to sing the same songs every night.
    Did you ever want to give up, to erase all this and start afresh?
    I have often thought about that, but I can’t. I’m famous.
    So, the fame is like a burden for you?
    It makes things more complicated than they used to be… I can’t do wathever I want, whenever I want anymore. Now even my hobbies, my other interests are planned. Apart from my private relationship with my family, everything is public. Even my phone calls: I can’t be sure they’re not listened to. You can’t even imagine what people already stole. Basically, excepting my memories and my imagination, there is nothing really private left to me! (she laughs before pausing for a moment) I am a very shy person, maybe even pathologically shy, and being famous doesn’t improve that. I like hanging out, dining in a restaurant, but it became almost impossible for me. Everyone has a phone or a camera… This is odd to say, but that’s what my daily life is made of. I’m always being photographed, even when I’m buying aspirin. Obviously I should have known better. But it is also true that when I started singing, when I was 20, the world was very different. It’s not easy to be quiet now. I never suffered from that; but I must be careful. There are many strange people out there. (she laughs again) I swim carefully in new waters.
  17. kik liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
  18. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Interacting with Fans   
    I would kiss her on the lips even if she'd had a huge cold sore tbh.
  19. Platinum Greenwich liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    I saw them too, WTF "dés l'an prochain"
    ... but the article was beautifully written.
    My favorite part:
    Je comprend qu'elle veuille faire plus attention, mais moi j'aime ce côté raw et direct. Je trouve ça dommage que les haters aient tant d'emprise sur elle, mais je la comprend... moi non plus j'assume pas toujours ce que je dis publiquement quand on me juge durement. M'enfin...!
  20. Limelight liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    I saw them too, WTF "dés l'an prochain"
    ... but the article was beautifully written.
    My favorite part:
    Je comprend qu'elle veuille faire plus attention, mais moi j'aime ce côté raw et direct. Je trouve ça dommage que les haters aient tant d'emprise sur elle, mais je la comprend... moi non plus j'assume pas toujours ce que je dis publiquement quand on me juge durement. M'enfin...!
  21. tropicunt liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    I saw them too, WTF "dés l'an prochain"
    ... but the article was beautifully written.
    My favorite part:
    Je comprend qu'elle veuille faire plus attention, mais moi j'aime ce côté raw et direct. Je trouve ça dommage que les haters aient tant d'emprise sur elle, mais je la comprend... moi non plus j'assume pas toujours ce que je dis publiquement quand on me juge durement. M'enfin...!
  22. kik liked a post in a topic by Anthem in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    Wow that is so sad.   Feeling that way, its no wonder she hasn't done much with the album. 
  23. kik liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    Slay, Lana!!
    And not me already finding two mistakes in the text
    I'm so buying this magazine
  24. Sitar liked a post in a topic by kik in Which Lana Del Rey Hit is the Theme of Your Life?   
    The NY psychic was better.
  25. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Interacting with Fans   
    I love this video
    I can barely hear what people say. Is someone asking to stop filming at the end? I noticed she seems cool with fans taking pictures, but not filming. Is that correct?
    I saw BTD and VG music videos, that's how I first herd of her. I though she looked a bit cold as a person and I wanted to know more about her because I was extremely attracted by her voice, her sense of aesthetics and her mysterious aura, so I started to watch videos of her in her everyday life and I though she was such a sweetheart compared to the initial image I had of her.
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