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Swan Song

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  1. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Swan Song has to be a million times more interesting than Life is Beautiful for me to be less mad that it likely replaced it as the cliched ballad of the album. Some interesting Honeymoon-y production at least.
  2. alexandro liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    From what I can see, BTD stans hold the album over Lana's head. Everything that comes out regarding her (photoshoots, songs, album covers as you mentioned) is endlessly compared to BTD. Obviously BTD was a successful album for her and gained her a lot of loyal fans, it's when I even discovered her, but it's like she can't do anything without people complaining they wished it was still that era. 
    It reminds me of this post I found on tumblr:

  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    From what I can see, BTD stans hold the album over Lana's head. Everything that comes out regarding her (photoshoots, songs, album covers as you mentioned) is endlessly compared to BTD. Obviously BTD was a successful album for her and gained her a lot of loyal fans, it's when I even discovered her, but it's like she can't do anything without people complaining they wished it was still that era. 
    It reminds me of this post I found on tumblr:

  4. luminom liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    From what I can see, BTD stans hold the album over Lana's head. Everything that comes out regarding her (photoshoots, songs, album covers as you mentioned) is endlessly compared to BTD. Obviously BTD was a successful album for her and gained her a lot of loyal fans, it's when I even discovered her, but it's like she can't do anything without people complaining they wished it was still that era. 
    It reminds me of this post I found on tumblr:

  5. Lad liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    From what I can see, BTD stans hold the album over Lana's head. Everything that comes out regarding her (photoshoots, songs, album covers as you mentioned) is endlessly compared to BTD. Obviously BTD was a successful album for her and gained her a lot of loyal fans, it's when I even discovered her, but it's like she can't do anything without people complaining they wished it was still that era. 
    It reminds me of this post I found on tumblr:

  6. StarryEyed liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    From what I can see, BTD stans hold the album over Lana's head. Everything that comes out regarding her (photoshoots, songs, album covers as you mentioned) is endlessly compared to BTD. Obviously BTD was a successful album for her and gained her a lot of loyal fans, it's when I even discovered her, but it's like she can't do anything without people complaining they wished it was still that era. 
    It reminds me of this post I found on tumblr:

  7. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by LanaDelRye in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I agree. UV's sound was super mature and surprising for a lot of people. 
    I can imagine Honeymoon being received less well if it doesn't end up moving in an "edgier" or unexpected direction. That being said, I think the music has been great so far, and somewhat different for her.
    I guess I would just say that I'd be shocked if it did critically worse than BTD and pleasantly surprised if it did better than UV.
  8. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by boywonder in Boywonder's Lana fan art!   
    New colored pencil project:

    Got some cool plans for this one. Looooong way to go. 
  9. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    i would love that 
  10. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'm so intrigued by how this will be received critically. The singles have all been acclaimed thus far, but there are always the same publications that review her persona rather than the music.
    I'm also not sure I agree that this is a throwback to BTD. The "trap" songs seem like they're actually going chillwave rather than the trip hop with strings of BTD. The jazzier songs are even slower than UV songs as well. I love that she continues to change up her sound with each LP.
  11. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Halsey   
    I'm going to be completely honest, I really didn't like this album at all. I'm not some Halsey-hater or anything, but I gave the album a good, solid chance and it just felt very faux-deep. The one song that stuck out to me that I love is Hurricane. I had already liked that song before and I was hoping for more songs along that speed. Maybe the album will grow on me, but I just had trouble understanding the concept. I might try it again, but that's what I'm feelin from this album.
  12. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Lily in Promo Single: "Terrence Loves You"   
    I'm wondering - and not to be snarky or mean, but genuinely wondering - if people who think this is boring or dull have ever really suffered a loss. Not just a breakup, but a true, tear-you-apart, knock-you-down, no light at the end of the tunnel kind of loss.  Because I feel like anyone who has really experienced THAT kind of loss, or depression, will GET this song. It moves me so deeply, I can hardly bear it's beauty. Not boring at all. Slow does not equal boring, and I think that's something we tend to forget. 
  13. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Fusel in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    @@Lana drop a new promo single pls so that the raging bottoms can stop dragging each other
  14. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by guardian in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Let @@AngelHeadedHipster be, some other members deserve to be banned much more than her so stfu, if you don't like something just ignore it, this is the internet, if you're done with what you read then just click next page and your problems will be gone, ugh, some of you are really awful 
  15. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Are you dragging yourself now?
  16. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by PinkVelvet in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    what's your damage heather
    this forum is overflowing with useless comments and whatever about snatched wigs and "YAAASS" and other bullshit. the fake lyrics and tracklistings more or less just cut through it.
  17. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Halsey   
    Castle is a great intro and I like the bitter undertone.
    Hold Me Down isn't really a song I ever liked and I still think it's one of her weaker ones.
    New Americana is a cool song, a little bit overproduced at some parts but still a standout.
    Drive is .. ok. It has some nice moments like her vocals and the guitar but it's a bit ... messy aswell.
    Hurricane keeps it's place as an awesome song (I think her Room 93 EP was a very strong one)
    Roman Holiday is a sweet song, maybe single material but I don't like it too much as a stand-alone-song.
    Ghost is still my favourite Halsey song.
    I don't actually know how to feel about Colors ... Still have to figure out if I like it or if I just think of it as "ok". Part 2 is a very nice interlude, it's actually a shame she didn't do a full song with this vibe.
    I don't like her vocal style in Strange Love, at least not during the verses. The chorus of the song is pretty nice though.
    Coming Down is a pretty good song, I like the calm yet somehow "simmering" instrumental and her vocals.
    Haunting is .. well, a "solid" Halsey song. It's nice and maybe it will grow on me more with time.
    Gasoline is a fun song, not too spectacular but definitly good and i don't get why it's not on the standard version.
    Control is my favourite new song.
    I feel about Young God in a similar way like I feel about Haunting. It's a "typical" Halsey song, nice but not too overwhelming.
    I Walk The Line is a great album outro and I actually wish it would be longer. I love her "exhausted" vocals and the drums during the chorus.
  18. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Halsey   
    The album is quite nice.
    Not too original and not too diversive but nice to listen to.
    Ghost, Hurricane and New Americana still are highlights of the album.
    I also really like Control, it's having such a nice sound and the lyrics are ok aswell.
    The rest is composed of "nice" songs and some that are ok to listen to, but actualyl quite forgetable as stand-alone-songs.
    Her voice is really nice, though.
  19. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Television Heaven in Halsey   
    ok, now I'm listening to Badlands and... 
    idk what to do, should I listen to it again?
  20. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Awsten Knight in Halsey   
    Can anyone at least post Walk The Line or Colors Part 2? 
  21. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by heartbreakhigh in Melanie Martinez   
    Its not even really her singing, its like, the emotion she puts into singing the songs live that is missing from the studio versions that ppl are complaining about
  22. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by JudgingYou in Halsey   
    if you have it  and youre not going to share it why the fuck are you posting the shit
  23. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by heartbreakhigh in Halsey   
    thx :/
  24. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by apricockjuice in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    So this is probably reaching a bit, but I was thinking - between her comments about the album being based more in observations, the cover being shot in a bus that provides celebrity tours, the whole "lectures about my favorite stars" thing (altho I may have misheard her, if anything of her's has ever been recorded thru a potato it's the damn hotline), and the likelihood of TLY referring to Bowie and his brother, what if each song on Honeymoon is based around something pertaining to the life or aesthetic of a different idol/favorite artist of Lana's?
  25. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    no thank you, i prefer seeing them whining everyday and hour for that song, instead of having it occupying a place of the album
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