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strange weather

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Everything posted by strange weather

  1. strange weather


    i'm so glad it isn't a ballad, idc. we need more trashy lana!
  2. i feel like every thread dissolves into this discussion--but whatever-- at this point, i don't give a fuck about the charts or ~success~ at all. lana is in a rare position of having access (money + connections) to do whatever she wants. we all know lana has something more sinister/deeper/more interesting than honeymoon in her. she doesn't need to worry about public perception like she used to. the only thing i wish for her is to take advantage of that. a lot of us are frustrated because she hasn't taken full advantage of the opportunities presented to her, for various reasons. i understand them. i just want her to not give a fuck anymore, like when she was unknown and she could put whatever she felt into a song without worrying about the reception. i want her to not give a shit about controversy. she has that ability but i don't know if she knows it. also, THANK YOU!!! i have been a fan since jan 2012 and it took me until last year to find this song, even though i thought i mostly had everything. goddamn i wish lana would embrace her upbeat side again. she's fucking great at it.
  3. her roots look so blonde! idc i'm just loving seeing her out and about more often <3
  4. i would want to hear an "acoustic, lo-fi" album IF and ONLY IF she went back to writing interesting lyrics again.
  5. i see absolutely no lies here.
  6. the "religion" hate is weird. it's classic lana and could have been catchy enough to be a single (RIP). you know, i was listening to honeymoon for the first time in a long time (except not in order) & it was really beautiful. i realized i love a lot of the songs just...not all on the same record together. they are too similar in pace.
  7. I wait for you, babe, you don't come through, babe You never do, babe, that's just what you do
  8. DEFINITELY agree about the bonus tracks. imagine if lana had had her way & not included them? imagine life w/out florida kilos & flipside?
  9. i think you are reaching for the moon & the stars here, tbh. you really think that lana would make an entire album parodying stereotypes about herself? remember how critics thought that brooklyn baby was doing that & she was being serious? (MPG is a different story buuut it's not on honeymoon either.) it may be nice to think that the cliches/repetitiveness/slowness were done for some grand reason, but what sense would that make? nah, it's just what it is on the surface. there are definitely critiques about fame, though.
  10. i'm all for alt rock-lana! gimme those emotive power vocals & sexy, wailing guitars. i love when she belts it out. something dramatic and grungy, less restrained. i love angry lana. i also am dying for more upbeat piano-pop lana, a la "breaking my heart." anything upbeat at this point would be a relief. or...something with eclectic, descriptive lyrics and lush atmospheres. it doesn't have to be autobiographical. lana has a fantastic imagination & i want to hear all about her daydreams and visions. less romance. hell, give me anything like "wayamaya" & i'd die--something surf rock inspired. "is it wrong?" could also go under this. the amazing thing about lana, the reason we're even having this discussion, is that she could do any of what we have suggested if she wants to. i'm excited for what's to come because we really have no idea.
  11. hmm, that's definitely another way to look at it and is possible. buuut we also know lana is extremely sensitive to criticism. she wanted to be "the whole world's girl" & then went on to be publicly humiliated & it's obvious she still hasn't gotten over that. i think she likes working with rick because he is very supportive & goes with the flow. don't get me wrong, i love some of the work they have done together, but a whole album of him + lana wasn't exciting to me & i dread the thought of more of the same. i want her to work with new people who get her a little out of her comfort zone. though you're right, she did say this which gives me hope: ABEL: You have always been working with different producers. LANA: Yes, but that in a limited way. When I met my Producer Rick four years ago, I knew in that moment that we would be working together for a very long time. It just feels right. For my next album though I plan to open a up a little and work together with more people. also, i wasn't talking about BTD--david kahn produced Lana Del Ray. & of course i am speculating, none of us are there in the studio with her. i'm going by what she has told us & what we know about her personality. i mean, lana didn't tour the US for years because of what happened with SNL! she's extremely sensitive when it comes to her work. i don't blame her, but my point is that **IF** she is surrounding herself with yes men, it won't be good for her. let's hope she keeps her word & doesn't do that.
  12. yeah, i'm not just assuming. i can't find the interview right now but i remember her saying that rick nowels never says no to her. david kahn and dan auerbach had tension with lana in the studio at times because they weren't that way &, IMO, the result was amazing albums. also, i never implied that she needs a "strong man" to help her, nor would i ever. however, music is collaborative & seeing as she doesn't play an instrument she will always be working with other people. (mostly men because the industry is male-dominated & lana herself chooses to work with men.) i'm not saying all is lost or that she'll go the route of tori--that will only happen if she NEVER lets herself get challenged by whoever she's working with. being surrounded by yes men can lead to self-indulgence.
  13. i love her weird ass songs.
  14. and that's your opinion? i'm allowed to have a different one. um, go listen to OTTR and tell me there's no life and energy in it. i didn't even mention BTD specifically, lol. either way, BTD isn't a perfect album but at least it isn't boring and it tells a story. and i'm not only referring to her released catalog, but also her vast amount of unreleased songs. she is capable of so many different genres and productions and atmospheres--why is she settling for music to sleep to? her older slow, sparse songs at least had interesting lyrics. also, i'm not talking about the lyrics on paper. they are just not interesting in general. more than that, they are sometimes lazy. i agree that it is a combination of all those elements that make her songs great, but that's the problem. she's missing a vital element on honeymoon. she even admitted that the album was more about vibes than lyrics and it shows. it's disappointing for me because they are a big part of why i became so interested in her music.
  15. i hate to say it, but i'm so over honeymoon. i have been for a long time. with her other songs/albums, the lyrics told stories, had interesting references, added to the mystery of lana del rey. there were things to unpack and analyze. there was life in her music, playfulness. all of that is sorely lacking on honeymoon. in some ways it reminds me of what happened to tori amos. she kept producing her own albums with the same musicians and same yes men and no one to challenge her. and what happened? after awhile--blandness, shitty production, lack of inspiration, etc. both lana and tori prefer to be in total control but that's not the way to grow as an artist if you remain set in your ways.
  16. he's always sf proud of his daughter. it's really sweet. the pics w/gaga are killing me. i'm sure at this point there are both past whatever beef they used to have. they both came from the same scene & became famous. that's gotta be cool, regardless of anything else.
  17. the fact that she said "more upbeat" and "faster"...just...can we all bask in this
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