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  1. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana to be featured on Maxim's December 2014 issue   
    The fabric is sewn to be pointy, with or without boobs in it, but whatever
  2. strange weather liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana to be featured on Maxim's December 2014 issue   
    The fabric is sewn to be pointy, with or without boobs in it, but whatever
  3. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana to be featured on Maxim's December 2014 issue   
    Perhaps because you don't hang out with average Joes?
  4. kik liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    what about sparkle jump rope queen
  5. kik liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    I once saw Lana reply that people could choose to call her either Lana or Lizzy.
  6. kik liked a post in a topic by Honeymooner in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Good question! I once read in an interview that her friends and family use both. I took that to mean her family and friends who knew her before she became Lana. With new friends since being Lana, my guess is they call her Lana. Probably depends on how she introduces herself, though, too. I don't think she legally changed her name, so on her driver's license and passport, it probably still says Elizabeth Grant.
  7. kik liked a post in a topic by tropicunt in Lana to be featured on Maxim's December 2014 issue   
    Hey no hate on boobless girls
    We don't have boobs and we still have men falling all over us, so... Who are the real winners here? 
    I'm kidding, but really.
  8. kik liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Lana to be featured on Maxim's December 2014 issue   
    I call feminism somehow sneaking its way into this topic by page six.
  9. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana to be featured on Maxim's December 2014 issue   
    I'm always amazed to see how much we have in common regarding photography style and aesthetics. So many ressemblences...
  10. kik liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana to be featured on Maxim's December 2014 issue   
    lana's face can withstand anything tbh but the makeup is definitely over the top somehow? very ~ mens magazine / senate floor gonorrhea 
  11. kik liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana to be featured on Maxim's December 2014 issue   
    Calm down on that lip liner and lip gloss Pamela
  12. kik liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    So, other types of people aren't allowed to add to this discussion in defense of women? What a ridiculous sentiment. People like you are the biggest factor in the perseverance of inequality.
  13. kik liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    I feel like if Lana died you'd use the occasion to plug your own music.
  14. kik liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    I'm sorry... Is this 1951?

    Because the last I checked... two people consenting to portraying rape on film is NOT the same as rape occurring in real life and in no way immediately implies the endorsement OF rape from either party....

    Have we really gotten to a place in culture where we cannot even show rape in film and have a DIALOGUE about it? Because if so, we are NO better off than we were in the 50s when there was no space in culture to address issues like this.  Art and media is a space where artists are supposed to be encouraged to portray the struggles of our life.... I'm confused by the offense people are taking with this. Did this 29 second clip in ANY way imply that what was occurring was okay? 

    Also... This is not a REAL rape.

    Also also... rape in film SHOULD make you uncomfortable. That is okay. That is normal. 
  15. kik liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Like cute, all dressed up girls in real life don't get raped. It's a music video(or whatever), what did you expect. And why the fuck does it matter? You guys keep finding all these stupid things to say
  16. kik liked a post in a topic by TRASHBABY in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    as someone who goes mental over the abuse and mistreatment of women and misogyny in the media, i dont find that this glamourises rape. sometimes art has to be shocking and controversial to make you think. like satinedali said - rape is real and it is happening, we need to face up to it and stop treating it like a taboo. 
  17. kik liked a post in a topic by Philomene in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    I totally agree with you. This is also why Lolita is such a shocking novel, imo. The book is named after her (not even after her actually, but after the name Humbert gave her, taking away her personnality and refusing her true identity) but we never ever hear her version of the story. She is demonized, labeled as a witch, a seductress, a fille fatale and Humbert deforms the reality and poses as a poet.
  18. kik liked a post in a topic by Philomene in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Calm the fuck down.
    In this case, art doesn't have the right to depict, war, murders, death, basically life. Where do you see the glamorization of rape? Is there some guy saying "look, this is how you treat a woman right"? No, it depicts horror and different kinds of violence. The shot of the insect is still enigmatic to me. Does it show some revenge is preparing? Is it here to add to the link between sex and violence?
    Before you get psychotic again, I have been sexually assaulted and this doesn't make my opinion any less or any more valid. It's a collab between Marilyn Manson, Lana del Rey and Eli Roth. What did you fucking expect? A Katy Perry music video with rainbows and shit? Nobody forced you to click and watch, if you don't wanna see it then activate a parental control or even better : you can click on the white cross on a red background that is at the top-right corner of your window.
    Lana doesn't have to make you happy, she experimented something and she has the right to do that. Her life doesn't have to be judged and scrutinized by all of you. She owes you nothing.
    You're all sitting here judging her when I bet you're all hypocrites liking the art of men who are known sexual criminals or men who are violent towards women : Tupac, Eminem, Polanski, Woody Allen, and so on. (because sadly, the list is way too long)
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