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  1. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by kik in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    those boob pads were not necessary
  2. AnneAmanda liked a post in a topic by kik in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    So... since women are quite feminine themselves, I guess if you are attracted to them, that means you're gay.
  3. kik liked a post in a topic by GodBlessMe in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    That really doesn't make any sense
  4. kik liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    "American" is the best Lana song, on a purely aesthetic level
    It has also ruined me on new music by other artists, since after every new Pitchfork-approved track I hear I ask, "Is this as good as 'American'?" and the answer is always NO
  5. kik liked a post in a topic by Anthem in SINGERS/NON-SINGERS: Have you ever successfully sang a Lana Del Rey song?   
    According to the video in the OP, I am from an E2 to a C5. I've always had a kind of deeper, quiet voice for a girl and its very monotonous. I've only been actively trying to work on my singing voice since the beginning of summer and I have never had any formal classes or training.
    I've recorded myself singing several Lana songs and surprisingly the songs I sound the best at (but still not good) are her mid-range ones rather than the deeper ones. I think my voice is so monotone that deeper songs just exaggerate it and I sound terrible (GOD when I tried AFFA ). It helps me a lot to have to occasionally reach into the higher stuff because it makes my sounds more varied and alive. I do catch myself trying to imitate her when I sing, but I tend to try and sing the way she does live rather than the album versions if possible, particularly with Born to Die and Ride. I feel comfortable singing almost all of her songs that aren't Sirens-high, but it doesn't always sound great.
    I've been trying to improve the monotonous part of my voice in both my talking and singing and I think I'm starting to make progress. I used to talk/sing in my throat badly and I basically don't do that anymore. People can hear me better now that I am kind of projecting more so that helps. I don't know how well I'll sound as far as just my raw voice but we'll see. I've gotten to where I don't cringe when I hear it so that's good. I'm hoping I can get just good enough to record my own stuff because I really, really love writing and I'd like to make some of my songs into something I can actually listen to. I badly want to be able to sing Yayo and my dream is to hit that high note in Cola perfectly. 
    Sorry I'm kind of rambling.  I just love singing and I don't have anyone I can really talk to about it because if I do they all want to hear and I'm just not ready for that yet.
  6. kik liked a post in a topic by larina in SINGERS/NON-SINGERS: Have you ever successfully sang a Lana Del Rey song?   
    It seems as though you have a large range for someone who's just taken up lessons!
    That's like me, only the opposite. I have a very high voice and I thought I'd sound better singing the AKA songs and Lana's higher songs (I'm not up to Sirens yet . I should get them before I get the other albumless ones) but I actually tried singing Dark Paradise but it didn't really go well. My mum loved it when I sang MDM one day in the car and I downloaded the instrumental and we both liked it. I know it is still relatively high, but I sang it for my singing teacher and she actually believed it was too low. Now, seven months later, it is too high. I feel much comfortable singing in a semitone higher, instead of a full tone (they got us to buy both because the teacher wasn't sure, but I'm glad because it is now easier in the lower key). I could now sing with the original, but just in case I might have to do it slowly, I'll just stick with the semitone because I have to perform on Thursday. But I believe it was actually never too low for me because no one else (I also do this vocals thing at school and the teacher is a professional singing teacher and when I sung to the original, she never told me it was too low. I can sing Off To The Races, Radio, Carmen now (which I'm really proud of) and almost Born To Die. 
    I also catch myself trying to imitate Lana when I sing. I've tried to add that "'Cause it's one for the money, oh oh, two for the show, woah woah woah woah, I love you honey and so, I'm finally ready to go" part in, but it's hard to add everything because the instrumentals she's singing to is pretty different to the studio one I'm singing to. I try to make it my own by singing it in the third chorus, instead of the second one. And not going high at the end. And not including the oohs that Lana sings live. And making the first verse and chorus actually sounding like the studio version, but then coming alive in the second verse. I try to sound myself (my grandma always tells me to stop trying to sound like the other singer) but it's quite hard because I am told I have a tone that sounds like Lana, even though when I hear a recording, I sound nothing like her. It makes no sense. And I don't really want to sound myself because I'm not singing my own song, I'm singing Lana's song. I'm imitating her. I'm gonna dress like her as well (which is pretty easy with my hair. But my hair doesn't stay with hairspray, so it will be hard putting it in a beehive and curling it would be even harder. We have this mount thing to help create the beehive and make it stay without volume. It could work but Mum has never done it before. I'd have just curls but my hair doesn't even stay curly for an hour and my hair looks boring just dead flat. My hair is boring. It's stupid. Dye doesn't even work on it. But nonetheless, I'm gonna get Mum to practise the beehive this week and hopefully it will work!
    That is also the same with me, that I project my voice more. I used to always mumble and I also have a soft voice. But I think that is due to my social anxiety, which will hopefully reduce by performing. I also have a lisp which I love singing SS to help with that and it has actually really helped. I can also sometimes reach the "Summertime adness" and "Baby, you the best" parts, which is good (I know it's weird that I sometimes can).
    Yes, I've been trying to hit that note in Cola too! At first, I couldn't do any of that part. I think trying to sing the high bits of OTTR helped because now the only part I can't do is the "yeaooww" bit (I'm no good at onomatopoeia). 
    And I doubt you're that bad!
    Sorry if I seem weird, just trying to relate to everyone, but I spent an hour typing this so I'm not just gonna let it go to waste...
  7. kik liked a post in a topic by Mafiosa in Melancholia - The origin of Ultraviolence and FMWUTTT?   
    I put this in a status back in June but nobody listen
  8. kik liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Fan of Lana since...?   
    I was actually born in the same hospital on the same day as Lana We mingled in the NICU! I remember..even as a baby, she had a very melodic cry. So I guess you could say I've been a fan of her since day 1 !!! 
  9. kik liked a post in a topic by VegasBaby in Mark Dice, conspiracy theorist, attacks Lana as Illuminati puppet   
    oh lord..this freedom of speech bollocks.
    ppl have freedom of speech to tell him to shut the fuck up also.
  10. Valentino liked a post in a topic by kik in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    those boob pads were not necessary
  11. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by kik in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    those boob pads were not necessary
  12. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by kik in Mark Dice, conspiracy theorist, attacks Lana as Illuminati puppet   
    That makes me wonder if she gets hate IRL. I mean... does she meet people that are plain rude with her straight up, face to face? Social medias are a dump. People are so proud to be opinionated, but let's meet IRL and their argumentation skills drop to zero.
  13. kik liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Mark Dice, conspiracy theorist, attacks Lana as Illuminati puppet   
    He makes up shit for a living - lying on twitter probably doesn't even phase him.
    I really long for the days when it was just our parents and priests who tried to tell us that pop music was evil, and not illuminati hipsters.
  14. kik liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in LB Karaoke Contest S3: Round 1 - "Put Your Favourite Record On!"   
    Contestant #6: Your Band Is All The Rage
    I feel like in some parts of the song you were trying to sound like Lana, which made it sound like you were straining to hit some of the notes. You should try to sing more like yourself than the artist you're covering. You weren't bad, but it didn't feel 'organic' to your voice.. Work on finding your voice notes work best for your vocal range. Good job
  15. kik liked a post in a topic by Bekim in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    The video looks like a christian themed porn teaser , really.
  16. kik liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    LOL: Does she think that this video is some kind of engaging others to play it more than once? 
  17. kik liked a post in a topic by Lily in work in progress - Lana portrait   
    Something I am working on for fun and to practice portraiture.  It's done on toned tan paper with colored pencils.

  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Confessions   
    No way she had that kind of life. Maybe some episodes of unorthodox situations, but I see her writing just like literature, when you read a novel, it's often semi-autobiographical.
  19. Valentino liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    If she would shop for a good psychologist instead of a world-renowned clairvoyant, she might find a good one who won't tell her things she already know about herself, but practical everyday life tips, like how not to give a fuck about what other people think because you cannot control what they think and how they perceive things, how to communicate her discomfort, how to assert herself and set her limits regarding what she's comfortable to talk about. In short, how to get out of an uncomfortable situation like a lady.
    To know if the interviewer was mean spirited when asking those personal questions, we can't really tell. We don't have all the conversation and mostly, we can't hear the voice tone and see his eyes. When you get into personal stuff, you have to be extremely tactful, diplomatic, human. Being able to make people at ease and making them open up is a gift.
  20. kik liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    @@FormerLanaFan Its good you could get your opinions across, as everyone should be free to do so. Im glad you have strong beliefs about human sexuality. The problem isnt WHAT you believe, its your judgment of others who dont ascribe to the same beliefs. Sex, and what consenting adults do with their own bodies, should be of no concern to you unless the people in question are your partner, child etc. Especially in the case of Lana. You will never have any sort of close relationship with her so why concern yourself with how she has sex? If you feel disgusted with her behavior, fine. Dont support her anymore, but dont pass judgment.
  21. kik liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I was the good catholic girl my nana raised me to be for ages, while my friends were partying and screwing around. They lead happy, balanced lives. Look at me, I'm fucked up and sad and lonely for keeping celibate for so long. Now that I feel free and ok to do what I want with my body, it is too late. I can't find a girl who will be in a relationship with someone so problematic. The majority of the religious beliefs out there mess more with your head than being raised in a brothel, I say. There is no sin in enjoying sex.
    [i am not a virgin but feel I wasted my teen years trying to be "good"].
  22. kik liked a post in a topic by Heaux in 18 Rolling Stone interview questions that didnt make it into the cover story: So Legit and age change mentioned   
    dont read comment sections lmao, Everyone has haters and haters live in comment sections so just dont ever look at them
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